/* Raw photo loader plugin for The GIMP by Dave Coffin at cybercom dot net, user dcoffin http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/ $Revision: 1.31 $ $Date: 2008/01/06 16:37:54 $ This code is licensed under the same terms as The GIMP. To simplify maintenance, it calls my command-line "dcraw" program to do the actual decoding. To install locally: gimptool --install rawphoto.c To install globally: gimptool --install-admin rawphoto.c To build without installing: gcc -o rawphoto rawphoto.c `gtk-config --cflags --libs` -lgimp -lgimpui */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <libgimp/gimp.h> #include <libgimp/gimpui.h> #if GIMP_CHECK_VERSION(1,3,2) #define GimpRunModeType GimpRunMode #endif #if GIMP_CHECK_VERSION(1,3,17) #define RAWPHOTO_CONST const #else #define RAWPHOTO_CONST #endif #include <locale.h> #include <libintl.h> #define _(String) gettext(String) #define PLUG_IN_VERSION "1.1.19 - 6 January 2008" static void query(void); static void run(RAWPHOTO_CONST gchar *name, gint nparams, RAWPHOTO_CONST GimpParam *param, gint *nreturn_vals, GimpParam **return_vals); static gint load_dialog (gchar *name); static gint32 load_image (gchar *filename); GimpPlugInInfo PLUG_IN_INFO = { NULL, /* init_procedure */ NULL, /* quit_procedure */ query, /* query_procedure */ run, /* run_procedure */ }; static struct { gboolean check_val[6]; gfloat spin_val[2]; } cfg = { { FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, { 1, 0 } }; MAIN () static void query (void) { static GimpParamDef load_args[] = { { GIMP_PDB_INT32, "run_mode", "Interactive, non-interactive" }, { GIMP_PDB_STRING, "filename", "The name of the file to load" }, { GIMP_PDB_STRING, "raw_filename", "The name of the file to load" }, }; static GimpParamDef load_return_vals[] = { { GIMP_PDB_IMAGE, "image", "Output image" }, }; static gint num_load_args = sizeof load_args / sizeof load_args[0]; static gint num_load_return_vals = sizeof load_return_vals / sizeof load_return_vals[0]; gimp_install_procedure ("file_rawphoto_load", "Loads raw digital camera files", "This plug-in loads raw digital camera files.", "Dave Coffin at cybercom dot net, user dcoffin", "Copyright 2003-2008 by Dave Coffin", PLUG_IN_VERSION, "<Load>/rawphoto", NULL, GIMP_PLUGIN, num_load_args, num_load_return_vals, load_args, load_return_vals); gimp_register_load_handler ("file_rawphoto_load", "3fr,arw,bay,bmq,cine,cr2,crw,cs1,dc2,dcr,dng,erf,fff,hdr,ia,jpg,k25,kc2,kdc,mdc,mef,mos,mrw,nef,orf,pef,pxn,qtk,raf,raw,rdc,sr2,srf,sti,tif,x3f", ""); } static void run (RAWPHOTO_CONST gchar *name, gint nparams, RAWPHOTO_CONST GimpParam *param, gint *nreturn_vals, GimpParam **return_vals) { static GimpParam values[2]; GimpRunModeType run_mode; GimpPDBStatusType status; gint32 image_id = -1; gchar *command, *fname; int stat; *nreturn_vals = 1; *return_vals = values; status = GIMP_PDB_CALLING_ERROR; if (strcmp (name, "file_rawphoto_load")) goto done; status = GIMP_PDB_EXECUTION_ERROR; fname = param[1].data.d_string; command = g_malloc (strlen(fname)+20); if (!command) goto done; /* Is the file really a raw photo? If not, try loading it as a regular JPEG or TIFF. */ sprintf (command, "dcraw -i '%s'\n",fname); fputs (command, stderr); stat = system (command); g_free (command); if (stat) { if (stat > 0x200) g_message (_("The \"rawphoto\" plugin won't work because " "there is no \"dcraw\" executable in your path.")); if (!strcasecmp (fname + strlen(fname) - 4, ".jpg")) *return_vals = gimp_run_procedure2 ("file_jpeg_load", nreturn_vals, nparams, param); else *return_vals = gimp_run_procedure2 ("file_tiff_load", nreturn_vals, nparams, param); return; } gimp_get_data ("plug_in_rawphoto", &cfg); status = GIMP_PDB_CANCEL; run_mode = param[0].data.d_int32; if (run_mode == GIMP_RUN_INTERACTIVE) if (!load_dialog (param[1].data.d_string)) goto done; status = GIMP_PDB_EXECUTION_ERROR; image_id = load_image (param[1].data.d_string); if (image_id == -1) goto done; *nreturn_vals = 2; values[1].type = GIMP_PDB_IMAGE; values[1].data.d_image = image_id; status = GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS; gimp_set_data ("plug_in_rawphoto", &cfg, sizeof cfg); done: values[0].type = GIMP_PDB_STATUS; values[0].data.d_status = status; } static gint32 load_image (gchar *filename) { int tile_height, depth, width, height, row, nrows; FILE *pfp; gint32 image, layer; GimpDrawable *drawable; GimpPixelRgn pixel_region; guchar *pixel; char *command, nl; setlocale (LC_NUMERIC, "C"); command = g_malloc (strlen(filename)+100); if (!command) return -1; sprintf (command, "dcraw -c%s%s%s%s%s%s -b %0.2f -H %d '%s'\n", cfg.check_val[0] ? " -q 0":"", cfg.check_val[1] ? " -h":"", cfg.check_val[2] ? " -f":"", cfg.check_val[3] ? " -d":"", cfg.check_val[4] ? " -a":"", cfg.check_val[5] ? " -w":"", cfg.spin_val[0], (int) cfg.spin_val[1], filename ); fputs (command, stderr); pfp = popen (command, "r"); g_free (command); if (!pfp) { perror ("dcraw"); return -1; } if (fscanf (pfp, "P%d %d %d 255%c", &depth, &width, &height, &nl) != 4 || (depth-5)/2 ) { pclose (pfp); g_message ("Not a raw digital camera image.\n"); return -1; } depth = depth*2 - 9; image = gimp_image_new (width, height, depth == 3 ? GIMP_RGB : GIMP_GRAY); if (image == -1) { pclose (pfp); g_message ("Can't allocate new image.\n"); return -1; } gimp_image_set_filename (image, filename); /* Create the "background" layer to hold the image... */ layer = gimp_layer_new (image, "Background", width, height, depth == 3 ? GIMP_RGB_IMAGE : GIMP_GRAY_IMAGE, 100, GIMP_NORMAL_MODE); gimp_image_add_layer (image, layer, 0); /* Get the drawable and set the pixel region for our load... */ drawable = gimp_drawable_get (layer); gimp_pixel_rgn_init (&pixel_region, drawable, 0, 0, drawable->width, drawable->height, TRUE, FALSE); /* Temporary buffers... */ tile_height = gimp_tile_height(); pixel = g_new (guchar, tile_height * width * depth); /* Load the image... */ for (row = 0; row < height; row += tile_height) { nrows = height - row; if (nrows > tile_height) nrows = tile_height; fread (pixel, width * depth, nrows, pfp); gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect (&pixel_region, pixel, 0, row, width, nrows); } pclose (pfp); g_free (pixel); gimp_drawable_flush (drawable); gimp_drawable_detach (drawable); return image; } #if !GIMP_CHECK_VERSION(1,3,23) /* this is set to true after OK click in any dialog */ gboolean result = FALSE; static void callback_ok (GtkWidget * widget, gpointer data) { result = TRUE; gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (data)); } #endif #define NCHECK (sizeof cfg.check_val / sizeof (gboolean)) gint load_dialog (gchar * name) { GtkWidget *dialog; GtkWidget *table; GtkObject *adj; GtkWidget *widget; int i; static const char *label[9] = { "Quick interpolation", "Half-size interpolation", "Four color interpolation", "Grayscale document", "Automatic white balance", "Camera white balance", "Brightness", "Highlight mode" }; gimp_ui_init ("rawphoto", TRUE); dialog = gimp_dialog_new (_("Raw Photo Loader " PLUG_IN_VERSION), "rawphoto", #if !GIMP_CHECK_VERSION(1,3,23) gimp_standard_help_func, "rawphoto", GTK_WIN_POS_MOUSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, _("OK"), callback_ok, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE, FALSE, _("Cancel"), gtk_widget_destroy, NULL, 1, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT(dialog), "destroy", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(gtk_main_quit), NULL); #else NULL, 0, gimp_standard_help_func, "rawphoto", GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_RESPONSE_OK, NULL); #endif table = gtk_table_new (9, 2, FALSE); gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER(table), 6); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), table, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show (table); for (i=0; i < NCHECK; i++) { widget = gtk_check_button_new_with_label (_(label[i])); gtk_toggle_button_set_active (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (widget), cfg.check_val[i]); gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE(table), widget, 0, 2, i, i+1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (widget), "toggled", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gimp_toggle_button_update), &cfg.check_val[i]); gtk_widget_show (widget); } for (i=NCHECK; i < NCHECK+2; i++) { widget = gtk_label_new (_(label[i])); gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (widget), 1.0, 0.5); gtk_misc_set_padding (GTK_MISC (widget), 10, 0); gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE(table), widget, 0, 1, i, i+1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_widget_show (widget); if (i == NCHECK+1) widget = gimp_spin_button_new (&adj, cfg.spin_val[i-NCHECK], 0, 9, 1, 9, 1, 1, 0); else widget = gimp_spin_button_new (&adj, cfg.spin_val[i-NCHECK], 0.01, 4.0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 2); gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE(table), widget, 1, 2, i, i+1, GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (adj), "value_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gimp_float_adjustment_update), &cfg.spin_val[i-NCHECK]); gtk_widget_show (widget); } gtk_widget_show (dialog); #if !GIMP_CHECK_VERSION(1,3,23) gtk_main(); gdk_flush(); return result; #else i = gimp_dialog_run (GIMP_DIALOG (dialog)); gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); return i == GTK_RESPONSE_OK; #endif }