ircII (IRC Client, Second Edition) ircII is a full screen, curses-based interface to Internet Relay Chat. It gives full access to all of the normal IRC functions, plus a variety of additional options. ircII is the oldest IRC client still maintained. ircII has extensive built-in help, accessed by the /help command. If you'd rather read the help in a browser, it's also available as: file:///usr/doc/ircII-20210616_2/html/index.html By default, this SlackBuild sets the default IRC server to "SSLIRC/". This only applies with ircII is run without a server argument on the command line. You can change the default server by setting the DEFSRV environment variable to the host:port (with optional SSLIRC/ prefix for a secure connection), or compile without a default server with DEFSRV=none. Optionally, ircII can be compiled with 'paranoid mode'. This stops ircII from including the ircII version or realname/username in CTCP VERSION and FINGER responses. It also stops ircII from responding to channel-wide CTCP requests entirely. To do this, export PARANOID=yes in the script's environment.