fonts-open-sans --------------- The upstream website ( does not publish any version information, and it is unclear if and how the font will ever be updated. The font is distributed in the form of a two zip files, and These need to be repackaged to comply with debian source package standards. To find out if an update was released, you should download and unpack the fonts manually, then use otfdump to find out if they have a new version. Download the current font packages first: $ wget Unpack them into the source repository: $ unzip -o $ unzip -o Test if any of the files are tagged with a new version: $ for i in *.ttf; do echo $i; otfdump $i | grep '(nameID 5 "Version' ; done This should print something like: OpenSans-CondBold.ttf (nameID 5 "Version 1.11") for each of the fonts. Note that they may not all have the same version. If any of the versions differ from the current package version, or if $ git status shows that a file has changed, it is recommended to prepare a new release. To accomplish this, debian/rules includes a script that does most of the work for you. Update the changelog first: $ dch -v - Replace with the new upstream version, as determined above, or increment if only some fonts have changed and the highest font version is still the same. Add a suitable changelog line. For example: New upstream release Then save and run the tarball script (it uses wget and unzip): $ debian/rules get-orig-source This should produce a new ../fonts-open-sans_.tar.xz file. Commit the updated TTFs and Debian changelog, then release the new package.