Adobe's Acrobat Reader application (official binary) repackaged
in "Slackware style" for easier system maintenance.

xulrunner is an optional dependency (for the browser plugin).

This only works on the x86 architecture (no x86_64, arm, ...), although
it may work on x86_64 systems with alienBOB's multilib installed.

Note: The package will have the 3-letter language code in
the version number. The default language is "enu" (for US
English). E.g. for VERSION=9.5.5, the package will be called
adobe-reader-9.5.5_enu-i486-1_SBo.tgz by default. To use a different
language, first download the .tgz file for that language from Adobe's
site, then set ADOBE_LANG="xxx" in the environment, where "xxx" is the
3-letter language code and run the SlackBuild.