
This file contains some specific instructions to complete the
installation of ntop on Slackware.

0) Before running the SlackBuild script

0.1) ntop group & user

Before running the ntop.SlackBuild script, you will need to create
the 'ntop' user and group. The script won't run if these do not

The suggested UID and GID is 212, but you can change this as needed:

  # groupadd -g 212 ntop
  # useradd -u 212 -g ntop -d /var/lib/ntop -s /bin/false ntop

If you want to use a different user and/or group under which to run
ntop, you can pass alternate values to the NTOPUSER and NTOPGROUP variables
when running the build script.

1) Start & Stop scripts for ntop

1.1) Automatic startup and shutdown

If you want to start ntop on system bootup, include these lines in your

  # Start ntop
  if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.ntop ]; then
    echo "Starting ntop..."
    /etc/rc.d/rc.ntop start

To guarantee a clean shutdown of ntop, include this in 

  # Stop ntop
  if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.ntop ]; then
    echo "Stopping ntop..."
    /etc/rc.d/rc.ntop stop

1.2) Make /etc/rc.d/rc.ntop executable

Additionally, you'll have to set the rc script to be executable just like 
any other Slackware rc script:

  # chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.ntop

2) Set the administrator password

When ntop is installed at the first time, you MUST set the administration 
password for ntop (user 'admin'). You do that by running ntop with the 
option -A (or --set-admin-password) as root:
# /usr/bin/ntop -P <ntop_homedirectory> -u <ntopuser> -A
For example:

  # /usr/bin/ntop -P /var/lib/ntop -u ntop -A

It will prompt you for the password and then exit. 

3) Starting ntop

Now you are ready to start ntop by calling the startup script:

  # /etc/rc.d/rc.ntop start

Once ntop has started and configured correctly, you should be able to look 
at all the data it's collected by pointing your browser at:


Browse through the configuration menu (Admin / Configure / Startup options)
to set the interfaces you want to capture and many more parameters.

Fore more documentation on ntop, check:

There are also some mailing lists you can subscribe to, that can be found on
the pages mentioned above.

4) Keeping your ntop tables up-to-date

Now that your ntop server is running, you might want to keep some of the
tables that are installed updated automatically.

I do this with a few simple shell scripts I copy to the /etc/cron.xxxx/
directories, where xxxx stands for:

  - hourly
  - daily
  - weekly
  - monthly

So saving a script in /etc/cron.weekly/ means it will be run every week.
Saving it in /etc/cron/monthly/ means it will run once a month, etc.

My suggestions are:
  - save ntop_update_geoip	in /etc/cron.weekly
  - save ntop_update_oui	in /etc/cron.daily

Don't forget to make the script executable.

The following scripts are examples for the GeoIP and OUI tables, feel free 
to adapt them to your reality.

The "OS Fingerprint" table has not changed since 2005, so I did not
create a script for it.  If you want, you can check for updates at:

* ntop_update_geoip * - Suggestion: save in /etc/cron.weekly
# ntop_update_geoip:    update GeoIP tables

UPDATES="\,GeoLiteCity.dat \,GeoIPASNum.dat"


for update in $UPDATES; do
         update_url=`echo $update | awk -F , {'print $1'}`
        update_file=`echo $update | awk -F , {'print $2'}`

        wget -o $UPDATE_OUT -N ${update_url}${update_file}.gz
        WGET_TEST=$(grep "saved" $UPDATE_OUT > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; echo $?)
        if [ $WGET_TEST -eq "0" ]; then
                tail -n2 $UPDATE_OUT | head -n1 >> $UPDATE_LOG
                gunzip -c ${update_file}.gz > ${update_file}

* ntop_update_oui * - Suggestion: save in /etc/cron.daily
# ntop_update_oui:      update OUI table



for update in $UPDATES; do
         update_url=`echo $update | awk -F , {'print $1'}`
        update_file=`echo $update | awk -F , {'print $2'}`

        wget -o $UPDATE_OUT -N ${update_url}${update_file}
        WGET_TEST=$(grep "saved" $UPDATE_OUT > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; echo $?)
        if [ $WGET_TEST -eq "0" ]; then
                tail -n2 $UPDATE_OUT | head -n1 >> $UPDATE_LOG
                gzip -c ${update_file} > ${update_file}.gz

(Note that there are some subtle differences between the scripts, so beware
when copying)