
# "Simple" init script for SBo ipxnet, by B. Watson <yalhcru@gmail.com>. If
# you need something fancier (multiple instances of ipxnet), feel free
# to implement it here and send me the updated script. I'll add it to
# the SBo build.

# Note that ipxnet daemonizes itself immediately (before even checking if
# it got the right number of command line arguments) and doesn't create a
# PID file. Trying to capture the PID of the just-spawned ipxnet process
# in this script is problematic, so I didn't bother with a PID file. We
# can't even capture error messages (because it closed its stdout/stderr).

# The default settings:

# If config file found, source it (can override IPXPORT)
[ -e /etc/rc.d/rc.ipxnet.conf ] && source /etc/rc.d/rc.ipxnet.conf

ok_fail() {
  if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
    echo "OK"
    exit 0
    echo "FAIL"
    exit 1

# returns success if an ipxnet process is listening on our port.
is_running() {
  lsof +c 0 -i 4UDP:$IPXPORT | grep -q ipxnet-system

# ipxnet doesn't exit with error status if it fails to start. So we have
# to check whether it started or not... we wait up to 20 sec or so, then
# give up.
check_start() {
  for i in 0.2 0.5 1 3 6 10; do
    sleep $i
    is_running && return 0
  return 1

case "${1:-start}" in
    echo -n "Starting ipxnet on UDP port $IPXPORT: "
    if is_running; then
      echo "Already running!"
      exit 1
    /usr/sbin/ipxnet-system $IPXPORT

  stop)    echo -n "Stopping ipxnet: "; killall ipxnet-system ; ok_fail ;;

  restart) $0 stop ; sleep 1; exec $0 start ;;

  *) echo "Usage: $0 stop|stop|restart"