This package contains two type of fonts: TW-Kai and TW-Sung, which are provided by CNS11643 Chinese Standard Interchange Code Master Ideographs from Taiwan. Included is a config file that adds the Noto Sans CJK family to a higher spot in the default "sans-serif" substitutes. If you're using a graphical desktop environment, this would make sure that your default Chinese font substitute, Noto Sans CJK, wouldn't be superseded by the fonts installed by this package. If your default fonts are changed after installing this package, please email me at ltlnx (at) gmx (dot) com. Another config file is included, 35-CNS11643-font.conf, that binds the Windows counterparts "MingLiU" (細明體) and "PMingLiU" (新細明體) to TW-Sung, and "DFKai-SB", "UKai" (標楷體) to TW-Kai. If you want it copied into /etc/fonts/conf.avail, add the environment variable "ADDCONF=yes" at the front of the SlackBuild, and run it as such: ADDCONF=yes ./CNS11643-font.SlackBuild If you're using a SlackBuild manager, the way of adding variables may differ; please consult the manual of your program for instructions. The source file can be found at "", and the license can be found at "". Note that the license is CC BY-ND ("").