/* This file is part of TALER Copyright (C) 2020 Taler Systems SA TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * @file taler-auditor-offline.c * @brief Support for operations involving the auditor's (offline) key. * @author Christian Grothoff */ #include #include #include "taler_json_lib.h" #include "taler_exchange_service.h" /** * Name of the input of a denomination key signature for the 'upload' operation. * The "auditor-" prefix ensures that there is no ambiguity between * taler-exchange-offline and taler-auditor-offline JSON formats. * The last component --by convention-- identifies the protocol version * and should be incremented whenever the JSON format of the 'argument' changes. */ #define OP_SIGN_DENOMINATION "auditor-sign-denomination-0" /** * Name of the input for the 'sign' and 'show' operations. * The "auditor-" prefix ensures that there is no ambiguity between * taler-exchange-offline and taler-auditor-offline JSON formats. * The last component --by convention-- identifies the protocol version * and should be incremented whenever the JSON format of the 'argument' changes. */ #define OP_INPUT_KEYS "auditor-keys-0" /** * Show the offline signing key. * The last component --by convention-- identifies the protocol version * and should be incremented whenever the JSON format of the 'argument' changes. */ #define OP_SETUP "auditor-setup-0" /** * Our private key, initialized in #load_offline_key(). */ static struct TALER_AuditorPrivateKeyP auditor_priv; /** * Our private key, initialized in #load_offline_key(). */ static struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP auditor_pub; /** * Base URL of this auditor's REST endpoint. */ static char *auditor_url; /** * Exchange's master public key. */ static struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP master_pub; /** * Our context for making HTTP requests. */ static struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx; /** * Reschedule context for #ctx. */ static struct GNUNET_CURL_RescheduleContext *rc; /** * Handle to the exchange's configuration */ static const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *kcfg; /** * Return value from main(). */ static int global_ret; /** * Input to consume. */ static json_t *in; /** * Array of actions to perform. */ static json_t *out; /** * A subcommand supported by this program. */ struct SubCommand { /** * Name of the command. */ const char *name; /** * Help text for the command. */ const char *help; /** * Function implementing the command. * * @param args subsequent command line arguments (char **) */ void (*cb)(char *const *args); }; /** * Data structure for wire add requests. */ struct DenominationAddRequest { /** * Kept in a DLL. */ struct DenominationAddRequest *next; /** * Kept in a DLL. */ struct DenominationAddRequest *prev; /** * Operation handle. */ struct TALER_EXCHANGE_AuditorAddDenominationHandle *h; /** * Array index of the associated command. */ size_t idx; }; /** * Next work item to perform. */ static struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *nxt; /** * Active denomination add requests. */ static struct DenominationAddRequest *dar_head; /** * Active denomination add requests. */ static struct DenominationAddRequest *dar_tail; /** * Handle to the exchange, used to request /keys. */ static struct TALER_EXCHANGE_Handle *exchange; /** * Shutdown task. Invoked when the application is being terminated. * * @param cls NULL */ static void do_shutdown (void *cls) { (void) cls; { struct DenominationAddRequest *dar; while (NULL != (dar = dar_head)) { fprintf (stderr, "Aborting incomplete wire add #%u\n", (unsigned int) dar->idx); TALER_EXCHANGE_add_auditor_denomination_cancel (dar->h); GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (dar_head, dar_tail, dar); GNUNET_free (dar); } } if (NULL != out) { json_dumpf (out, stdout, JSON_INDENT (2)); json_decref (out); out = NULL; } if (NULL != in) { fprintf (stderr, "Darning: input not consumed!\n"); json_decref (in); in = NULL; } if (NULL != exchange) { TALER_EXCHANGE_disconnect (exchange); exchange = NULL; } if (NULL != nxt) { GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (nxt); nxt = NULL; } if (NULL != ctx) { GNUNET_CURL_fini (ctx); ctx = NULL; } if (NULL != rc) { GNUNET_CURL_gnunet_rc_destroy (rc); rc = NULL; } } /** * Test if we should shut down because all tasks are done. */ static void test_shutdown (void) { if ( (NULL == dar_head) && (NULL == exchange) && (NULL == nxt) ) GNUNET_SCHEDULER_shutdown (); } /** * Function to continue processing the next command. * * @param cls must be a `char *const*` with the array of * command-line arguments to process next */ static void work (void *cls); /** * Function to schedule job to process the next command. * * @param args the array of command-line arguments to process next */ static void next (char *const *args) { GNUNET_assert (NULL == nxt); if (NULL == args[0]) { test_shutdown (); return; } nxt = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_now (&work, (void *) args); } /** * Add an operation to the #out JSON array for processing later. * * @param op_name name of the operation * @param op_value values for the operation (consumed) */ static void output_operation (const char *op_name, json_t *op_value) { json_t *action; if (NULL == out) out = json_array (); action = json_pack ("{ s:s, s:o }", "operation", op_name, "arguments", op_value); GNUNET_break (0 == json_array_append_new (out, action)); } /** * Information about a subroutine for an upload. */ struct UploadHandler { /** * Key to trigger this subroutine. */ const char *key; /** * Function implementing an upload. * * @param exchange_url URL of the exchange * @param idx index of the operation we are performing * @param value arguments to drive the upload. */ void (*cb)(const char *exchange_url, size_t idx, const json_t *value); }; /** * Load the offline key (if not yet done). Triggers shutdown on failure. * * @param do_create #GNUNET_YES if the key may be created * @return #GNUNET_OK on success */ static int load_offline_key (int do_create) { static bool done; int ret; char *fn; if (done) return GNUNET_OK; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_filename (kcfg, "auditor", "AUDITOR_PRIV_FILE", &fn)) { GNUNET_log_config_missing (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "auditor", "AUDITOR_PRIV_FILE"); test_shutdown (); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } if (GNUNET_YES != GNUNET_DISK_file_test (fn)) GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Auditor private key `%s' does not exist yet, creating it!\n", fn); ret = GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_key_from_file (fn, do_create, &auditor_priv.eddsa_priv); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == ret) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Failed to initialize auditor key from file `%s': %s\n", fn, "could not create file"); GNUNET_free (fn); test_shutdown (); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } GNUNET_free (fn); GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_key_get_public (&auditor_priv.eddsa_priv, &auditor_pub.eddsa_pub); done = true; return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Function called with information about the post denomination (signature) * add operation result. * * @param cls closure with a `struct DenominationAddRequest` * @param hr HTTP response data */ static void denomination_add_cb ( void *cls, const struct TALER_EXCHANGE_HttpResponse *hr) { struct DenominationAddRequest *dar = cls; if (MHD_HTTP_NO_CONTENT != hr->http_status) { fprintf (stderr, "Upload failed for command %u with status %u: %s (%s)\n", (unsigned int) dar->idx, hr->http_status, TALER_ErrorCode_get_hint (hr->ec), hr->hint); global_ret = 42; } GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (dar_head, dar_tail, dar); GNUNET_free (dar); test_shutdown (); } /** * Upload denomination add data. * * @param exchange_url base URL of the exchange * @param idx index of the operation we are performing (for logging) * @param value argumets for denomination revocation */ static void upload_denomination_add (const char *exchange_url, size_t idx, const json_t *value) { struct TALER_AuditorSignatureP auditor_sig; struct GNUNET_HashCode h_denom_pub; struct DenominationAddRequest *dar; const char *err_name; unsigned int err_line; struct GNUNET_JSON_Specification spec[] = { GNUNET_JSON_spec_fixed_auto ("h_denom_pub", &h_denom_pub), GNUNET_JSON_spec_fixed_auto ("auditor_sig", &auditor_sig), GNUNET_JSON_spec_end () }; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_JSON_parse (value, spec, &err_name, &err_line)) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid input for adding denomination: %s#%u at %u (skipping)\n", err_name, err_line, (unsigned int) idx); global_ret = 7; test_shutdown (); return; } dar = GNUNET_new (struct DenominationAddRequest); dar->idx = idx; dar->h = TALER_EXCHANGE_add_auditor_denomination (ctx, exchange_url, &h_denom_pub, &auditor_pub, &auditor_sig, &denomination_add_cb, dar); GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (dar_head, dar_tail, dar); } /** * Perform uploads based on the JSON in #out. * * @param exchange_url base URL of the exchange to use */ static void trigger_upload (const char *exchange_url) { struct UploadHandler uhs[] = { { .key = OP_SIGN_DENOMINATION, .cb = &upload_denomination_add }, /* array termination */ { .key = NULL } }; size_t index; json_t *obj; json_array_foreach (out, index, obj) { bool found = false; const char *key; const json_t *value; key = json_string_value (json_object_get (obj, "operation")); value = json_object_get (obj, "arguments"); if (NULL == key) { fprintf (stderr, "Malformed JSON input\n"); global_ret = 3; test_shutdown (); return; } /* block of code that uses key and value */ for (unsigned int i = 0; NULL != uhs[i].key; i++) { if (0 == strcasecmp (key, uhs[i].key)) { found = true; uhs[i].cb (exchange_url, index, value); break; } } if (! found) { fprintf (stderr, "Upload does not know how to handle `%s'\n", key); global_ret = 3; test_shutdown (); return; } } } /** * Upload operation result (signatures) to exchange. * * @param args the array of command-line arguments to process next */ static void do_upload (char *const *args) { char *exchange_url; if (GNUNET_YES == GNUNET_is_zero (&TALER_ARL_auditor_pub)) { /* private key not available, try configuration for public key */ char *auditor_public_key_str; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_string (c, "auditor", "PUBLIC_KEY", &auditor_public_key_str)) { GNUNET_log_config_missing (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "auditor", "PUBLIC_KEY"); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_public_key_from_string ( auditor_public_key_str, strlen (auditor_public_key_str), &auditor_pub.eddsa_pub)) { GNUNET_log_config_invalid (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "auditor", "PUBLIC_KEY", "invalid key"); GNUNET_free (auditor_public_key_str); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } GNUNET_free (auditor_public_key_str); } if (NULL != in) { fprintf (stderr, "Downloaded data was not consumed, refusing upload\n"); test_shutdown (); global_ret = 4; return; } if (NULL == out) { json_error_t err; out = json_loadf (stdin, JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, &err); if (NULL == out) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to read JSON input: %s at %d:%s (offset: %d)\n", err.text, err.line, err.source, err.position); test_shutdown (); global_ret = 2; return; } } if (! json_is_array (out)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: expected JSON array for `upload` command\n"); test_shutdown (); global_ret = 2; return; } if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_string (kcfg, "exchange", "BASE_URL", &exchange_url)) { GNUNET_log_config_missing (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "exchange", "BASE_URL"); global_ret = 1; test_shutdown (); return; } trigger_upload (exchange_url); json_decref (out); out = NULL; GNUNET_free (exchange_url); } /** * Function called with information about who is auditing * a particular exchange and what keys the exchange is using. * * @param cls closure with the `char **` remaining args * @param hr HTTP response data * @param keys information about the various keys used * by the exchange, NULL if /keys failed * @param compat protocol compatibility information */ static void keys_cb ( void *cls, const struct TALER_EXCHANGE_HttpResponse *hr, const struct TALER_EXCHANGE_Keys *keys, enum TALER_EXCHANGE_VersionCompatibility compat) { char *const *args = cls; switch (hr->http_status) { case MHD_HTTP_OK: break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Failed to download keys: %s (HTTP status: %u/%u)\n", hr->hint, hr->http_status, (unsigned int) hr->ec); TALER_EXCHANGE_disconnect (exchange); exchange = NULL; test_shutdown (); global_ret = 4; return; } in = json_pack ("{s:s,s:O}", "operation", OP_INPUT_KEYS, "arguments", hr->reply); if (NULL == args[0]) { json_dumpf (in, stdout, JSON_INDENT (2)); json_decref (in); in = NULL; } TALER_EXCHANGE_disconnect (exchange); exchange = NULL; next (args); } /** * Download future keys. * * @param args the array of command-line arguments to process next */ static void do_download (char *const *args) { char *exchange_url; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_string (kcfg, "exchange", "BASE_URL", &exchange_url)) { GNUNET_log_config_missing (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "exchange", "BASE_URL"); test_shutdown (); global_ret = 1; return; } exchange = TALER_EXCHANGE_connect (ctx, exchange_url, &keys_cb, (void *) args, TALER_EXCHANGE_OPTION_END); GNUNET_free (exchange_url); } /** * Output @a denomkeys for human consumption. * * @param denomkeys keys to output * @return #GNUNET_OK on success */ static int show_denomkeys (const json_t *denomkeys) { size_t index; json_t *value; json_array_foreach (denomkeys, index, value) { const char *err_name; unsigned int err_line; struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey denom_pub; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute stamp_start; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute stamp_expire_withdraw; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute stamp_expire_deposit; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute stamp_expire_legal; struct TALER_Amount coin_value; struct TALER_Amount fee_withdraw; struct TALER_Amount fee_deposit; struct TALER_Amount fee_refresh; struct TALER_Amount fee_refund; struct TALER_MasterSignatureP master_sig; struct GNUNET_JSON_Specification spec[] = { GNUNET_JSON_spec_rsa_public_key ("denom_pub", &denom_pub.rsa_public_key), TALER_JSON_spec_amount ("value", &coin_value), TALER_JSON_spec_amount ("fee_withdraw", &fee_withdraw), TALER_JSON_spec_amount ("fee_deposit", &fee_deposit), TALER_JSON_spec_amount ("fee_refresh", &fee_refresh), TALER_JSON_spec_amount ("fee_refund", &fee_refund), GNUNET_JSON_spec_absolute_time ("stamp_start", &stamp_start), GNUNET_JSON_spec_absolute_time ("stamp_expire_withdraw", &stamp_expire_withdraw), GNUNET_JSON_spec_absolute_time ("stamp_expire_deposit", &stamp_expire_deposit), GNUNET_JSON_spec_absolute_time ("stamp_expire_legal", &stamp_expire_legal), GNUNET_JSON_spec_fixed_auto ("master_sig", &master_sig), GNUNET_JSON_spec_end () }; struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative duration; struct GNUNET_HashCode h_denom_pub; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_JSON_parse (value, spec, &err_name, &err_line)) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid input for denomination key to 'show': %s#%u at %u (skipping)\n", err_name, err_line, (unsigned int) index); GNUNET_JSON_parse_free (spec); global_ret = 7; test_shutdown (); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } duration = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_difference (stamp_start, stamp_expire_withdraw); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_hash (denom_pub.rsa_public_key, &h_denom_pub); if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_exchange_offline_denom_validity_verify ( &h_denom_pub, stamp_start, stamp_expire_withdraw, stamp_expire_deposit, stamp_expire_legal, &coin_value, &fee_withdraw, &fee_deposit, &fee_refresh, &fee_refund, &master_pub, &master_sig)) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid master signature for key %s (aborting)\n", TALER_B2S (&h_denom_pub)); global_ret = 9; test_shutdown (); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } { char *withdraw_fee_s; char *deposit_fee_s; char *refresh_fee_s; char *refund_fee_s; char *deposit_s; char *legal_s; withdraw_fee_s = TALER_amount_to_string (&fee_withdraw); deposit_fee_s = TALER_amount_to_string (&fee_deposit); refresh_fee_s = TALER_amount_to_string (&fee_refresh); refund_fee_s = TALER_amount_to_string (&fee_refund); deposit_s = GNUNET_strdup ( GNUNET_STRINGS_absolute_time_to_string (stamp_expire_deposit)); legal_s = GNUNET_strdup ( GNUNET_STRINGS_absolute_time_to_string (stamp_expire_legal)); printf ( "DENOMINATION-KEY %s of value %s starting at %s " "(used for: %s, deposit until: %s legal end: %s) with fees %s/%s/%s/%s\n", TALER_B2S (&h_denom_pub), TALER_amount2s (&coin_value), GNUNET_STRINGS_absolute_time_to_string (stamp_start), GNUNET_STRINGS_relative_time_to_string (duration, GNUNET_NO), deposit_s, legal_s, withdraw_fee_s, deposit_fee_s, refresh_fee_s, refund_fee_s); GNUNET_free (withdraw_fee_s); GNUNET_free (deposit_fee_s); GNUNET_free (refresh_fee_s); GNUNET_free (refund_fee_s); GNUNET_free (deposit_s); GNUNET_free (legal_s); } GNUNET_JSON_parse_free (spec); } return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Parse the '/keys' input for operation called @a command_name. * * @param command_name name of the command, for logging errors * @return NULL if the input is malformed */ static json_t * parse_keys (const char *command_name) { json_t *keys; const char *op_str; struct GNUNET_JSON_Specification spec[] = { GNUNET_JSON_spec_json ("arguments", &keys), GNUNET_JSON_spec_string ("operation", &op_str), GNUNET_JSON_spec_end () }; const char *err_name; unsigned int err_line; if (NULL == in) { json_error_t err; out = json_loadf (stdin, JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, &err); if (NULL == in) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to read JSON input: %s at %d:%s (offset: %d)\n", err.text, err.line, err.source, err.position); global_ret = 2; test_shutdown (); return NULL; } } if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_JSON_parse (in, spec, &err_name, &err_line)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Invalid input to '%s': %s#%u (skipping)\n", command_name, err_name, err_line); json_dumpf (in, stderr, JSON_INDENT (2)); global_ret = 7; test_shutdown (); return NULL; } if (0 != strcmp (op_str, OP_INPUT_KEYS)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Invalid input to '%s' : operation is `%s', expected `%s'\n", command_name, op_str, OP_INPUT_KEYS); GNUNET_JSON_parse_free (spec); return NULL; } json_decref (in); in = NULL; return keys; } /** * Show exchange denomination keys. * * @param args the array of command-line arguments to process next */ static void do_show (char *const *args) { json_t *keys; const char *err_name; unsigned int err_line; json_t *denomkeys; struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP mpub; struct GNUNET_JSON_Specification spec[] = { GNUNET_JSON_spec_json ("denoms", &denomkeys), GNUNET_JSON_spec_fixed_auto ("master_public_key", &mpub), GNUNET_JSON_spec_end () }; keys = parse_keys ("show"); if (NULL == keys) return; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_JSON_parse (keys, spec, &err_name, &err_line)) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid input to 'show': %s#%u (skipping)\n", err_name, err_line); global_ret = 7; test_shutdown (); json_decref (keys); return; } if (0 != GNUNET_memcmp (&mpub, &master_pub)) { fprintf (stderr, "Exchange master public key does not match key we have configured (aborting)\n"); global_ret = 7; test_shutdown (); json_decref (keys); return; } if (GNUNET_OK != show_denomkeys (denomkeys)) { global_ret = 8; test_shutdown (); GNUNET_JSON_parse_free (spec); json_decref (keys); return; } GNUNET_JSON_parse_free (spec); json_decref (keys); /* do NOT consume input if next argument is '-' */ if ( (NULL != args[0]) && (0 == strcmp ("-", args[0])) ) { next (args + 1); return; } next (args); } /** * Sign @a denomkeys with offline key. * * @param denomkeys keys to output * @return #GNUNET_OK on success */ static int sign_denomkeys (const json_t *denomkeys) { size_t index; json_t *value; json_array_foreach (denomkeys, index, value) { const char *err_name; unsigned int err_line; struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey denom_pub; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute stamp_start; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute stamp_expire_withdraw; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute stamp_expire_deposit; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute stamp_expire_legal; struct TALER_Amount coin_value; struct TALER_Amount fee_withdraw; struct TALER_Amount fee_deposit; struct TALER_Amount fee_refresh; struct TALER_Amount fee_refund; struct TALER_MasterSignatureP master_sig; struct GNUNET_JSON_Specification spec[] = { GNUNET_JSON_spec_rsa_public_key ("denom_pub", &denom_pub.rsa_public_key), TALER_JSON_spec_amount ("value", &coin_value), TALER_JSON_spec_amount ("fee_withdraw", &fee_withdraw), TALER_JSON_spec_amount ("fee_deposit", &fee_deposit), TALER_JSON_spec_amount ("fee_refresh", &fee_refresh), TALER_JSON_spec_amount ("fee_refund", &fee_refund), GNUNET_JSON_spec_absolute_time ("stamp_start", &stamp_start), GNUNET_JSON_spec_absolute_time ("stamp_expire_withdraw", &stamp_expire_withdraw), GNUNET_JSON_spec_absolute_time ("stamp_expire_deposit", &stamp_expire_deposit), GNUNET_JSON_spec_absolute_time ("stamp_expire_legal", &stamp_expire_legal), GNUNET_JSON_spec_fixed_auto ("master_sig", &master_sig), GNUNET_JSON_spec_end () }; struct GNUNET_HashCode h_denom_pub; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_JSON_parse (value, spec, &err_name, &err_line)) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid input for denomination key to 'sign': %s#%u at %u (skipping)\n", err_name, err_line, (unsigned int) index); GNUNET_JSON_parse_free (spec); global_ret = 7; test_shutdown (); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_hash (denom_pub.rsa_public_key, &h_denom_pub); if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_exchange_offline_denom_validity_verify ( &h_denom_pub, stamp_start, stamp_expire_withdraw, stamp_expire_deposit, stamp_expire_legal, &coin_value, &fee_withdraw, &fee_deposit, &fee_refresh, &fee_refund, &master_pub, &master_sig)) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid master signature for key %s (aborting)\n", TALER_B2S (&h_denom_pub)); global_ret = 9; test_shutdown (); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } { struct TALER_AuditorSignatureP auditor_sig; TALER_auditor_denom_validity_sign (auditor_url, &h_denom_pub, &master_pub, stamp_start, stamp_expire_withdraw, stamp_expire_deposit, stamp_expire_legal, &coin_value, &fee_withdraw, &fee_deposit, &fee_refresh, &fee_refund, &auditor_priv, &auditor_sig); output_operation (OP_SIGN_DENOMINATION, json_pack ("{s:o, s:o}", "h_denom_pub", GNUNET_JSON_from_data_auto (&h_denom_pub), "auditor_sig", GNUNET_JSON_from_data_auto (&auditor_sig))); } GNUNET_JSON_parse_free (spec); } return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Sign denomination keys. * * @param args the array of command-line arguments to process next */ static void do_sign (char *const *args) { json_t *keys; const char *err_name; unsigned int err_line; struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP mpub; json_t *denomkeys; struct GNUNET_JSON_Specification spec[] = { GNUNET_JSON_spec_json ("denoms", &denomkeys), GNUNET_JSON_spec_fixed_auto ("master_public_key", &mpub), GNUNET_JSON_spec_end () }; keys = parse_keys ("sign"); if (NULL == keys) return; if (GNUNET_OK != load_offline_key (GNUNET_NO)) { json_decref (keys); return; } if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_JSON_parse (keys, spec, &err_name, &err_line)) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid input to 'sign': %s#%u (skipping)\n", err_name, err_line); global_ret = 7; test_shutdown (); json_decref (keys); return; } if (0 != GNUNET_memcmp (&mpub, &master_pub)) { fprintf (stderr, "Exchange master public key does not match key we have configured (aborting)\n"); global_ret = 7; test_shutdown (); json_decref (keys); return; } if (GNUNET_OK != sign_denomkeys (denomkeys)) { global_ret = 8; test_shutdown (); GNUNET_JSON_parse_free (spec); json_decref (keys); return; } GNUNET_JSON_parse_free (spec); json_decref (keys); next (args); } /** * Setup and output offline signing key. * * @param args the array of command-line arguments to process next */ static void do_setup (char *const *args) { if (GNUNET_OK != load_offline_key (GNUNET_YES)) { global_ret = 1; return; } if (NULL != *args) { output_operation (OP_SETUP, json_pack ("{s:o}", "auditor_pub", GNUNET_JSON_from_data_auto (&auditor_pub))); } else { char *pub_s; pub_s = GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string_alloc (&auditor_pub, sizeof (auditor_pub)); fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", pub_s); GNUNET_free (pub_s); } if ( (NULL != *args) && (0 == strcmp (*args, "-")) ) args++; next (args); } static void work (void *cls) { char *const *args = cls; struct SubCommand cmds[] = { { .name = "setup", .help = "setup auditor offline private key and show the public key", .cb = &do_setup }, { .name = "download", .help = "obtain keys from exchange (to be performed online!)", .cb = &do_download }, { .name = "show", .help = "display keys from exchange for human review (pass '-' as argument to disable consuming input)", .cb = &do_show }, { .name = "sign", .help = "sing all denomination keys from the input", .cb = &do_sign }, { .name = "upload", .help = "upload operation result to exchange (to be performed online!)", .cb = &do_upload }, /* list terminator */ { .name = NULL, } }; (void) cls; nxt = NULL; for (unsigned int i = 0; NULL != cmds[i].name; i++) { if (0 == strcasecmp (cmds[i].name, args[0])) { cmds[i].cb (&args[1]); return; } } if (0 != strcasecmp ("help", args[0])) { fprintf (stderr, "Unexpected command `%s'\n", args[0]); global_ret = 3; } fprintf (stderr, "Supported subcommands:\n"); for (unsigned int i = 0; NULL != cmds[i].name; i++) { fprintf (stderr, "\t%s - %s\n", cmds[i].name, cmds[i].help); } } /** * Main function that will be run. * * @param cls closure * @param args remaining command-line arguments * @param cfgfile name of the configuration file used (for saving, can be NULL!) * @param cfg configuration */ static void run (void *cls, char *const *args, const char *cfgfile, const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *cfg) { kcfg = cfg; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_string (kcfg, "auditor", "BASE_URL", &auditor_url)) { GNUNET_log_config_missing (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "auditor", "BASE_URL"); global_ret = 1; return; } { char *master_public_key_str; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_string (cfg, "exchange", "MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY", &master_public_key_str)) { GNUNET_log_config_missing (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "exchange", "MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY"); global_ret = 1; return; } if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_public_key_from_string ( master_public_key_str, strlen (master_public_key_str), &master_pub.eddsa_pub)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Invalid master public key given in exchange configuration."); GNUNET_free (master_public_key_str); global_ret = 1; return; } GNUNET_free (master_public_key_str); } ctx = GNUNET_CURL_init (&GNUNET_CURL_gnunet_scheduler_reschedule, &rc); rc = GNUNET_CURL_gnunet_rc_create (ctx); GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_shutdown (&do_shutdown, NULL); next (args); } /** * The main function of the taler-auditor-offline tool. This tool is used to * sign denomination keys with the auditor's key. It uses the long-term * offline private key of the auditor and generates signatures with it. It * also supports online operations with the exchange to download its input * data and to upload its results. Those online operations should be performed * on another machine in production! * * @param argc number of arguments from the command line * @param argv command line arguments * @return 0 ok, 1 on error */ int main (int argc, char *const *argv) { struct GNUNET_GETOPT_CommandLineOption options[] = { GNUNET_GETOPT_OPTION_END }; enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue ret; /* force linker to link against libtalerutil; if we do not do this, the linker may "optimize" libtalerutil away and skip #TALER_OS_init(), which we do need */ (void) TALER_project_data_default (); if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_STRINGS_get_utf8_args (argc, argv, &argc, &argv)) return 4; ret = GNUNET_PROGRAM_run ( argc, argv, "taler-auditor-offline", gettext_noop ("Operations for offline signing for a Taler exchange"), options, &run, NULL); GNUNET_free_nz ((void *) argv); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == ret) return 3; if (GNUNET_NO == ret) return 0; return global_ret; } /* end of taler-auditor-offline.c */