LogMeIn Hamachi2 is a hosted VPN service that securely connects devices and networks, extending LAN-like network connectivity to mobile users, distributed teams and business applications. You can easily create secure virtual networks on demand, across public and private networks. Linux beta binary blob from https://secure.logmein.com/US/labs/ This requires the "tun" driver to be built into the kernel or available as a module- not a problem for Slackware (indeed, most) kernels. Provided is a sample rc.d script, /etc/rc.d/rc.d/rc.hamachi, to start the Hamachi2 daemon. To run it on boot, make it executable with chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.hamachi and add the following to /etc/rc.d/rc.local: if [ -x /etc/rc.d/rc.hamachi ]; then . /etc/rc.d/rc.hamachi start fi Hamachi2 writes its configuration information to /var/lib/logmein-hamachi. To modify the server configuration, add your parameters to /var/lib/logmein-hamachi/h2-engine-override.cfg and restart the daemon with /etc/rc.d/rc.hamachi restart. Parameters you can change (in fact, the daemon's current configuration) are listed in h2-engine.cfg in this directory. Example /var/lib/logmein-hamachi/h2-engine-override.cfg: Conn.DisableUpnp 1 Ipc.User vike Sock.TcpAddr Sock.TcpPort 51232 Sock.UdpAddr Sock.UdpPort 51232 This config allows the user vike to use the hamachi command for controlling the vpn. It also disables UPnP for negotiation of the hamachi listen socket and forces it to the address and port listed. This is useful when you are willing to do a port forward yourself, because UPnP can be unreliable. For more information run the hamachi command without parameters and see /usr/doc/hamachi-<version>/README.