/* This file is part of TALER Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2020 Taler Systems SA TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * @file include/taler_amount_lib.h * @brief amount-representation utility functions * @author Sree Harsha Totakura */ #if ! defined (__TALER_UTIL_LIB_H_INSIDE__) #error "Only can be included directly." #endif #ifndef TALER_AMOUNT_LIB_H #define TALER_AMOUNT_LIB_H #include #include "gnunet/gnunet_common.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #if 0 /* keep Emacsens' auto-indent happy */ } #endif #endif /** * @brief Number of characters (plus 1 for 0-termination) we use to * represent currency names (i.e. EUR, USD, etc.). We use 8+4 for * alignment in the `struct TALER_Amount`. The amount is typically an * ISO 4217 currency code when an alphanumeric 3-digit code is used. * For regional currencies, the first character should be a "*" followed * by a region-specific name (i.e. "*BRETAGNEFR"). */ #define TALER_CURRENCY_LEN 12 /** * Taler currency length as a string. */ #define TALER_CURRENCY_LEN_STR "12" /** * @brief The "fraction" value in a `struct TALER_Amount` represents which * fraction of the "main" value? * * Note that we need sub-cent precision here as transaction fees might * be that low, and as we want to support microdonations. * * An actual `struct Amount a` thus represents * "a.value + (a.fraction / #TALER_AMOUNT_FRAC_BASE)" units of "a.currency". */ #define TALER_AMOUNT_FRAC_BASE 100000000 /** * @brief How many digits behind the comma are required to represent the * fractional value in human readable decimal format? Must match * lg(#TALER_AMOUNT_FRAC_BASE). */ #define TALER_AMOUNT_FRAC_LEN 8 /** * Maximum legal 'value' for an amount, based on IEEE double (for JavaScript compatibility). */ #define TALER_AMOUNT_MAX_VALUE (1LLU << 52) GNUNET_NETWORK_STRUCT_BEGIN /** * @brief Amount, encoded for network transmission. */ struct TALER_AmountNBO { /** * Value in the main currency, in NBO. */ uint64_t value GNUNET_PACKED; /** * Fraction (integer multiples of #TALER_AMOUNT_FRAC_BASE), in NBO. */ uint32_t fraction GNUNET_PACKED; /** * Type of the currency being represented. */ char currency[TALER_CURRENCY_LEN]; }; GNUNET_NETWORK_STRUCT_END /** * @brief Representation of monetary value in a given currency. */ struct TALER_Amount { /** * Value (numerator of fraction) */ uint64_t value; /** * Fraction (integer multiples of #TALER_AMOUNT_FRAC_BASE). */ uint32_t fraction; /** * Currency string, left adjusted and padded with zeros. All zeros * for "invalid" values. */ char currency[TALER_CURRENCY_LEN]; }; /** * Check that the currency code in @a str is well-formed. * * @param str currency code name to validate * @return #GNUNET_OK if @a str is a valid currency code */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_check_currency (const char *str); /** * Parse monetary amount, in the format "T:V.F". * * @param str amount string * @param[out] amount amount to write the result to * @return #GNUNET_OK if the string is a valid monetary amount specification, * #GNUNET_SYSERR if it is invalid. */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_string_to_amount (const char *str, struct TALER_Amount *amount); /** * Parse monetary amount, in the format "T:V.F". * The result is stored in network byte order (NBO). * * @param str amount string * @param[out] amount_nbo amount to write the result to * @return #GNUNET_OK if the string is a valid amount specification, * #GNUNET_SYSERR if it is invalid. */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_string_to_amount_nbo (const char *str, struct TALER_AmountNBO *amount_nbo); /** * Get the value of "zero" in a particular currency. * * @param cur currency description * @param[out] amount amount to write the result to * @return #GNUNET_OK if @a cur is a valid currency specification, * #GNUNET_SYSERR if it is invalid. */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_amount_set_zero (const char *cur, struct TALER_Amount *amount); /** * Test if the given @a amount is zero. * * @param amount amount to compare to zero * @return true if the amount is zero, * false if it is non-zero or invalid */ bool TALER_amount_is_zero (const struct TALER_Amount *amount); /** * Test if the given amount is valid. * * @param amount amount to check * @return #GNUNET_OK if @a amount is valid */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_amount_is_valid (const struct TALER_Amount *amount); /** * Test if the given amount is in the given currency * * @param amount amount to check * @param currency currency to check for * @return #GNUNET_OK if @a amount is in @a currency */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_amount_is_currency (const struct TALER_Amount *amount, const char *currency); /** * Convert amount from host to network representation. * * @param[out] res where to store amount in network representation * @param d amount in host representation */ void TALER_amount_hton (struct TALER_AmountNBO *res, const struct TALER_Amount *d); /** * Convert amount from network to host representation. * * @param[out] res where to store amount in host representation * @param dn amount in network representation */ void TALER_amount_ntoh (struct TALER_Amount *res, const struct TALER_AmountNBO *dn); /** * Compare the value/fraction of two amounts. Does not compare the currency. * Comparing amounts of different currencies will cause the program to abort(). * If unsure, check with #TALER_amount_cmp_currency() first to be sure that * the currencies of the two amounts are identical. * * @param a1 first amount * @param a2 second amount * @return result of the comparison * -1 if `a1 < a2` * 1 if `a1 > a2` * 0 if `a1 == a2`. */ int TALER_amount_cmp (const struct TALER_Amount *a1, const struct TALER_Amount *a2); /** * Compute maximum of two amounts. * * @param[out] ma set to maximum of @a a1 and @a a2 * @param a1 first amount * @param a2 second amount * @return #GNUNET_OK on success */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_amount_max (struct TALER_Amount *ma, const struct TALER_Amount *a1, const struct TALER_Amount *a2); /** * Compute minimum of two amounts. * * @param[out] mi set to minimum of @a a1 and @a a2 * @param a1 first amount * @param a2 second amount * @return #GNUNET_OK on success */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_amount_min (struct TALER_Amount *mi, const struct TALER_Amount *a1, const struct TALER_Amount *a2); /** * Compare the value/fraction of two amounts. Does not compare the currency. * Comparing amounts of different currencies will cause the program to abort(). * If unsure, check with #TALER_amount_cmp_currency() first to be sure that * the currencies of the two amounts are identical. NBO variant. * * @param a1 first amount * @param a2 second amount * @return result of the comparison * -1 if `a1 < a2` * 1 if `a1 > a2` * 0 if `a1 == a2`. */ int TALER_amount_cmp_nbo (const struct TALER_AmountNBO *a1, const struct TALER_AmountNBO *a2); /** * Test if @a a1 and @a a2 are the same currency. * * @param a1 amount to test * @param a2 amount to test * @return #GNUNET_YES if @a a1 and @a a2 are the same currency * #GNUNET_NO if the currencies are different * #GNUNET_SYSERR if either amount is invalid */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_amount_cmp_currency (const struct TALER_Amount *a1, const struct TALER_Amount *a2); /** * Test if @a a1 and @a a2 are the same currency, NBO variant. * * @param a1 amount to test * @param a2 amount to test * @return #GNUNET_YES if @a a1 and @a a2 are the same currency * #GNUNET_NO if the currencies are different * #GNUNET_SYSERR if either amount is invalid */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_amount_cmp_currency_nbo (const struct TALER_AmountNBO *a1, const struct TALER_AmountNBO *a2); /** * Possible results from calling #TALER_amount_subtract() and * possibly other arithmetic operations. Negative values * indicate that the operation did not generate a result. */ enum TALER_AmountArithmeticResult { /** * Operation succeeded, result is positive. */ TALER_AAR_RESULT_POSITIVE = 1, /** * Operation succeeded, result is exactly zero. */ TALER_AAR_RESULT_ZERO = 0, /** * Operation failed, the result would have been negative. */ TALER_AAR_INVALID_NEGATIVE_RESULT = -1, /** * Operation failed, result outside of the representable range. */ TALER_AAR_INVALID_RESULT_OVERFLOW = -2, /** * Operation failed, inputs could not be normalized. */ TALER_AAR_INVALID_NORMALIZATION_FAILED = -3, /** * Operation failed, input currencies were not identical. */ TALER_AAR_INVALID_CURRENCIES_INCOMPATIBLE = -4 }; /** * Perform saturating subtraction of amounts. * * @param[out] diff where to store (@a a1 - @a a2), or invalid if @a a2 > @a a1 * @param a1 amount to subtract from * @param a2 amount to subtract * @return operation status, negative on failures */ enum TALER_AmountArithmeticResult TALER_amount_subtract (struct TALER_Amount *diff, const struct TALER_Amount *a1, const struct TALER_Amount *a2); /** * Perform addition of amounts. * * @param[out] sum where to store @a a1 + @a a2, set to "invalid" on overflow * @param a1 first amount to add * @param a2 second amount to add * @return operation status, negative on failures */ enum TALER_AmountArithmeticResult TALER_amount_add (struct TALER_Amount *sum, const struct TALER_Amount *a1, const struct TALER_Amount *a2); /** * Divide an amount by a @ divisor. Note that this function * may introduce a rounding error! * * @param[out] result where to store @a dividend / @a divisor * @param dividend amount to divide * @param divisor by what to divide, must be positive */ void TALER_amount_divide (struct TALER_Amount *result, const struct TALER_Amount *dividend, uint32_t divisor); /** * Divide one amount by another. Note that this function * may introduce a rounding error. It rounds down. * * @param dividend amount to divide * @param divisor by what to divide, must be positive * @return @a dividend / @a divisor, rounded down. -1 on currency mismatch, * INT_MAX for division by zero */ int TALER_amount_divide2 (const struct TALER_Amount *dividend, const struct TALER_Amount *divisor); /** * Multiply an @a amount by a @ factor. * * @param[out] result where to store @a amount * @a factor * @param amount amount to multiply * @param factor factor by which to multiply */ enum TALER_AmountArithmeticResult TALER_amount_multiply (struct TALER_Amount *result, const struct TALER_Amount *amount, uint32_t factor); /** * Normalize the given amount. * * @param[in,out] amount amount to normalize * @return #GNUNET_OK if normalization worked * #GNUNET_NO if value was already normalized * #GNUNET_SYSERR if value was invalid or could not be normalized */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_amount_normalize (struct TALER_Amount *amount); /** * Convert amount to string. * * @param amount amount to convert to string * @return freshly allocated string representation, * NULL if the @a amount was invalid */ char * TALER_amount_to_string (const struct TALER_Amount *amount); /** * Convert amount to string. * * @param amount amount to convert to string * @return statically allocated buffer with string representation, * NULL if the @a amount was invalid */ const char * TALER_amount2s (const struct TALER_Amount *amount); /** * Round the amount to something that can be transferred on the wire. * The rounding mode is specified via the smallest transferable unit, * which must only have a fractional part *or* only a value (either * of the two must be zero!). * * @param[in,out] amount amount to round down * @param[in] round_unit unit that should be rounded down to, and * either value part or the faction must be zero (but not both) * @return #GNUNET_OK on success, #GNUNET_NO if rounding was unnecessary, * #GNUNET_SYSERR if the amount or currency or @a round_unit was invalid */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_amount_round_down (struct TALER_Amount *amount, const struct TALER_Amount *round_unit); #if 0 /* keep Emacsens' auto-indent happy */ { #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif