Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on
top of X for Linux and Unix.

NOTE: This builds the stable version of wine.  If you need
cutting-edge then you may want to check out wine-staging.


With no options this SlackBuild will build a 32 bit package,
for which you need to have either have multilib installed, or
building in a 32 OS, or in a 32 bit chroot.

To enable 64 bit support use:

  WIN64=yes ./wine.SlackBuild

To disable win32 support, use:

  WIN32=no ./wine.SlackBuild

To disable OpenGL support, use:

  OPENGL=no ./wine.SlackBuild

The above options can be combined.



To build tahoma, tahomabd, and marlett fonts.


For tahoma, lucida console, MS fonts for the web and Win



With 64 bit support you would use the wine64 binary.  If you
have a combined 32 and 64 bit package you need to set the
environmental variable WINEPREFIX to point to the 64 bit
wine directory when running wine64, which should be
different to the 32 bit directory (~/.wine by default).

WINEPREFIX=~/.wine64 wine64 notepad

To build the 32 bit wine on x86_64 you will need to have
multilib packages installed, unless you want to build for
Windows 64 bit applications only (using WIN64=yes WIN32=no.)

AlienBOB's multilib readme and repo:

I have a script that rsyncs with alienBOB's repo and
installs the multilib packages which can be found here:

Be sure to read the short instructions at the top.  If you
use slackpkg then you will also want to blacklist his
packages in /etc/slackpkg/blacklist:
