diff -Naur html2ps-1.0b7/install html2ps-1.0b7.patched/install
--- html2ps-1.0b7/install	2010-05-07 07:22:12.000000000 -0400
+++ html2ps-1.0b7.patched/install	2014-09-12 13:31:05.000000000 -0400
@@ -33,33 +33,6 @@
 @perl = ("Image${dirsep}Magick.pm", "LWP${dirsep}UserAgent.pm");
-print <<EOD;
-This is the installation script for html2ps. To get full functionality, some
-external program packages need to be installed. You may wish to install these
-first (see the enclosed documentation for addresses):
- * For conversion on inline images, any of the packages ImageMagick, pbmplus
-   or netpbm.
- * To retrieve remote documents you must have libwww-perl. Alternatively,
-   some program like wget or lynx.
- * To be able to generate cross references and DSC PostScript, you must
-   have Ghostscript installed.
- * To be able to convert documents using the MATH element from HTML 3.0,
-   you need both TeX and dvips.
-This script creates a file describing the local configuration. To make this
-accurate, you should have your search PATH set to include the directories
-where the abovementioned packages are. You must also have write access to
-the directories where the files should be placed.
-&getval($goon, "y", "\nDo you want to proceed with the installation?");
-die "\n" if($goon!~/^y/i);
 print "\n";
 for $req (@perl) {
     print "Searching for $req: ";
@@ -103,30 +76,10 @@
     $pack .= "    check: weblint;\n";
-if($module{"LWP${dirsep}UserAgent.pm"}) {
-    $pack .= "    libwww-perl: 1;\n";
-} else {
-    if(&exist("lynx",0)) {
-        $lynx = 1;
-        $lynxcmd = "lynx -source -mime_header";
-        $getdef = $lynxcmd;
-    }
-    if(&exist("wget",0)) {
-        $wget = 1;
-        $ugcmd = "wget -s -q -O-";
-        $getdef = $ugcmd;
-    }
-    $both = $wget && $lynx? " (for example '$ugcmd' or\n'$lynxcmd')": "";
-    $none = $wget || $lynx? "":
-           ", or press <return> to convert local files only";
-    &getval($geturl, $getdef,
-    "\nBy default html2ps uses libwww-perl to retrieve remote documents, "
-    ."I cannot\nfind this on your system. You may instead use some command "
-    ."that can retrieve\ndocuments _with_a_complete_MIME_header_$both\.\n"
-    ."Enter such a command$none");
-    $geturl = "/bin/true" if(!$geturl);
-    $pack .= "    geturl: \"$geturl\";\n";
+$lynx = 1;
+$lynxcmd = "lynx -source -mime_header";
+$geturl = $lynxcmd;
+$pack .= "    geturl: \"$geturl\";\n";
 if(@reqpath) {
     $pack .= '    path: "'.join($pathsep, @reqpath).'";';
@@ -134,155 +87,22 @@
 chop ($cd = `pwd`);
-&getval($ans, "y",
- "\nBy default all files will be installed in subdirectories 'bin', 'lib',\n"
- ."and 'man' in a common directory. Is this OK?");
-$def = $ans=~/^y/i;
-if($def) {
-    &getval($prefix, "$prefix", "\nEnter the name of this directory");
-    &fixdir($prefix);
-    while(!&goodprefix) {
-	&getval($prefix, "$prefix", "\nEnter a new directory name");
-    }
-    &makedir($prefix,0);
-if($def) {
-    $bindir = "$prefix${dirsep}bin";
-} else {
-    &getval($bindir, "$prefix${dirsep}bin",
-     "\nEnter the directory where the html2ps script should be put");
-    &fixdir($bindir);
-    ($prefix) = $bindir=~m|(.*)\Q$dirsep\E[^\Q$dirsep\E]+|;
+$bindir = "$ENV{PKG}/usr/bin";
-if($def) {
-    $glob = "$prefix${dirsep}lib${dirsep}html2ps";
-} else {
-    &getval($glob, "$prefix${dirsep}lib${dirsep}html2ps",
-     "\nEnter the the directory where the global configuration file for\n"
-    ."html2ps should be put");
-    $glob =~ s|/$||g;
-    &fixdir($glob);
 $repl = "y";
-if(-f "$glob${dirsep}html2psrc") {
-    &getval($repl, "y", "\nA file $glob${dirsep}html2psrc already exists, replace?");
+$glob = "$ENV{PKG}/usr/share/html2ps";
-if($def) {
-    $man1 = "$prefix${dirsep}man${dirsep}man1";
-} else {
-    &getval($man1, "$prefix${dirsep}man${dirsep}man1",
-     "\nEnter the directory for the html2ps manual page");
-    &fixdir($man1);
-if($def) {
-    $man5 = "$prefix${dirsep}man${dirsep}man5";
-} else {
-    &getval($man5, "$prefix${dirsep}man${dirsep}man5",
-     "\nEnter the directory for the manual page describing the configuration\n"
-     ."file format for html2ps");
-    &fixdir($man5);
+$man1 = "$ENV{PKG}/usr/man/man1";
+$man5 = "$ENV{PKG}/usr/man/man5";
-$ht = "\nTo use the automatic hyphenation feature, hyphenation pattern files\n"
-     ."from the TeX distribution are needed.";
 $cophy = 1;
-if($exist{'TeX'}) {
-    $hfile = "";
-    ($texdir = $dir{'TeX'}) =~ s|/bin$||;
-    SW:for("texmf/tex/generic/hyphen","macros","inputs","lib/macros",
-        "lib/inputs","lib/tex/macros","lib/tex/inputs") {
-        if(-f "$texdir/$_/ushyph1.tex") {
-            $hyph = "$texdir/$_";
-            $hfile = "$hyph/ushyph1.tex";
-            last SW;
-        }
-        if(-f "$texdir/$_/hyphen.tex") {
-            $hyph = "$texdir/$_";
-            $hfile = "$hyph/hyphen.tex";
-            last SW;
-        }
-    }
-    if($hfile) {
-        &getval($hdef, "y", "$ht I believe that I have found\nthe pattern "
-         ."file for English in your TeX installation:\n\n  "
-         ."$hfile\n\nWould you like to use this instead of the "
-         ."file included with html2ps?");
-        if($hdef=~/^y/i) {
-            $cophy = 0;
-        } else {
-            $hfile = "";
-        }
-    } else {
-        &getval($hfile, "", "$ht I cannot find the pattern\nfile for English "
-         ."in your TeX installation. (It should be called\n'hyphen.tex', "
-         ."or perhaps 'ushyph1.tex', somewhere in the directory\ntree "
-         ."'$texdir'.)\n\nIf you know where this file is and want to use it "
-         ."instead of the\nfile included with html2ps, enter the full path "
-         ."name for this file,\notherwise press <return>");
-        while($hfile && !-f $hfile) {
-            &getval($hfile, "", "\nNo such file: $hfile\nEnter new name, or "
-             ."press <return> to use the supplied file");
-        }
-        $cophy = $hfile !~ /\S/;
-    }
-    if(!$hfile) {
-        if($def) {
-            $hyph = "$prefix${dirsep}lib${dirsep}html2ps";
-        } else {
-            &getval($hyph, "$prefix${dirsep}lib${dirsep}html2ps",
-             "\nOK, I will use the supplied pattern file for English. Enter "
-            ."the directory\nwhere this file should be put");
-            &fixdir($hyph);
-        }
-    }
-} else {
-    if($def) {
-        $hyph = "$prefix${dirsep}lib${dirsep}html2ps";
-    } else {
-    &getval($hyph, "$prefix${dirsep}lib${dirsep}html2ps", "$ht A pattern file for English is\n"
-     ."included with html2ps (see the documentation how to install pattern\n"
-     ."files for other languages). Enter the directory where this file\n"
-     ."should be put");
-    }
-if($cophy) {
-    &makedir($hyph,0);
-    $hfile = "$hyph${dirsep}hyphen.tex";
+$hyph = $glob;
+$hfile = $glob . "/hyphen.tex";
-if($def) {
-    $html = "$prefix${dirsep}lib${dirsep}html2ps";
-} else {
-    &getval($html, "$prefix${dirsep}lib${dirsep}html2ps",
-     "\nEnter a directory where to put the HTML document describing\nhtml2ps");
-    &fixdir($html);
+$html = "$ENV{PKG}/usr/doc/html2ps-$ENV{VERSION}";
-$paper = "";
-&getval($format, "A4",
- "\nEnter the default paper type, possible choices are:\nA0, A1, A2, A3, A4,"
- ." A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10,\nB0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10,\n"
- ."letter, legal, arche, archd, archc, archb, archa,\nflsa, flse, halfletter,"
- ." 11x17, ledger, other");
-if($format !~ /^other$/i) {
-    $paper .= "    type: $format;";
-} else {
-    &getval($height, "",
-     "\nDefault paper height i centimeters (1 inch = 2.54 centimeters)");
-    &getval($width, "", "\nDefault paper width i centimeters");
-    $paper .= "    height: $height;\n";
-    $paper .= "    width: $width;";
+$format = "letter";
+$paper = "    type: $format;";
 open(RC,">html2psrc") || die "*** Error opening html2psrc\n";
 print RC "/* Global configuration file for html2ps */\n\n"