[Unit] Description=GNU Taler auditor helper checking transfers After=postgres.service PartOf=taler-auditor.target [Service] User=taler-auditor-httpd Type=simple Restart=always RestartSec=1s RestartPreventExitStatus=9 ExecStart=/usr/bin/taler-helper-auditor-transfer -c /etc/taler-auditor/taler-auditor.conf -L INFO PrivateTmp=yes PrivateDevices=yes ProtectSystem=full RuntimeMaxSec=3600s StandardOutput=journal StandardError=journal Slice=taler-auditor.slice # Disable the service if more than 5 restarts are encountered within 5s. # These are usually the systemd defaults, but can be overwritten, thus we set # them here explicitly, as the exchange code assumes StartLimitInterval # to be >=5s. StartLimitBurst=5 StartLimitInterval=5s