This file is part of TALER
Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Taler Systems SA
TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version.
TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
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* @file include/taler_auditor_service.h
* @brief C interface of libtalerauditor, a C library to use auditor's HTTP API
* @author Sree Harsha Totakura
* @author Christian Grothoff
#include "taler_util.h"
#include "taler_error_codes.h"
/* ********************* /config *********************** */
* @brief Information we get from the auditor about itself.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_ConfigInformation
* Public key of the auditing institution. Wallets and merchants
* are expected to be configured with a set of public keys of
* auditors that they deem acceptable. These public keys are
* the roots of the Taler PKI.
struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP auditor_pub;
* Supported Taler protocol version by the auditor.
* String in the format current:revision:age using the
* semantics of GNU libtool. See
* https://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/html_node/Versioning.html#Versioning
const char *version;
* How compatible are the protocol version of the auditor and this
* client? The bits (1,2,4) can be used to test if the auditor's
* version is incompatible, older or newer respectively.
enum TALER_AUDITOR_VersionCompatibility
* The auditor runs exactly the same protocol version.
* The auditor is too old or too new to be compatible with this
* implementation (bit)
* The auditor is older than this implementation (bit)
* The auditor is too old to be compatible with
* this implementation.
* The auditor is more recent than this implementation (bit).
* The auditor is too recent for this implementation.
* We could not even parse the version data.
* General information about the HTTP response we obtained
* from the auditor for a request.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_HttpResponse
* The complete JSON reply. NULL if we failed to parse the
* reply (too big, invalid JSON).
const json_t *reply;
* Set to the human-readable 'hint' that is optionally
* provided by the exchange together with errors. NULL
* if no hint was provided or if there was no error.
const char *hint;
* HTTP status code for the response. 0 if the
* HTTP request failed and we did not get any answer, or
* if the answer was invalid and we set @a ec to a
* client-side error code.
unsigned int http_status;
* Taler error code. #TALER_EC_NONE if everything was
* OK. Usually set to the "code" field of an error
* response, but may be set to values created at the
* client side, for example when the response was
* not in JSON format or was otherwise ill-formed.
enum TALER_ErrorCode ec;
* Response to /config request.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_ConfigResponse
* HTTP response.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_HttpResponse hr;
* Details depending on HTTP status.
* Details for #MHD_HTTP_OK.
* Protocol compatibility evaluation.
enum TALER_AUDITOR_VersionCompatibility compat;
* Config data returned by /config.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_ConfigInformation vi;
} ok;
} details;
* Function called with information about the auditor.
* @param cls closure
* @param vr response data
typedef void
(*TALER_AUDITOR_ConfigCallback) (
void *cls,
const struct TALER_AUDITOR_ConfigResponse *vr);
* @brief Handle to the auditor. This is where we interact with
* a particular auditor and keep the per-auditor information.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_GetConfigHandle;
* Obtain meta data about an auditor. Will connect to the
* auditor and obtain information about the auditor's master public
* key and the auditor's auditor. The respective information will
* be passed to the @a config_cb once available.
* @param ctx the context for CURL requests
* @param url HTTP base URL for the auditor
* @param config_cb function to call with the auditor's config information
* @param config_cb_cls closure for @a config_cb
* @return the auditor handle; NULL upon error
struct TALER_AUDITOR_GetConfigHandle *
TALER_AUDITOR_get_config (struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx,
const char *url,
TALER_AUDITOR_ConfigCallback config_cb,
void *config_cb_cls);
* Cancel auditor config request.
* @param auditor the auditor handle
TALER_AUDITOR_get_config_cancel (struct
TALER_AUDITOR_GetConfigHandle *auditor);
* @brief A DepositConfirmation Handle
struct TALER_AUDITOR_DepositConfirmationHandle;
* Response to /deposit-confirmation request.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_DepositConfirmationResponse
* HTTP response.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_HttpResponse hr;
* Signature of functions called with the result from our call to the
* auditor's /deposit-confirmation handler.
* @param cls closure
* @param dcr response data
typedef void
void *cls,
const struct TALER_AUDITOR_DepositConfirmationResponse *dcr);
* Submit a deposit-confirmation permission to the auditor and get the
* auditor's response. Note that while we return the response
* verbatim to the caller for further processing, we do already verify
* that the response is well-formed. If the auditor's reply is not
* well-formed, we return an HTTP status code of zero to @a cb.
* We also verify that the @a exchange_sig is valid for this
* deposit-confirmation request, and that the @a master_sig is a valid
* signature for @a exchange_pub. If the check fails, we do NOT initiate the
* transaction with the auditor and instead return NULL.
* @param ctx the context for CURL requests
* @param url HTTP base URL for the auditor
* @param h_wire hash of merchant wire details
* @param h_policy hash over the policy, if any
* @param h_contract_terms hash of the contact of the merchant with the customer (further details are never disclosed to the auditor)
* @param exchange_timestamp timestamp when the contract was finalized, must not be too far in the future
* @param wire_deadline date until which the exchange should wire the funds
* @param refund_deadline date until which the merchant can issue a refund to the customer via the auditor (can be zero if refunds are not allowed); must not be after the @a wire_deadline
* @param amount_without_fee the amount confirmed to be wired by the exchange to the merchant
* @param coin_pub coin’s public key
* @param merchant_pub the public key of the merchant (used to identify the merchant for refund requests)
* @param exchange_sig the signature made with purpose #TALER_SIGNATURE_EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_DEPOSIT
* @param exchange_pub the public key of the exchange that matches @a exchange_sig
* @param master_pub master public key of the exchange
* @param ep_start when does @a exchange_pub validity start
* @param ep_expire when does @a exchange_pub usage end
* @param ep_end when does @a exchange_pub legal validity end
* @param master_sig master signature affirming validity of @a exchange_pub
* @param cb the callback to call when a reply for this request is available
* @param cb_cls closure for the above callback
* @return a handle for this request; NULL if the inputs are invalid (i.e.
* signatures fail to verify). In this case, the callback is not called.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_DepositConfirmationHandle *
TALER_AUDITOR_deposit_confirmation (
struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx,
const char *url,
const struct TALER_MerchantWireHashP *h_wire,
const struct TALER_ExtensionPolicyHashP *h_policy,
const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract_terms,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp exchange_timestamp,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp wire_deadline,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp refund_deadline,
const struct TALER_Amount *amount_without_fee,
const struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP *coin_pub,
const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub,
const struct TALER_ExchangePublicKeyP *exchange_pub,
const struct TALER_ExchangeSignatureP *exchange_sig,
const struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP *master_pub,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp ep_start,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp ep_expire,
struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp ep_end,
const struct TALER_MasterSignatureP *master_sig,
TALER_AUDITOR_DepositConfirmationResultCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Cancel a deposit-confirmation permission request. This function cannot be used
* on a request handle if a response is already served for it.
* @param deposit_confirmation the deposit-confirmation permission request handle
TALER_AUDITOR_deposit_confirmation_cancel (
struct TALER_AUDITOR_DepositConfirmationHandle *deposit_confirmation);
* Handle for /exchanges API returned by
* #TALER_AUDITOR_list_exchanges() so that the operation can be
* cancelled with #TALER_AUDITOR_list_exchanges_cancel()
struct TALER_AUDITOR_ListExchangesHandle;
* Information about an exchange kept by the auditor.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_ExchangeInfo
* Master public key of the exchange.
struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP master_pub;
* Base URL of the exchange's API.
const char *exchange_url;
* Response to GET /exchanges request.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_ListExchangesResponse
* HTTP response.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_HttpResponse hr;
* Details depending on HTTP status.
* Details for #MHD_HTTP_OK.
* Length of the @e ei array.
unsigned int num_exchanges;
* Array with information about exchanges
* audited by this auditor.
const struct TALER_AUDITOR_ExchangeInfo *ei;
} ok;
} details;
* Function called with the result from /exchanges.
* @param cls closure
* @param ler response data
typedef void
void *cls,
const struct TALER_AUDITOR_ListExchangesResponse *ler);
* Submit an /exchanges request to the auditor and get the
* auditor's response. If the auditor's reply is not
* well-formed, we return an HTTP status code of zero to @a cb.
* @param ctx the context for CURL requests
* @param url HTTP base URL for the auditor
* @param cb the callback to call when a reply for this request is available
* @param cb_cls closure for the above callback
* @return a handle for this request; NULL if the inputs are invalid (i.e.
* signatures fail to verify). In this case, the callback is not called.
struct TALER_AUDITOR_ListExchangesHandle *
TALER_AUDITOR_list_exchanges (struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx,
const char *url,
TALER_AUDITOR_ListExchangesResultCallback cb,
void *cb_cls);
* Cancel a list exchanges request. This function cannot be used
* on a request handle if a response is already served for it.
* @param leh the list exchanges request handle
TALER_AUDITOR_list_exchanges_cancel (
struct TALER_AUDITOR_ListExchangesHandle *leh);