# This file is in the public domain. # [auditor] # Which database backend do we use for the auditor? DB = postgres # Option specifying which amount is considered 'tiny' # and thus doesn't need to be wire-transferred. #TINY_AMOUNT = KUDOS:0.01 # Where do we store the auditor's private key? AUDITOR_PRIV_FILE = ${TALER_DATA_HOME}/auditor/offline-keys/auditor.priv # What is the public key of this auditor? Used for processes that # verify auditor's signatures but have no access to the private key. # PUBLIC_KEY = VALUE # What is the Web site of the auditor (i.e. to file complaints about # a misbehaving exchange)? BASE_URL = http://localhost:8083/ # Network configuration for the normal API/service HTTP server # serve via tcp socket (on PORT) SERVE = tcp # Unix domain socket to listen on, # only effective with "SERVE = unix" UNIXPATH = ${TALER_RUNTIME_DIR}/exchange.http UNIXPATH_MODE = 660 # HTTP port the auditor listens to PORT = 8083