vlock is a program to lock one or more sessions on the Linux console.

This is especially useful for Linux machines which have multiple users with
access to the console. One user may lock his or her session(s) while still
allowing other users to use the system on other virtual consoles.

If desired, the entire console may be locked and virtual console switching

vlock has two particular options that this SlackBuild reserves to the wheel


              Switch to a new virtual console before locking all console

  -s ,--disable-sysrq

              Disable the SysRq mechanism (enabled by stock Slackware 13.37
        kernels) while consoles are locked. This option only works if
        the -a, --all option given.

If you would like to set an alternative group, you may pass the VLOCK_GROUP 
variable to the SlackBuild like this:

VLOCK_GROUP=users ./vlock.SlackBuild