ejabberd is an open-source, robust, scalable and extensible realtime
platform built using Erlang/OTP, that includes XMPP server, MQTT broker
and SIP service.

A user and group "ejabberd" must exist prior to running this script.
To create them run as root:
  groupadd -g 370 ejabberd
  useradd -u 370 -g 370 -s /sbin/nologin -d /var/lib/ejabberd ejabberd

You can enable the following optional features by passing variables to
the script (VAR=yes ejabberd.SlackBuild):

ODBC=yes|no (default: no), enable ODBC support
MYSQL=yes|no (default: no), enable MySQL support
PGSQL=yes|no (default: no), enable PostgreSQL support
SQLITE=yes|no (default: no), enable SQLite support
PAM=yes|no (default: no), enable PAM authentication
REDIS=yes|no (default: no), enable Redis support
ELIXIR=yes|no (default: no), enable Elixir support
SIP=yes|no (default: no), enable SIP support
LUA=yes|no (default: no), enable Lua support (to import from Prosody)
TOOLS=yes|no (default: no), build development tools