[exchange] # Currency supported by the exchange (can only be one) CURRENCY = EUR # Wire format supported by the exchange, case-insensitive. # Examples for formats include 'test' for testing and 'sepa' (for EU IBAN). WIREFORMAT = SEPA # HTTP port the exchange listens to PORT = 4241 # Master public key used to sign the exchange's various keys MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY = NEGTF62MNGVPZNW19V7S3CRS9D7K04MAHDGX3N6WY2NXREN26J80 # How to access our database DB = postgres # Is this for testing, or for real? TESTRUN = YES [exchangedb-postgres] DB_CONN_STR = "postgres:///talercheck" [wire-sepa] SEPA_RESPONSE_FILE = "sepa.json" [wire-test] REDIRECT_URL = "http://test/" BANK_URI = "http://bank/