--- vboxadd.sh.orig	2012-03-13 15:52:25.000000000 +0100
+++ vboxadd.sh	2012-09-18 22:09:48.886085813 +0200
@@ -480,60 +480,13 @@
 # setup_script
-    if test -r $config; then
-      . $config
-    else
-      fail "Configuration file $config not found"
-    fi
-    test -n "$INSTALL_DIR" -a -n "$INSTALL_VER" ||
-      fail "Configuration file $config not complete"
-    export BUILD_TYPE
-    export USERNAME
-    BUILDINTMP="$MODULE_SRC/build_in_tmp"
-    DODKMS="$MODULE_SRC/do_dkms"
-    chcon -t bin_t "$BUILDINTMP" > /dev/null 2>&1
-    chcon -t bin_t "$DODKMS"     > /dev/null 2>&1
-    setup_modules
-    mod_succ="$?"
-    extra_setup
-    if [ "$mod_succ" -eq "0" ]; then
-        if running_vboxguest || running_vboxadd; then
-            printf "You should restart your guest to make sure the new modules are actually used\n\n"
-        else
-            start
-        fi
-    fi
+    echo "Not implemented! Please use the virtualbox-kernel-addons.SlackBuild available at SlackBuilds.org instead."
 # cleanup_script
-    if test -r $config; then
-      . $config
-      test -n "$INSTALL_DIR" -a -n "$INSTALL_VER" ||
-        fail "Configuration file $config not complete"
-      DODKMS="$INSTALL_DIR/src/vboxguest-$INSTALL_VER/do_dkms"
-    elif test -x ./do_dkms; then  # Executing as part of the installer...
-      DODKMS=./do_dkms
-    else
-      fail "Configuration file $config not found"
-    fi
-    # Delete old versions of VBox modules.
-    cleanup_modules
-    depmod
-    # Remove old module sources
-    for i in $OLDMODULES; do
-      rm -rf /usr/src/$i-*
-    done
-    # Remove other files
-    rm /sbin/mount.vboxsf 2>/dev/null
-    rm /etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxadd.rules 2>/dev/null
+    echo "Not implemented! Please use removepkg or pkgtool to remove virtualbox-addons and/or virtualbox-kernel-addons instead."