Osmo is a handy personal organizer, which includes calendar, tasks
manager, contacts and notes modules. It was designed to be a small,
easy to use and good looking PIM tool to help to manage personal
information. In its current state the  organizer is quite convenient
to use - for example, the user can perform nearly all operations using
the keyboard. Also, a lot of parameters are configurable to meet the
user's preferences. On the technical side, Osmo is GTK+3 based tool
which uses a plain XML database to store all personal data.

Optional, build-time dependencies available from SlackBuilds.org:
- libgringotts:  for backup support,
- webkit2gtk:    for contacts support.

Optional, build-time dependencies not available from SlackBuilds.org:
- gspell:        for spell checker.

Required version of gspell is >= 1.2.0, which requires gtk+-3.0 >= 3.20.
Slackware 14.2 does not provide new enough gtk+3.