/* This file is part of TALER Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors) TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, If not, see */ /** * @file taler-mint-httpd_db.c * @brief High-level (transactional-layer) database operations for the mint. * @author Christian Grothoff * * TODO: * - actually abstract DB implementation (i.e. via plugin logic) * (this file should remain largely unchanged with the exception * of the PQ-specific DB handle types) * - /refresh/link: * + check low-level API * + separate DB logic from response generation * + check for leaks */ #include "platform.h" #include #include #include "taler-mint-httpd_db.h" #include "taler_signatures.h" #include "taler-mint-httpd_keys.h" #include "taler-mint-httpd_responses.h" #include "mint_db.h" #include "taler_util.h" #include "taler-mint-httpd_keystate.h" /** * Get an amount in the mint's currency that is zero. * * @return zero amount in the mint's currency */ static struct TALER_Amount mint_amount_native_zero () { struct TALER_Amount amount; memset (&amount, 0, sizeof (amount)); memcpy (amount.currency, MINT_CURRENCY, strlen (MINT_CURRENCY) + 1); return amount; } /** * Execute a deposit. The validity of the coin and signature * have already been checked. The database must now check that * the coin is not (double or over) spent, and execute the * transaction (record details, generate success or failure response). * * @param connection the MHD connection to handle * @param deposit information about the deposit * @return MHD result code */ int TALER_MINT_db_execute_deposit (struct MHD_Connection *connection, const struct Deposit *deposit) { PGconn *db_conn; struct TALER_MINT_DB_TransactionList *tl; struct TALER_MINT_DB_TransactionList *pos; struct TALER_Amount spent; struct TALER_Amount value; struct TALER_Amount fee_deposit; struct TALER_Amount fee_withdraw; struct TALER_Amount fee_refresh; struct MintKeyState *mks; struct TALER_MINT_DenomKeyIssuePriv *dki; int ret; if (NULL == (db_conn = TALER_MINT_DB_get_connection (GNUNET_NO))) { GNUNET_break (0); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } if (GNUNET_YES == TALER_MINT_DB_have_deposit (db_conn, deposit)) { return TALER_MINT_reply_deposit_success (connection, &deposit->coin.coin_pub, &deposit->h_wire, &deposit->h_contract, deposit->transaction_id, &deposit->merchant_pub, &deposit->amount); } mks = TALER_MINT_key_state_acquire (); dki = TALER_MINT_get_denom_key (mks, deposit->coin.denom_pub); value = TALER_amount_ntoh (dki->issue.value); fee_deposit = TALER_amount_ntoh (dki->issue.fee_deposit); fee_refresh = TALER_amount_ntoh (dki->issue.fee_refresh); TALER_MINT_key_state_release (mks); if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_transaction (db_conn)) { GNUNET_break (0); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } tl = TALER_MINT_DB_get_coin_transactions (db_conn, &deposit->coin.coin_pub); spent = fee_withdraw; /* fee for THIS transaction */ /* FIXME: need to deal better with integer overflows in the logic that follows! (change amount.c API! -- #3637) */ spent = TALER_amount_add (spent, deposit->amount); for (pos = tl; NULL != pos; pos = pos->next) { switch (pos->type) { case TALER_MINT_DB_TT_DEPOSIT: spent = TALER_amount_add (spent, pos->details.deposit->amount); spent = TALER_amount_add (spent, fee_deposit); break; case TALER_MINT_DB_TT_REFRESH_MELT: spent = TALER_amount_add (spent, pos->details.melt->amount); spent = TALER_amount_add (spent, fee_refresh); break; case TALER_MINT_DB_TT_LOCK: /* should check if lock is still active, and if it is for THIS operation; if lock is inactive, delete it; if lock is for THIS operation, ignore it; if lock is for another operation, count it! */ GNUNET_assert (0); // FIXME: not implemented! (#3625) break; } } if (0 < TALER_amount_cmp (spent, value)) { TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn); ret = TALER_MINT_reply_insufficient_funds (connection, tl); TALER_MINT_DB_free_coin_transaction_list (tl); return ret; } TALER_MINT_DB_free_coin_transaction_list (tl); if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_insert_deposit (db_conn, deposit)) { LOG_WARNING ("Failed to store /deposit information in database\n"); TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_commit (db_conn)) { LOG_WARNING ("/deposit transaction commit failed\n"); return TALER_MINT_reply_commit_error (connection); } return TALER_MINT_reply_deposit_success (connection, &deposit->coin.coin_pub, &deposit->h_wire, &deposit->h_contract, deposit->transaction_id, &deposit->merchant_pub, &deposit->amount); } /** * Execute a /withdraw/status. Given the public key of a reserve, * return the associated transaction history. * * @param connection the MHD connection to handle * @param reserve_pub public key of the reserve to check * @return MHD result code */ int TALER_MINT_db_execute_withdraw_status (struct MHD_Connection *connection, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *reserve_pub) { PGconn *db_conn; struct ReserveHistory *rh; int res; if (NULL == (db_conn = TALER_MINT_DB_get_connection (GNUNET_NO))) { GNUNET_break (0); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } rh = TALER_MINT_DB_get_reserve_history (db_conn, reserve_pub); if (NULL == rh) return TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{s:s}", "error", "Reserve not found"); res = TALER_MINT_reply_withdraw_status_success (connection, rh); TALER_MINT_DB_free_reserve_history (rh); return res; } /** * Execute a "/withdraw/sign". Given a reserve and a properly signed * request to withdraw a coin, check the balance of the reserve and * if it is sufficient, store the request and return the signed * blinded envelope. * * @param connection the MHD connection to handle * @param reserve public key of the reserve * @param denomination_pub public key of the denomination requested * @param blinded_msg blinded message to be signed * @param blinded_msg_len number of bytes in @a blinded_msg * @param signature signature over the withdraw request, to be stored in DB * @return MHD result code */ int TALER_MINT_db_execute_withdraw_sign (struct MHD_Connection *connection, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *reserve, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_PublicKey *denomination_pub, const char *blinded_msg, size_t blinded_msg_len, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature *signature) { PGconn *db_conn; struct ReserveHistory *rh; const struct ReserveHistory *pos; struct MintKeyState *key_state; struct CollectableBlindcoin collectable; struct TALER_MINT_DenomKeyIssuePriv *dki; struct TALER_MINT_DenomKeyIssuePriv *tdki; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_Signature *sig; struct TALER_Amount amount_required; struct TALER_Amount deposit_total; struct TALER_Amount withdraw_total; struct TALER_Amount balance; struct TALER_Amount value; struct GNUNET_HashCode h_blind; int res; GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (blinded_msg, blinded_msg_len, &h_blind); if (NULL == (db_conn = TALER_MINT_DB_get_connection (GNUNET_NO))) { GNUNET_break (0); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_collectable_blindcoin (db_conn, &h_blind, &collectable); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) { GNUNET_break (0); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } /* Don't sign again if we have already signed the coin */ if (GNUNET_YES == res) { res = TALER_MINT_reply_withdraw_sign_success (connection, &collectable); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_free (collectable.sig); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_free (collectable.denom_pub); return res; } GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_NO == res); /* Check if balance is sufficient */ key_state = TALER_MINT_key_state_acquire (); dki = TALER_MINT_get_denom_key (key_state, denomination_pub); if (NULL == dki) { TALER_MINT_key_state_release (key_state); return TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{s:s}", "error", "Denomination not found"); } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_transaction (db_conn)) { GNUNET_break (0); TALER_MINT_key_state_release (key_state); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } rh = TALER_MINT_DB_get_reserve_history (db_conn, reserve); if (NULL == rh) { TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn); TALER_MINT_key_state_release (key_state); return TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{s:s}", "error", "Reserve not found"); } /* calculate amount required including fees */ amount_required = TALER_amount_add (TALER_amount_ntoh (dki->issue.value), TALER_amount_ntoh (dki->issue.fee_withdraw)); /* calculate balance of the reserve */ res = 0; for (pos = rh; NULL != pos; pos = pos->next) { switch (pos->type) { case TALER_MINT_DB_RO_BANK_TO_MINT: if (0 == (res & 1)) deposit_total = pos->details.bank->amount; else deposit_total = TALER_amount_add (deposit_total, pos->details.bank->amount); res |= 1; break; case TALER_MINT_DB_RO_WITHDRAW_COIN: tdki = TALER_MINT_get_denom_key (key_state, pos->details.withdraw->denom_pub); value = TALER_amount_ntoh (tdki->issue.value); if (0 == (res & 2)) withdraw_total = value; else withdraw_total = TALER_amount_add (withdraw_total, value); res |= 2; break; } } /* FIXME: good place to assert deposit_total > withdraw_total... */ balance = TALER_amount_subtract (deposit_total, withdraw_total); if (0 < TALER_amount_cmp (amount_required, balance)) { TALER_MINT_key_state_release (key_state); TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn); res = TALER_MINT_reply_withdraw_sign_insufficient_funds (connection, rh); TALER_MINT_DB_free_reserve_history (rh); return res; } TALER_MINT_DB_free_reserve_history (rh); /* Balance is good, sign the coin! */ sig = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign (dki->denom_priv, blinded_msg, blinded_msg_len); TALER_MINT_key_state_release (key_state); if (NULL == sig) { GNUNET_break (0); TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_error (connection, "Internal error"); } // FIXME: can we avoid the cast? collectable.denom_pub = (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_PublicKey *) denomination_pub; collectable.sig = sig; collectable.reserve_pub = *reserve; collectable.reserve_sig = *signature; if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_insert_collectable_blindcoin (db_conn, &h_blind, &collectable)) { GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_free (sig); TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_commit (db_conn)) { LOG_WARNING ("/withdraw/sign transaction commit failed\n"); return TALER_MINT_reply_commit_error (connection); } res = TALER_MINT_reply_withdraw_sign_success (connection, &collectable); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_free (sig); return res; } /** * Parse coin melt requests from a JSON object and write them to * the database. * * @param connection the connection to send errors to * @param db_conn the database connection * @param key_state the mint's key state * @param session_pub the refresh session's public key * @param coin_public_info the coin to melt * @param coin_details details about the coin being melted * @param oldcoin_index what is the number assigned to this coin * @return #GNUNET_OK on success, * #GNUNET_NO if an error message was generated, * #GNUNET_SYSERR on internal errors (no response generated) */ static int refresh_accept_melts (struct MHD_Connection *connection, PGconn *db_conn, const struct MintKeyState *key_state, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *session_pub, const struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo *coin_public_info, const struct MeltDetails *coin_details, uint16_t oldcoin_index) { struct TALER_MINT_DenomKeyIssue *dki; struct TALER_MINT_DB_TransactionList *tl; struct TALER_Amount coin_gain; struct RefreshMelt melt; dki = &TALER_MINT_get_denom_key (key_state, coin_public_info->denom_pub)->issue; if (NULL == dki) return (MHD_YES == TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{s:s}", "error", "denom not found")) ? GNUNET_NO : GNUNET_SYSERR; coin_gain = TALER_amount_ntoh (dki->value); tl = TALER_MINT_DB_get_coin_transactions (db_conn, &coin_public_info->coin_pub); /* FIXME: #3636: compute how much value is left with this coin and compare to `expected_value`! (subtract from "coin_gain") */ TALER_MINT_DB_free_coin_transaction_list (tl); /* Refuse to refresh when the coin does not have enough money left to * pay the refreshing fees of the coin. */ if (TALER_amount_cmp (coin_gain, coin_details->melt_amount) < 0) return (MHD_YES == TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{s:s}", "error", "depleted")) ? GNUNET_NO : GNUNET_SYSERR; melt.coin = *coin_public_info; melt.coin_sig = coin_details->melt_sig; melt.amount = coin_details->melt_amount; if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_insert_refresh_melt (db_conn, session_pub, oldcoin_index, &melt)) { GNUNET_break (0); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Execute a "/refresh/melt". We have been given a list of valid * coins and a request to melt them into the given * @a refresh_session_pub. Check that the coins all have the * required value left and if so, store that they have been * melted and confirm the melting operation to the client. * * @param connection the MHD connection to handle * @param refresh_session_pub public key of the refresh session * @param client_signature signature of the client (matching @a refresh_session_pub) * over the melting request * @param num_new_denoms number of entries in @a denom_pubs * @param denum_pubs public keys of the coins we want to withdraw in the end * @param coin_count number of entries in @a coin_public_infos and @a coin_melt_details * @param coin_public_infos information about the coins to melt * @param coin_melt_details signatures and (residual) value of the respective coin should be melted * @return MHD result code */ int TALER_MINT_db_execute_refresh_melt (struct MHD_Connection *connection, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *refresh_session_pub, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature *client_signature, unsigned int num_new_denoms, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_PublicKey *const*denom_pubs, unsigned int coin_count, const struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo *coin_public_infos, const struct MeltDetails *coin_melt_details) { struct MintKeyState *key_state; struct RefreshSession session; PGconn *db_conn; int res; unsigned int i; if (NULL == (db_conn = TALER_MINT_DB_get_connection (GNUNET_NO))) { GNUNET_break (0); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_transaction (db_conn)) { GNUNET_break (0); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_session (db_conn, refresh_session_pub, &session); if (GNUNET_YES == res) { TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn); return TALER_MINT_reply_refresh_melt_success (connection, &session.melt_sig, refresh_session_pub, session.kappa); } if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) { TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } /* Melt old coins and check that they had enough residual value */ key_state = TALER_MINT_key_state_acquire (); for (i=0;icoin_priv, &coin_pub); /* FIXME: we had envisioned a more complex scheme to derive the message to sign for a blinded coin... FIXME: we should have a function in util/ to do this! */ GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (&coin_pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey), &h_msg); if (0 == (buf_len = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_blind (&h_msg, link_data->blinding_key, denom_pubs[j], &buf))) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "blind failed\n"); return (MHD_YES == TALER_MINT_reply_internal_error (connection, "Blinding error")) ? GNUNET_NO : GNUNET_SYSERR; } if ( (buf_len != commit_coin.coin_ev_size) || (0 != memcmp (buf, commit_coin.coin_ev, buf_len)) ) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "blind envelope does not match for kappa=%u, old=%d\n", off, (int) j); /* FIXME: return more specific error with exact offset */ return (MHD_YES == TALER_MINT_reply_external_error (connection, "Envelope missmatch")) ? GNUNET_NO : GNUNET_SYSERR; } GNUNET_free (buf); } return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Mint a coin as part of a refresh operation. Obtains the * envelope from the database and performs the signing operation. * * @param connection the MHD connection to handle * @param db_conn database connection to use * @param refresh_session session to query * @param key_state key state to lookup denomination pubs * @param denom_pub denomination key for the coin to create * @param noreveal_index which index should we use to obtain the * envelope for the coin, based on cut-and-choose * @param coin_off number of the coin * @return NULL on error, otherwise signature over the coin */ static struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_Signature * refresh_mint_coin (struct MHD_Connection *connection, PGconn *db_conn, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *refresh_session, struct MintKeyState *key_state, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_PublicKey *denom_pub, unsigned int noreveal_index, unsigned int coin_off) { struct RefreshCommitCoin commit_coin; struct TALER_MINT_DenomKeyIssuePriv *dki; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_Signature *ev_sig; int res; res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_commit_coin (db_conn, refresh_session, noreveal_index, coin_off, &commit_coin); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (0); return NULL; } dki = TALER_MINT_get_denom_key (key_state, denom_pub); if (NULL == dki) { GNUNET_break (0); return NULL; } ev_sig = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign (dki->denom_priv, commit_coin.coin_ev, commit_coin.coin_ev_size); if (NULL == ev_sig) { GNUNET_break (0); return NULL; } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_insert_refresh_collectable (db_conn, refresh_session, coin_off, ev_sig)) { GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_free (ev_sig); return NULL; } return ev_sig; } /** * Execute a "/refresh/reveal". The client is revealing to us the * transfer keys for @a kappa-1 sets of coins. Verify that the * revealed transfer keys would allow linkage to the blinded coins, * and if so, return the signed coins for corresponding to the set of * coins that was not chosen. * * @param connection the MHD connection to handle * @param refresh_session_pub public key of the refresh session * @param kappa size of x-dimension of @transfer_privs array plus one (!) * @param num_oldcoins size of y-dimension of @transfer_privs array * @param transfer_pubs array with the revealed transfer keys * @return MHD result code */ int TALER_MINT_db_execute_refresh_reveal (struct MHD_Connection *connection, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *refresh_session_pub, unsigned int kappa, unsigned int num_oldcoins, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey *const*transfer_privs) { int res; PGconn *db_conn; struct RefreshSession refresh_session; struct MintKeyState *key_state; struct RefreshMelt *melts; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_PublicKey **denom_pubs; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_Signature **ev_sigs; unsigned int i; unsigned int j; unsigned int off; if (NULL == (db_conn = TALER_MINT_DB_get_connection (GNUNET_NO))) { GNUNET_break (0); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_session (db_conn, refresh_session_pub, &refresh_session); if (GNUNET_NO == res) return TALER_MINT_reply_arg_invalid (connection, "session_pub"); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); if (0 == refresh_session.num_oldcoins) { GNUNET_break (0); return TALER_MINT_reply_internal_db_error (connection); } if ( (refresh_session.noreveal_index >= refresh_session.kappa) || (GNUNET_NO == refresh_session.has_commit_sig) ) { GNUNET_break (UINT16_MAX == refresh_session.noreveal_index); GNUNET_break (GNUNET_NO == refresh_session.has_commit_sig); return TALER_MINT_reply_external_error (connection, "/refresh/commit must be executed first"); } melts = GNUNET_malloc (refresh_session.num_oldcoins * sizeof (struct RefreshMelt)); for (j=0;j