#!/bin/bash # Script to test revocation. # # Requires the wallet CLI to be installed and in the path. Furthermore, the # user running this script must be Postgres superuser and be allowed to # create/drop databases. # set -eu # set -x . setup.sh echo -n "Testing for curl ..." curl --help >/dev/null /dev/null 2>/dev/null || true createdb "auditor-basedb" || exit_skip "Could not create database '$BASEDB'" echo " DONE" # Launch exchange, merchant and bank. setup -c "$CONF" \ -abemw \ -d "iban" # obtain key configuration data EXCHANGE_URL=$(taler-config -c "$CONF" -s EXCHANGE -o BASE_URL) MERCHANT_PORT=$(taler-config -c "$CONF" -s MERCHANT -o PORT) MERCHANT_URL="http://localhost:${MERCHANT_PORT}/" BANK_PORT=$(taler-config -c "$CONF" -s BANK -o HTTP_PORT) BANK_URL="http://localhost:1${BANK_PORT}" # Setup merchant echo -n "Setting up merchant ..." curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"auth": {"method": "external"}, "accounts":[{"payto_uri":"payto://iban/SANDBOXX/DE474361?receiver-name=Merchant43"}],"id":"default","name":"default","address":{},"jurisdiction":{},"default_max_wire_fee":"TESTKUDOS:1", "default_max_deposit_fee":"TESTKUDOS:1","default_wire_fee_amortization":1,"default_wire_transfer_delay":{"d_us" : 3600000000},"default_pay_delay":{"d_us": 3600000000}}' "${MERCHANT_URL}management/instances" echo " DONE" # run wallet CLI echo "Running wallet" export WALLET_DB="wallet.wdb" rm -f "$WALLET_DB" taler-wallet-cli \ --no-throttle \ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" \ api \ --expect-success 'withdrawTestBalance' \ "$(jq -n ' { amount: "TESTKUDOS:8", corebankApiBaseUrl: $BANK_URL, exchangeBaseUrl: $EXCHANGE_URL, }' \ --arg BANK_URL "$BANK_URL/demobanks/default/access-api/" \ --arg EXCHANGE_URL "$EXCHANGE_URL" )" &> taler-wallet-cli-withdraw.log taler-wallet-cli \ --no-throttle \ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" \ run-until-done \ &> taler-wallet-cli-withdraw-finish.log export COINS=$(taler-wallet-cli --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" advanced dump-coins) echo -n "COINS are:" echo "$COINS" # Find coin we want to revoke export rc=$(echo "$COINS" | jq -r '[.coins[] | select((.denom_value == "TESTKUDOS:2"))][0] | .coin_pub') # Find the denom export rd=$(echo "$COINS" | jq -r '[.coins[] | select((.denom_value == "TESTKUDOS:2"))][0] | .denom_pub_hash') echo -n "Revoking denomination ${rd} (to affect coin ${rc}) ..." # Find all other coins, which will be suspended export susp=$(echo "$COINS" | jq --arg rc "$rc" '[.coins[] | select(.coin_pub != $rc) | .coin_pub]') # Do the revocation taler-exchange-offline \ -c $CONF \ revoke-denomination "${rd}" \ upload \ &> taler-exchange-offline-revoke.log echo "DONE" echo -n "Signing replacement keys ..." sleep 1 # Give exchange time to create replacmenent key # Re-sign replacement keys taler-auditor-offline \ -c $CONF \ download \ sign \ upload \ &> taler-auditor-offline-reinit.log echo " DONE" # Now we suspend the other coins, so later we will pay with the recouped coin taler-wallet-cli \ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" \ advanced \ suspend-coins "$susp" # Update exchange /keys so recoup gets scheduled taler-wallet-cli \ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" \ exchanges \ update \ -f "$EXCHANGE_URL" # Block until scheduled operations are done taler-wallet-cli \ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB"\ run-until-done # Now we buy something, only the coins resulting from recoup will be # used, as other ones are suspended taler-wallet-cli \ --no-throttle \ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" \ api \ 'testPay' \ "$(jq -n ' { amount: "TESTKUDOS:1", merchantBaseUrl: $MERCHANT_URL, summary: "foo", }' \ --arg MERCHANT_URL "$MERCHANT_URL" )" taler-wallet-cli \ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" \ run-until-done echo "Purchase with recoup'ed coin (via reserve) done" # Find coin we want to refresh, then revoke export rrc=$(echo "$coins" | jq -r '[.coins[] | select((.denom_value == "TESTKUDOS:5"))][0] | .coin_pub') # Find the denom export zombie_denom=$(echo "$coins" | jq -r '[.coins[] | select((.denom_value == "TESTKUDOS:5"))][0] | .denom_pub_hash') echo "Will refresh coin ${rrc} of denomination ${zombie_denom}" # Find all other coins, which will be suspended export susp=$(echo "$coins" | jq --arg rrc "$rrc" '[.coins[] | select(.coin_pub != $rrc) | .coin_pub]') # Travel into the future! (must match DURATION_WITHDRAW option) export TIMETRAVEL="--timetravel=604800000000" echo "Launching exchange 1 week in the future" kill -TERM $EXCHANGE_PID kill -TERM $RSA_DENOM_HELPER_PID kill -TERM $CS_DENOM_HELPER_PID kill -TERM $SIGNKEY_HELPER_PID taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa $TIMETRAVEL -c $CONF 2> ${MY_TMP_DIR}/taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa.log & SIGNKEY_HELPER_PID=$! taler-exchange-secmod-rsa $TIMETRAVEL -c $CONF 2> ${MY_TMP_DIR}/taler-exchange-secmod-rsa.log & RSA_DENOM_HELPER_PID=$! taler-exchange-secmod-cs $TIMETRAVEL -c $CONF 2> ${MY_TMP_DIR}/taler-exchange-secmod-cs.log & CS_DENOM_HELPER_PID=$! taler-exchange-httpd $TIMETRAVEL -c $CONF 2> ${MY_TMP_DIR}/taler-exchange-httpd.log & export EXCHANGE_PID=$! # Wait for exchange to be available for n in `seq 1 50` do echo -n "." sleep 0.1 OK=0 # exchange wget http://localhost:8081/ -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue OK=1 break done echo "Refreshing coin $rrc" taler-wallet-cli \ "$TIMETRAVEL" \ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" \ advanced force-refresh \ "$rrc" taler-wallet-cli \ "$TIMETRAVEL" \ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" \ run-until-done # Update our list of the coins export coins=$(taler-wallet-cli $TIMETRAVEL --wallet-db=$WALLET_DB advanced dump-coins) # Find resulting refreshed coin export freshc=$(echo "$coins" | jq -r --arg rrc "$rrc" \ '[.coins[] | select((.refresh_parent_coin_pub == $rrc) and .denom_value == "TESTKUDOS:0.1")][0] | .coin_pub' ) # Find the denom of freshc export fresh_denom=$(echo "$coins" | jq -r --arg rrc "$rrc" \ '[.coins[] | select((.refresh_parent_coin_pub == $rrc) and .denom_value == "TESTKUDOS:0.1")][0] | .denom_pub_hash' ) echo "Coin ${freshc} of denomination ${fresh_denom} is the result of the refresh" # Find all other coins, which will be suspended export susp=$(echo "$coins" | jq --arg freshc "$freshc" '[.coins[] | select(.coin_pub != $freshc) | .coin_pub]') # Do the revocation of freshc echo "Revoking ${fresh_denom} (to affect coin ${freshc})" taler-exchange-offline \ -c "$CONF" \ revoke-denomination \ "${fresh_denom}" \ upload &> taler-exchange-offline-revoke-2.log sleep 1 # Give exchange time to create replacmenent key # Re-sign replacement keys taler-auditor-offline \ -c "$CONF" \ download \ sign \ upload &> taler-auditor-offline.log # Now we suspend the other coins, so later we will pay with the recouped coin taler-wallet-cli \ "$TIMETRAVEL" \ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" \ advanced \ suspend-coins "$susp" # Update exchange /keys so recoup gets scheduled taler-wallet-cli \ "$TIMETRAVEL"\ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" \ exchanges update \ -f "$EXCHANGE_URL" # Block until scheduled operations are done taler-wallet-cli \ "$TIMETRAVEL" \ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" \ run-until-done echo "Restarting merchant (so new keys are known)" kill -TERM $MERCHANT_PID taler-merchant-httpd \ -c "$CONF" \ -L INFO \ 2> ${MY_TMP_DIR}/taler-merchant-httpd.log & MERCHANT_PID=$! # Wait for merchant to be again available for n in `seq 1 50` do echo -n "." sleep 0.1 OK=0 # merchant wget http://localhost:9966/ -o /dev/null -O /dev/null >/dev/null || continue OK=1 break done # Now we buy something, only the coins resulting from recoup+refresh will be # used, as other ones are suspended taler-wallet-cli $TIMETRAVEL --no-throttle --wallet-db=$WALLET_DB api 'testPay' \ "$(jq -n ' { amount: "TESTKUDOS:0.02", merchantBaseUrl: $MERCHANT_URL, summary: "bar", }' \ --arg MERCHANT_URL $MERCHANT_URL )" taler-wallet-cli \ "$TIMETRAVEL" \ --wallet-db="$WALLET_DB" \ run-until-done echo "Bought something with refresh-recouped coin" echo "Shutting down services" exit_cleanup # Where do we write the result? export BASEDB=${1:-"revoke-basedb"} # Dump database echo "Dumping database ${BASEDB}.sql" pg_dump -O "auditor-basedb" | sed -e '/AS integer/d' > "${BASEDB}.sql" # clean up echo -n "Final clean up ..." kill -TERM "$SETUP_PID" wait unset SETUP_PID dropdb "auditor-basedb" echo " DONE" echo "=====================================" echo "Finished generation of ${BASEDB}.sql" echo "=====================================" exit 0