xmltv_prereq is a package of several perl modules required to build and
run xmltv. Many of these are now available from SlackBuilds.org; to
prevent conflicts, you should remove any of the already-installed modules 
from the modules list in xmltv_prereq.SlackBuild.
The package includes the following modules by default:

 Class-MethodMaker-2.09   DateManip-5.44   HTML-Parser-3.56
 HTML-TableExtract-2.1   HTML-Tagset-3.10   HTML-Tree-3.23
 libwww-perl-5.805   Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate-1.02   Lingua-Preferred-0.2.4
 PerlIO-gzip-0.18   SOAP-Lite-0.69   Term-ProgressBar-2.09
 TermReadKey-2.30   Tk-804.027   Tk-TableMatrix-1.23   Unicode-String-2.09
 WWW-Mechanize-1.20   XML-LibXML-1.62   XML-LibXML-Common-0.13
 XML-NamespaceSupport-1.09   XML-SAX-0.15   XML-Twig-3.29   XML-Writer-0.602