-- -- This file is part of TALER -- Copyright (C) 2014--2022 Taler Systems SA -- -- TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software -- Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -- TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION exchange_do_withdraw( IN cs_nonce BYTEA, IN amount taler_amount, IN h_denom_pub BYTEA, IN rpub BYTEA, IN reserve_sig BYTEA, IN h_coin_envelope BYTEA, IN denom_sig BYTEA, IN now INT8, IN min_reserve_gc INT8, IN do_age_check BOOLEAN, OUT reserve_found BOOLEAN, OUT balance_ok BOOLEAN, OUT nonce_ok BOOLEAN, OUT age_ok BOOLEAN, OUT allowed_maximum_age INT2, -- in years OUT ruuid INT8) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE reserve RECORD; denom_serial INT8; balance taler_amount; not_before date; BEGIN -- Shards: reserves by reserve_pub (SELECT) -- reserves_out (INSERT, with CONFLICT detection) by wih -- reserves by reserve_pub (UPDATE) -- reserves_in by reserve_pub (SELECT) -- wire_targets by wire_target_h_payto SELECT denominations_serial INTO denom_serial FROM exchange.denominations WHERE denom_pub_hash=h_denom_pub; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- denomination unknown, should be impossible! reserve_found=FALSE; balance_ok=FALSE; age_ok=FALSE; allowed_maximum_age=0; ruuid=0; ASSERT false, 'denomination unknown'; RETURN; END IF; SELECT * INTO reserve FROM exchange.reserves WHERE reserves.reserve_pub=rpub; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- reserve unknown reserve_found=FALSE; balance_ok=FALSE; nonce_ok=TRUE; age_ok=FALSE; allowed_maximum_age=0; ruuid=2; RETURN; END IF; balance = reserve.current_balance; ruuid = reserve.reserve_uuid; -- Check if age requirements are present IF ((NOT do_age_check) OR (reserve.birthday = 0)) THEN age_ok = TRUE; allowed_maximum_age = -1; ELSE -- Age requirements are formally not met: The exchange is setup to support -- age restrictions (do_age_check == TRUE) and the reserve has a -- birthday set (reserve_birthday != 0), but the client called the -- batch-withdraw endpoint instead of the age-withdraw endpoint, which it -- should have. not_before=date '1970-01-01' + reserve.birthday; allowed_maximum_age = extract(year from age(current_date, not_before)); reserve_found=TRUE; nonce_ok=TRUE; -- we do not really know balance_ok=TRUE;-- we do not really know age_ok = FALSE; RETURN; END IF; -- We optimistically insert, and then on conflict declare -- the query successful due to idempotency. INSERT INTO exchange.reserves_out (h_blind_ev ,denominations_serial ,denom_sig ,reserve_uuid ,reserve_sig ,execution_date ,amount_with_fee_val ,amount_with_fee_frac) VALUES (h_coin_envelope ,denom_serial ,denom_sig ,ruuid ,reserve_sig ,now ,amount.val ,amount.frac) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- idempotent query, all constraints must be satisfied reserve_found=TRUE; balance_ok=TRUE; nonce_ok=TRUE; RETURN; END IF; -- Check reserve balance is sufficient. IF (balance.val > amount.val) THEN IF (balance.frac >= amount.frac) THEN balance.val=balance.val - amount.val; balance.frac=balance.frac - amount.frac; ELSE balance.val=balance.val - amount.val - 1; balance.frac=balance.frac + 100000000 - amount.frac; END IF; ELSE IF (balance.val = amount.val) AND (balance.frac >= amount.frac) THEN balance.val=0; balance.frac=balance.frac - amount.frac; ELSE reserve_found=TRUE; nonce_ok=TRUE; -- we do not really know balance_ok=FALSE; RETURN; END IF; END IF; -- Calculate new expiration dates. min_reserve_gc=GREATEST(min_reserve_gc,reserve.gc_date); -- Update reserve balance. UPDATE reserves SET gc_date=min_reserve_gc ,current_balance=balance WHERE reserves.reserve_pub=rpub; reserve_found=TRUE; balance_ok=TRUE; -- Special actions needed for a CS withdraw? IF NOT NULL cs_nonce THEN -- Cache CS signature to prevent replays in the future -- (and check if cached signature exists at the same time). INSERT INTO exchange.cs_nonce_locks (nonce ,max_denomination_serial ,op_hash) VALUES (cs_nonce ,denom_serial ,h_coin_envelope) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- See if the existing entry is identical. SELECT 1 FROM exchange.cs_nonce_locks WHERE nonce=cs_nonce AND op_hash=h_coin_envelope; IF NOT FOUND THEN reserve_found=FALSE; balance_ok=FALSE; nonce_ok=FALSE; RETURN; END IF; END IF; ELSE nonce_ok=TRUE; -- no nonce, hence OK! END IF; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION exchange_do_withdraw(BYTEA, taler_amount, BYTEA, BYTEA, BYTEA, BYTEA, BYTEA, INT8, INT8, BOOLEAN) IS 'Checks whether the reserve has sufficient balance for a withdraw operation (or the request is repeated and was previously approved) and if the age requirements are formally met. If so updates the database with the result';