Spman is a powerful Slackware package manager implemented on Python3
and licensed under the MIT license.

Main features:
    - check packages for upgrade
    - download package or source code from allowed repositories
    - remove/upgrade packages in the current directory
    - view the history of installing/updating/removing packages
    - download, build and install packages in the queue from SBo
    - show list all dependencies for package from SBo repository
    - view the contents of files included in SlackBuild archive
        from SBo repository
    - search package from each enabled repository and view info
    - show complete list of the packages in the repository
    - search dependency problems in the system packages using
        Slackware binary dependency checker (sbbdep) tool or ldd
    - search for links to nonexistent files/dir in the specified
    - check health installed packages
    - search for *.new config files on the system
    - autocompletion of input parameters

Supported repositories:
    Alien's multilib

Optional dependencies:
    - sbbdep (for search dependency problems functionality)
    - tqdm (progress bar for some parameters)