-- -- This file is part of TALER -- Copyright (C) 2023, 2024 Taler Systems SA -- -- TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software -- Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -- TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see -- DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS exchange_do_insert_kyc_measure_result; CREATE FUNCTION exchange_do_insert_kyc_measure_result( IN in_process_row INT8, IN in_h_payto BYTEA, IN in_birthday INT4, IN in_provider_name TEXT, IN in_provider_account_id TEXT, IN in_provider_legitimization_id TEXT, IN in_collection_time_ts INT8, IN in_expiration_time INT8, IN in_expiration_time_ts INT8, IN in_account_properties TEXT, IN in_new_rules TEXT, IN ina_events TEXT[], IN in_enc_attributes BYTEA, IN in_to_investigate BOOLEAN, IN in_kyc_completed_notify_s TEXT, OUT out_ok BOOLEAN) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE my_trigger_outcome_serial INT8; my_lmsi INT8; my_i INT4; ini_event TEXT; BEGIN UPDATE legitimization_outcomes SET is_active=FALSE WHERE h_payto=in_h_payto -- this clause is a minor optimization to avoid -- updating outcomes that have long expired. AND expiration_time >= in_collection_time_ts; INSERT INTO legitimization_outcomes (h_payto ,decision_time ,expiration_time ,jproperties ,to_investigate ,jnew_rules) VALUES (in_h_payto ,in_collection_time_ts ,in_expiration_time_ts ,in_account_properties ,in_to_investigate ,in_new_rules) RETURNING outcome_serial_id INTO my_trigger_outcome_serial; IF (in_process_row IS NOT NULL) AND (in_enc_attributes IS NOT NULL) THEN INSERT INTO kyc_attributes (h_payto ,collection_time ,expiration_time ,encrypted_attributes ,legitimization_serial ,trigger_outcome_serial ) VALUES (in_h_payto ,in_collection_time_ts ,in_expiration_time_ts ,in_enc_attributes ,in_process_row ,my_trigger_outcome_serial); END IF; UPDATE legitimization_processes SET provider_user_id=in_provider_account_id ,provider_legitimization_id=in_provider_legitimization_id ,expiration_time=GREATEST(expiration_time,in_expiration_time) ,finished=TRUE WHERE h_payto=in_h_payto AND legitimization_process_serial_id=in_process_row AND provider_name=in_provider_name RETURNING legitimization_measure_serial_id INTO my_lmsi; out_ok=FOUND; IF out_ok THEN UPDATE legitimization_measures SET is_finished=TRUE WHERE legitimization_measure_serial_id=my_lmsi; END IF; UPDATE reserves SET birthday=in_birthday WHERE (reserve_pub IN (SELECT reserve_pub FROM reserves_in WHERE wire_source_h_payto IN (SELECT wire_source_h_payto FROM wire_targets WHERE h_normalized_payto=in_h_payto) ) ) -- The next 3 clauses primarily serve to limit -- unnecessary updates for reserves we do not -- care about anymore. AND ( ((current_balance).frac > 0) OR ((current_balance).val > 0 ) ) AND (expiration_date > in_collection_time_ts); FOR i IN 1..COALESCE(array_length(ina_events,1),0) LOOP ini_event = ina_events[i]; INSERT INTO kyc_events (event_timestamp ,event_type) VALUES (in_collection_time_ts ,ini_event); END LOOP; EXECUTE FORMAT ( 'NOTIFY %s' ,in_kyc_completed_notify_s); INSERT INTO kyc_alerts (h_payto ,trigger_type) VALUES (in_h_payto,1) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION exchange_do_insert_kyc_measure_result(INT8, BYTEA, INT4, TEXT, TEXT, TEXT, INT8, INT8, INT8, TEXT, TEXT, TEXT[], BYTEA, BOOL, TEXT) IS 'Inserts new KYC attributes and updates the status of the legitimization process and the AML status for the account';