.TH ocroscript 1 "June 06, 2008" .SH NAME ocropus \- command line OCR tool .SH SYNOPSIS .B ocroscript .RI "<script> <arguments>" .SH DESCRIPTION You can see a list of all available commands by looking in the $OCROSCRIPTS (/usr/share/ocropus/scripts/ by default) path. .PP The \(oqrecognize\(cq script uses tesseract for recognition and sends the html-based hOCR ouput to stdout. Tesseract is probably the most mature text recognizer within OCRopus at the moment. Natively, Tesseract doesn't do layout analysis, but combined with OCRopus, it makes for a pretty good OCR system: .RS $ ocroscript recognize page.png > page.html .RE .PP Here is a brief summary of the remaining command line commands available. You will need to look at the script to see what the command line arguments are: .TP degrade.lua Simple document image degradation .TP hocr-to-text.lua Convert hOCR output to plain text. .TP line-clean.lua Given a line image, remove marginal noise and fix some other problems. .TP sauvola.lua Perform Sauvola thresholding. .SH SEE ALSO .BR tesseract (1), .br .PP .UR http://code.google.com/p/ocropus/w/list .UE .SH AUTHOR ocroscript was written by Thomas Breuel. .PP This manual page was written by Jeffrey Ratcliffe <Jeffrey.Ratcliffe@gmail.com>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).