% This file is part of TALER % Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Taler Systems SA % % TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the % terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software % Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. % % TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY % WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR % A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with % TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see % % % With respect to this file, our interpretation of the license is % that publishing an audit report (i.e. in TeX or PDF) requires % publishing the corresponding j2 template sources under AGPL, and % linking to them from the report. (This file _is_ source code, % the generated PDF is the service under definition of the AGPL.) % \documentclass{article} % {acmart} \usepackage{url} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{longtable} \begin{document} \title{Taler Auditor Report} % You must also credit the original author. \author{Christian Grothoff} \maketitle % If you update this template, complying with the license requires % stating the license and publishing the J2 source and linking to it % from the generated PDF. So if you change this outside of the Taler % Git repository, you must update this link (and the link must remain % available to the receiver of the result from the generated TeX, PDF % or other format). This report is based on a template licensed under the Affero General Public License, either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. The source code for the template is available at \url{https://git.taler.net/}. \section{Operations} The balance of the escrow account should be {\bf \mbox{ {{ data.total_escrow_balance.value }}.{{ data.total_escrow_balance.fraction }} {{ data.total_escrow_balance.currency }}}}. \noindent The active operational risk stands at \mbox{ {\bf {{ data.total_active_risk.value }}.{{ data.total_active_risk.fraction }} {{ data.total_active_risk.currency }}}}. \section{Income} This section analyzes the income of the exchange operator from fees. \begin{table}[h!] \begin{center} \caption{Fee revenue summary} \label{table:revenue} \begin{tabular}{l|rl} Category & Amount & \\ \hline \hline Withdraw fees & {{ data.total_withdraw_fee_income.value }}.{{ data.total_withdraw_fee_income.fraction }} & {{ data.total_withdraw_fee_income.currency }} \\ Deposit fees & {{ data.total_deposit_fee_income.value }}.{{ data.total_deposit_fee_income.fraction }} & {{ data.total_deposit_fee_income.currency }} \\ Melt fees & {{ data.total_melt_fee_income.value }}.{{ data.total_melt_fee_income.fraction }} & {{ data.total_melt_fee_income.currency }} \\ Refund fees & {{ data.total_refund_fee_income.value }}.{{ data.total_refund_fee_income.fraction }} & {{ data.total_refund_fee_income.currency }} \\ Aggregation fees & {{ data.total_aggregation_fee_income.value }}.{{ data.total_aggregation_fee_income.fraction }} & {{ data.total_aggregation_fee_income.currency }} \\ {\bf Total} & {{ data.income_fee_total.value }}.{{ data.income_fee_total.fraction }} & {{ data.income_fee_total.currency }} \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} \section{Lag} This section analyzes the lag, which is by how much the exchange's aggregator is behind in making wire transfers that have been due. The total amount the exchange currently lags behind is {\bf {{ wire.total_amount_lag.value }}.{{ wire.total_amount_lag.fraction }} {{ wire.total_amount_lag.currency }}}. Note that some lag is perfectly normal, as tiny amounts that are too small to be wired are deferred beyond the due date, hoping that additional transfers will push them above the tiny threshold. Below, we report {\em non-tiny} wire transfers that are lagging behind. {% if wire.lag_details|length() == 0 %} {\bf No non-tiny wire transfers that are lagging behind detected.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{1.5cm}|rl|c|rl} \multicolumn{4}{l}{\bf Coin} \\ {\bf Deadline} & {\bf Amount} & {\bf Row} & {\bf Claimed done} \\ \multicolumn{4}{l}{\bf Target account} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead \multicolumn{4}{l}{\bf Coin} \\ {\bf Deadline} & {\bf Amount} & {\bf Row} & {\bf Claimed done} \\ \multicolumn{4}{l}{\bf Target account} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline \multicolumn{4}{l}{\bf Coin} \\ {\bf Deadline} & {\bf Amount} & {\bf Row} & {\bf Claimed done} \\ \multicolumn{4}{l}{\bf Target account} \\ \endfoot \hline \hline \multicolumn{4}{l}{\bf Coin} \\ {\bf Deadline} & {\bf Amount} & {\bf Row} & {\bf Claimed done} \\ \multicolumn{4}{l}{\bf Target account} \\ \caption{Lagging non-tiny transactions.} \label{table:lag} \endlastfoot {% for item in wire.lag_details %} \multicolumn{4}{l}{ {\tt {{ item.coin_pub }} } } \\ \nopagebreak & {{ item.deadline }} & {{ item.amount.value }}.{{ item.amount.fraction }} & {{ item.amount.currency }} & {{ item.row }} & {{ item.claimed_done }} \\ \nopagebreak \multicolumn{4}{l}{ {\tt {{ item.account }} } } \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \section{Major irregularities} This section describes the possible major irregularities that the auditor has checked, and lists all of the actual irregularities encountered in detail. \subsection{Emergencies} Emergencies are errors where more coins were deposited than the exchange remembers issuing. This usually means that the private keys of the exchange were compromised (stolen or factored) and subsequently used to sign coins off the books. If this happens, all coins of the respective denomination that the exchange has redeemed so far may have been created by the attacker, and the exchange would have to refund all of the outstanding coins from ordinary users. Thus, the {\bf risk exposure} is the amount of coins in circulation for a particular denominatin and the maximum loss for the exchange from this type of compromise. {% if data.emergencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf No emergencies detected.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{1.5cm}|rl|c|rl} {\bf Public key hash} & {\bf Denomination} & {\bf Lifetime} & {\bf Risk exposure} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Public key hash} & {\bf Denomination} & {\bf Lifetime} & {\bf Risk exposure} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Public key hash} & {\bf Denomination} & {\bf Lifetime} & {\bf Risk exposure} \\ \endfoot \hline % FIXME: replace these with the summary column adding up the amounts! \multicolumn{4}{|c|}{ {\bf Total risk from emergencies}} & {{ data.emergencies_risk_total }} \\ \caption{Emergencies.} \label{table:emergencies} \endlastfoot {% for item in data.reserve_inconsistencies %} \multicolumn{6}{l}{ {\tt {{ item.denompub_hash }} } } \\ \nopagebreak & {{ item.value.value }}.{{ item.value.fraction }} & {{ item.value.currency }} & {{ item.start }} - {{ item.deposit_end }} & {{ item.denom_risk.value }}.{{ item.denom_risk.fraction }} & {{ item.denom_risk.currency }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Arithmetic problems} This section lists cases where the arithmetic of the exchange involving amounts disagrees with the arithmetic of the auditor. Disagreements imply that either the exchange made a loss (sending out too much money), or screwed a customer (and thus at least needs to fix the financial damage done to the customer). {% if data.amount_arithmetic_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf No arithmetic problems detected.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{3.5cm}|l|rl|rl} {\bf Operation} & {\bf Table row} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Exchange}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{ {\bf Auditor}} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Operation} & {\bf Table row} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Exchange}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{ {\bf Auditor}} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Operation} & {\bf Table row} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Exchange}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{ {\bf Auditor}} \\ \endfoot \hline \hline \multicolumn{2}{l|}{ {\bf $\sum$ Deltas (Auditor-Exchange)} } & + {{ data.total_arithmetic_delta_plus.value }}.{{ data.total_arithmetic_delta_plus.fraction }} & {{ data.total_arithmetic_delta_plus.currency }} & - {{ data.total_arithmetic_delta_minus.value }}.{{ data.total_arithmetic_delta_minus.fraction }} & {{ data.total_arithmetic_delta_minus.currency }} \\ \caption{Arithmetic inconsistencies.} \label{table:amount:arithmetic:inconsistencies} \endlastfoot {% for item in data.amount_arithmetic_inconsistencies %} {{ item.operation }} & {{ item.rowid }} & {{ item.exchange.value }}.{{ item.exchange.fraction }} & {{ item.exchange.currency }} & {{ item.auditor.value }}.{{ item.auditor.fraction }} & {{ item.auditor.currency }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Reserve withdrawals exceeding balance} This section highlights cases where more coins were withdrawn from a reserve than the reserve contained funding for. This is a serious compromise resulting in proportional financial losses to the exchange. {% if data.reserve_balance_insufficient_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf All withdrawals were covered by sufficient reserve funding.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{4.5cm}|rl} {\bf Reserve} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Loss}} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Reserve} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Loss}} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Reserve} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Loss}} \endfoot \hline {\bf Total loss} & & {{ data.total_loss_balance_insufficient.value}}.{{ data.total_loss_balance_insufficient.fraction}} & {{ data.total_loss_balance_insufficient.currency}} \\ \caption{Reserves with withdrawals higher than reserve funding.} \label{table:reserve:balance_insufficient} \endlastfoot {% for item in data.reserve_balance_insufficient_inconsistencies %} \multicolumn{3}{l}{ {\tt {{ item.reserve_pub }} } } \\ \nopagebreak & {{ item.loss.value }}.{{ item.loss.fraction }} & {{ item.loss.currency }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Claimed outgoing wire transfer inconsistencies} This section is about the exchange's database containing a justification to make an outgoing wire transfer for an aggregated amount for various deposits. It is reported as an inconsistency if the amount claimed for the wire transfer does not match up the deposits aggregated. This is about a {\em claimed} outgoing wire transfer as violations do not imply that the wire transfer was actually made (as that is a separate check). Note that not making the wire transfer would be reported separately in Section~\ref{sec:wire_check_out}. {% if data.wire_out_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf All aggregations matched up.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{1.5cm}|l|rl|rl} {\bf Destination account} & {\bf Database row} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Expected}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Claimed}} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Destination account} & {\bf Database row} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Expected}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Claimed}} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Destination account} & {\bf Database row} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Expected}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Claimed}} \\ \endfoot \hline {\bf Total deltas} & & {{ data.total_wire_out_delta_plus.value}}.{{ data.total_wire_out_delta_plus.fraction}} & {{ data.total_wire_out_delta_plus.currency}} & - {{ data.total_wire_out_delta_minus.value}}.{{ data.total_wire_out_delta_minus.fraction}} & {{ data.total_wire_out_delta_minus.currency}} \\ \caption{Claimed wire out aggregate totals not matching up.} \label{table:reserve:wire_out_balance_inconsistencies} \endlastfoot {% for item in data.wire_out_inconsistencies %} \multicolumn{6}{l}{ {\tt {{ item.destination_account }} } } \\ \nopagebreak & {{ item.rowid }} & {{ item.expected.value }}.{{ item.expected.fraction }} & {{ item.expected.currency }} & {{ item.claimed.value }}.{{ item.claimed.fraction }} & {{ item.claimed.currency }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Coin history inconsistencies} This section lists cases where the exchange made arithmetic errors found when looking at the transaction history of a coin. The totals sum up the differences in amounts that matter for profit/loss calculations of the exchange. When an exchange merely shifted money from customers to merchants (or vice versa) without any effects on its own balance, those entries are excluded from the total. {% if data.coin_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf All coin histories were unproblematic.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{1.8cm}|p{3cm}|rl|rl} {\bf Operation} & {\bf Coin public key} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Exchange}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{ {\bf Auditor}} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Operation} & {\bf Coin public key} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Exchange}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{ {\bf Auditor}} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Operation} & {\bf Coin public key} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Exchange}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{ {\bf Auditor}} \\ \endfoot \hline \multicolumn{2}{l|}{ $\sum$ {\bf Delta (Auditor-Exchange)} } & {{ data.total_coin_delta_plus.value }}.{{ data.total_coin_delta_plus.fraction }} & {{ data.total_coin_delta_plus.currency }} & - {{ data.total_coin_delta_minus.value }}.{{ data.total_coin_delta_minus.fraction }} & {{ data.total_coin_delta_minus.currency }} \\ \caption{Arithmetic inconsistencies of amount calculations involving a coin.} \label{table:amount:arithmetic:coin:inconsistencies} \endlastfoot {% for item in data.coin_inconsistencies %} {{ item.operation }} & \multicolumn{5}{l}{ {\tt {{ item.coin_pub }} } } \\ \nopagebreak & & {{ item.exchange.value }}.{{ item.exchange.fraction }} & {{ item.exchange.currency }} & {{ item.auditor.value }}.{{ item.auditor.fraction }} & {{ item.auditor.currency }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Operations with bad signatures} This section lists operations that the exchange performed, but for which the signatures provided are invalid. Hence the operations were invalid and the amount involved should be considered lost. The key given is always the key for which the signature verification step failed. This is the reserve public key for ``withdraw'' operations, the coin public key for ``deposit'' and ``melt'' operations, the merchant's public key for ``melt'' operations, the (hash of the) denomination public key for ``payback-verify'' and ``deposit-verify'' operations, and the master public key for ``payback-master'' operations. {% if data.bad_sig_losses|length() == 0 %} {\bf All signatures were valid.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{1.5cm}|c|l|rl} {\bf Public key} & {\bf Operation type} & Database row & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Loss amount}} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Public key} & {\bf Operation type} & Database row & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Loss amount}} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Public key} & {\bf Operation type} & Database row & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Loss amount}} \\ \endfoot \hline {\bf Total losses} & & & {{ data.total_bad_sig_loss.value}}.{{ data.total_bad_sig_loss.fraction}} & {{ data.total_bad_sig_loss.currency}} \\ \caption{Losses from operations performed on coins without proper signatures.} \label{table:bad_signature_losses} \endlastfoot {% for item in data.bad_sig_losses %} \multicolumn{5}{l}{ {\tt {{ item.key_pub }} } } \\ \nopagebreak & {{ item.operation }} & {{ item.rowid }} & {{ item.loss.value }}.{{ item.loss.fraction }} & {{ item.loss.currency }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Actual incoming wire transfers} This section highlights cases where the exchange's record about incoming wire transfers does not match with that of the bank. {% if wire.reserve_in_amount_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf All incoming wire transfer amounts and subjects matched up.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{5.5cm}|rl|rl} \multicolumn{5}{l}{ {\bf Wire transfer identifier} ({\bf Row}) } \\ {\bf Diagnostic} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Wired}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{ {\bf Expected}} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead \multicolumn{5}{l}{ {\bf Wire transfer identifier} ({\bf Row}) } \\ {\bf Diagnostic} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Wired}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{ {\bf Expected}} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline \multicolumn{5}{l}{ {\bf Wire transfer identifier} ({\bf Row}) } \\ {\bf Diagnostic} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Wired}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{ {\bf Expected}} \\ \endfoot \hline \hline {\bf Total deltas} & {{ wire.total_wire_in_delta_plus.value}}.{{ wire.total_wire_in_delta_plus.fraction}} & {{ wire.total_wire_in_delta_plus.currency}} & - {{ wire.total_wire_in_delta_minus.value}}.{{ wire.total_wire_in_delta_minus.fraction}} & {{ wire.total_wire_in_delta_minus.currency}} \\ \caption{Incoming wire transfer amounts not matching up.} \label{table:wire_in:transfer_amount_inconsistencies} \endlastfoot {% for item in wire.reserve_in_amount_inconsistencies %} \multicolumn{5}{l}{ {\tt {{ item.wtid }} } ({{ item.row }}) } \\ \nopagebreak {{ item.timestamp }}: & {{ item.amount_wired.value }}.{{ item.amount_wired.fraction }} & {{ item.amount_wired.currency }} & {{ item.amount_expected.value }}.{{ item.amount_expected.fraction }} & {{ item.amount_expected.currency }} \\ {{ item.diagnostic }} & & & & \\ %\nopagebreak % & \multicolumn{4}{|c}{ {{ item.timestamp }} } \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Missattributed incoming wire transfers} This section lists cases where the sender account record of an incoming wire transfer differs between the exchange and the bank. This will cause funds to be sent to the wrong account when the reserve is closed and the remaining balance is refunded to the original account. {% if wire.missattribution_in_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf All incoming wire transfer sender accounts matched up.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{6.5cm}|rl} {\bf Wire transfer identifier} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Amount}} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Wire transfer identifier} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Amount}} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Wire transfer identifier} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Amount}} \\ \endfoot \hline {\bf Total amount} & {{ wire.total_missattribution_in_plus.value}}.{{ wire.total_missattribution_in_plus.fraction}} & {{ wire.total_missattribution_in_plus.currency}} \\ \caption{Incoming wire transfer sender accounts not matching up.} \label{table:wire_in:sender_account_inconsistencies} \endlastfoot {% for item in wire.missattribution_in_inconsistencies %} {\tt {{ item.wtid }} } & {{ item.amount.value }}.{{ item.amount.fraction }} & {{ item.amount.currency }} \\ hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Actual outgoing wire transfers} \label{sec:wire_check_out} This section highlights cases where the exchange missbehaved with respect to outgoing wire transfers. {% if wire.wire_out_amount_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf All outgoing wire transfers matched up.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{6.5cm}|rl|rl} {\bf Wire transfer identifier} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Wired}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Justified}} \\ {\bf Diagnostic} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Row}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Timestamp}} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Wire transfer identifier} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Wired}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Justified}} \\ {\bf Diagnostic} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Row}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Timestamp}} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Wire transfer identifier} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Wired}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Justified}} \\ {\bf Diagnostic} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Row}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Timestamp}} \\ \endfoot \hline {\bf Total deltas} & & {{ wire.total_wire_out_delta_plus.value}}.{{ wire.total_wire_out_delta_plus.fraction}} & {{ wire.total_wire_out_delta_plus.currency}} & - {{ wire.total_wire_out_delta_minus.value}}.{{ wire.total_bad_amount_out_minus.fraction}} & {{ wire.total_wire_out_delta_minus.currency}} \\ \caption{Outgoing wire transfer amounts not matching up.} \label{table:wire_out:transfer_amount_inconsistencies} \endlastfoot {% for item in wire.wire_out_amount_inconsistencies %} {\tt {{ item.wtid }} } & {{ item.amount_wired.value }}.{{ item.amount_wired.fraction }} & {{ item.amount_wired.currency }} & {{ item.amount_justified.value }}.{{ item.amount_justified.fraction }} & {{ item.amount_justified.currency }} \\ \hline \nopagebreak & {{ item.diagnostic }} & {{ item.row }} & {{ item.timestmap }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \section{Minor irregularities} \subsection{Incorrect reserve balance summary in database} This section highlights cases where the reserve balance summary in the database does not match the calculations made by the auditor. Deltas may indicate a corrupt database, but do not necessarily translate into a financial loss (yet). {% if data.reserve_balance_summary_wrong_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf All balances matched up.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{1.5cm}|rl|rl} {\bf Reserve} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Auditor}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Exchange}} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Reserve} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Auditor}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Exchange}} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Reserve} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Auditor}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Exchange}} \endfoot \hline {\bf Total deltas} & & {{ data.total_balance_summary_delta_plus.value}}.{{ data.total_balance_summary_delta_plus.fraction}} & {{ data.total_balance_summary_delta_plus.currency}} & - {{ data.total_balance_summary_delta_minus.value}}.{{ data.total_balance_summary_delta_minus.fraction}} & {{ data.total_balance_summary_delta_minus.currency}} \\ \caption{Reserves balances not matching up.} \label{table:reserve:balance_inconsistencies} \endlastfoot {% for item in data.reserve_balance_summary_wrong_inconsistencies %} \multicolumn{5}{l}{ {\tt {{ item.reserve_pub }} } } \\ \nopagebreak & {{ item.auditor.value }}.{{ item.auditor.fraction }} & {{ item.auditor.currency }} & {{ item.exchange.value }}.{{ item.exchange.fraction }} & {{ item.exchange.currency }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Wire table issues} This section describes issues found by the wire auditor that do not have a clear financial impact. {% if wire.row_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf No wire row inconsistencies found.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{5.5cm}|l|p{4.5cm}} {\bf Table} & {\bf Row} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Table} & {\bf Row} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline {\bf Table} & {\bf Row} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \endfoot \hline {\bf Table} & {\bf Row} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \caption{Other wire table issues found (by table and row).} \label{table:wire:misc} \endlastfoot {% for item in wire.row_inconsistencies %} \verb! {{ item.table }} ! & {{ item.row }} & {{ item.diagnostic }} \\ \nopagebreak \multicolumn{3}{l}{ {\tiny {\tt {{ item.wire_offset_hash }} } } } \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Outgoing wire transfer subject issues} This section describes issues found by the wire auditor that relate to outgoing wire transfers being malformed. This happens if the exchange somehow creates wire transfers with duplicate or malformed wire transfer subjects. {% if wire.wire_format_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf No wire format inconsistencies found.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{4.5cm}|rl} \multicolumn{3}{c}{ {\bf Row hash} } \\ {\bf Diagnostic} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{ {\bf Amount} } \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead \multicolumn{3}{c}{ {\bf Row hash} } \\ {\bf Diagnostic} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{ {\bf Amount} } \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \multicolumn{3}{c}{ {\bf Row hash} } \\ {\bf Diagnostic} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{ {\bf Amount} } \\ \endfoot \hline \hline {\bf Total} & {{ wire.total_wire_format_amount.value }}.{{ wire.total_wire_format_amount.fraction }} & {{ wire.total_wire_format_amount.currency }} \\ \caption{Outgoing wire transfer subject issues found.} \label{table:outgoing:wtid} \endlastfoot {% for item in wire.wire_format_inconsistencies %} \multicolumn{3}{l}{ \verb! {{ item.wire_offset_hash }} ! } \\ \nopagebreak {{ item.diagnostic }} & {{ item.amount.value }}.{{ item.amount.fraction }} & {{ item.amount.currency }} \\ {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Wire fee structure inconsistencies} This section lists cases where the exchange's database may be ambiguous with respect to what wire fee it charges at what time. {% if data.wire_fee_time_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf No wire fee timing issues detected.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{1.5cm}|r|p{5.5}} {\bf Wire format} & {\bf Timestamp} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Wire format} & {\bf Timestamp} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Wire format} & {\bf Timestamp} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \endfoot \hline \hline {\bf Wire format} & {\bf Timestamp} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \caption{Wire fees with ambiguous timestamps.} \label{table:wire_fee:ambiguity} \endlastfoot {% for item in data.wire_fee_time_inconsistencies %} {\tt {{ item.type }} } & {{ item.time }} & {{ item.diagnostic }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Other issues} This section describes issues found that do not have a clear financial impact. {% if data.row_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf No row inconsistencies found.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{1.5cm}|l|p{5.5cm}} {\bf Table} & {\bf Row} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Table} & {\bf Row} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Table} & {\bf Row} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \endfoot \hline \hline {\bf Table} & {\bf Row} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \caption{Other issues found (by table and row).} \label{table:misc} \endlastfoot {% for item in data.row_inconsistencies %} \verb! {{ item.table }} ! & {{ item.row }} & {{ item.diagnostic }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \section{Delays and timing} This section describes issues that are likely caused simply by some job process of the exchange not running properly or not having caught up with the work load yet. \subsection{Delayed closure of reserves} This section describes cases where the exchange did not close a reserve and wire back the remaining funds when the reserve expired. {% if data.reserve_not_closed_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf All expired reserves were closed.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{1.5cm}|c|rl} {\bf Reserve} & {\bf Expired} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Balance}} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Reserve} & {\bf Expired} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Balance}} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Reserve} & {\bf Expired} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Balance}} \endfoot \hline {\bf Sum} & & {{ data.total_balance_reserve_not_closed.value}}.{{ data.total_balance_reserve_not_closed.fraction}} & {{ data.total_balance_reserve_not_closed.currency}} \\ \caption{Reserves not closed on time.} \label{table:reserve:not_closed} \endlastfoot {% for item in data.reserve_not_closed_inconsistencies %} \multicolumn{4}{l}{ {\tt {{ item.reserve_pub }} } } \\ \nopagebreak & {{ item.expiration_time }} & {{ item.balance.value }}.{{ item.balance.fraction }} & {{ item.balance.currency }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Hanging refresh operations} This section describes cases where the exchange booked a coin as spent from {\tt /refresh/melt} but where the wallet did not yet complete {\tt /refresh/reveal}. This may happen even if the exchange is correct. {% if data.refresh_hanging|length() == 0 %} {\bf All melted coins were refreshed.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{1.5cm}|c|rl} {\bf Key} & {\bf row} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Amount}} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Key} & {\bf row} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Amount}} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Key} & {\bf row} & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ {\bf Amount}} \\ \endfoot \hline {\bf Sum} & & {{ data.total_refresh_hanging.value}}.{{ data.total_refresh_hanging.fraction}} & {{ data.total_refresh_hanging.currency}} \\ \caption{Refresh operations hanging.} \label{table:refresh:hanging} \endlastfoot {% for item in data.refresh_hanging %} \multicolumn{4}{l}{ {\tt {{ item.coin_pub }} } } \\ \nopagebreak & {{ item.row }} & {{ item.amount.value }}.{{ item.amount.fraction }} & {{ item.amount.currency }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Denomination key invalid at time of withdrawal} This section lists cases where a denomination key was not valid for withdrawal at the time when the exchange claims to have signed a coin with it. This would be irregular, but has no obvious financial implications. {% if data.denomination_key_validity_withdraw_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf All denomination keys were valid at the time of withdrawals.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{7.5cm}|c} {\bf Reserve} & {\bf Table row} \\ {\bf Denomination key hash} & {\bf Execution time} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Reserve} & {\bf Table row} \\ {\bf Denomination key hash} & {\bf Execution time} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Reserve} & {\bf Table row} \\ {\bf Denomination key hash} & {\bf Execution time} \\ \endfoot \hline {\bf Reserve} & {\bf Table row} \\ {\bf Denomination key hash} & {\bf Execution time} \\ \caption{Execution times not matching denomination key validity period.} \label{table:withdraw:bad_time} \endlastfoot {% for item in data.denomination_key_validity_withdraw_inconsistencies %} {\tt {{ item.reserve_pub }} } & {{ item.row }} \\ \nopagebreak & {\tt {{ item.denompub_h }} } & {{ item.execution_date }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \subsection{Wire transfer timestamp issues} This section lists issues with wire transfers related to timestamps. {% if wire.row_minor_inconsistencies|length() == 0 %} {\bf No timestamp issues detected.} {% else %} \begin{longtable}{p{1.5cm}|r|p{5.5}} {\bf Table} & {\bf Table row} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead {\bf Table} & {\bf Table row} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \hline \hline \endhead \hline \hline {\bf Table} & {\bf Table row} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \endfoot \hline \hline {\bf Table} & {\bf Table row} & {\bf Diagnostic} \\ \caption{Execution times not matching in wire transfers.} \label{table:wire:bad_time} \endlastfoot {% for item in wire.row_minor_inconsistencies %} \verb! {{ item.table }} ! & {{ item.row }} & {{ item.diagnostic }} \\ \hline {% endfor %} \end{longtable} {% endif %} \end{document}