OpenShot Video Editor is a free, open-source, non-linear video editor.
It can create and edit videos and movies using many popular video,
audio, and image formats.

Blender is an optional runtime dependency (for animated titles),
as is inkscape. To use them, set the full paths for the blender and
inkscape executables in the preferences menu.

OpenShot depends on several of its dependent packages' support for python3.
In many cases, the python3 support is optional in the dependent packages
themselves so python3 is not listed in their REQUIRES field.  As a result,
automatic build queue generators will most likely _not_ provide a usable
build queue. It is recommended that python3 be the first package to be built
and installed before all the other packages required for openshot.

Please note that while most of the dependent packages requiring python3
will detect the presence (or not) of python3 and build accordingly, an
exception is httplib2 must have been built with python3 support by setting
in the build environment.