This is par, an archiver for Quake pak?.pak files.
It has been written for all those who don't like to use windoze
(pakexplr byAshley Bone) for pak file processing.

par knows about listing, extraction and creation of pak archives:

  quake-par -l pak0.pak [files]
  quake-par -x pak0.pak [files]
  quake-par -c pak9.pak [files].

In addition, you may specify -v for having par to be more talketive
and -f to force some actions or/and suppress error messages.
Since pak archives usually contain hundreds of files, instead of
specifying them on the command line you may put the names to textfiles
and use the -t switch. This option may be used instead of
(not implemented) wildcards:

  quake-par -l pak0.pak | egrep "^models/weapons" > list
  quake-par -xvt pak0.pak list