Table of contents 1. BUILD-TIME DEPENDENCIES 2. PYTHON BINDINGS AND DEPENDENCIES 3. RUNTIME DEPENDENCIES AND FORMATS 4. ISSUES 1. BUILD-TIME DEPENDENCIES Regardless of settings in this slackbuild, a basic installation of QGIS requires these compile-time dependencies: - proj - geos - libspatialite - libspatialindex - gdal - qwt The slackbuilds of these are available in this repository. The packages gdal, proj, and geos are not reported in REQUIRES field of because should be installed as dependencies of others. Other dependencies must be already installed in your system with a full installation of Slackware (for example, Qt5, QScintilla, qca, Python 3, qtkeychain, eccetera). Optional dependencies that are enabled as strictly required in this slackbuild are the following: - postgis: needed for PostGIS Other optional dependencies are enabled by default if found in the system. These are the following - gpsbabel: for the GPS plugin - grass: for the Grass plugin - pdal: for support to PDAL - libdraco: for support to Draco plugin - gsl: for georeferencing support - fcgi: for the QGIS server functionality The build install as optional dependencies - autodetected - also hdf5 and netcdf. If they are installed, the support of PDAL and/or Draco can be disabled also by setting to "no" the environment variable PDAL=no [DRACO=no] ./qgis.SlackBuild 2. PYTHON BINDINGS AND DEPENDENCIES The functionality of QGIS is strongly enhanced by a lot of plugins that can be installed in runtime. Since these plugins are based on Python modules, the support of Python is enabled by default. This requires some Python dependencies that are available in a full installation of Slackware or as slackbuilds in this repository. For a full support of Python in QGIS you have to install the following packages (as reported in REQUIRES field of - OWSLib - python3-numpy - python3-psycopg2 - termcolor Other python modules are required as nested dependencies. The lack of some of these modules could not affect the build/runtime of QGIS but could affect the part or the entire functionality of the Python support. 3. RUNTIME DEPENDENCIES AND FORMATS Optional run-time dependencies are: - OTB - R - saga-gis - TauDEM QGIS supports indirectly several formats that depends on the GDAL support in build-time (usually autodetected). For example, the support of the proprietary format ECW is enabled in QGIS if gdal has been build with this support (this requires the package libecwj2 installed before build gdal). 4. ISSUES Support to OpenCL is enabled by default but the build could fail in systems with old drivers/graphic cards. If you want to prevent this pass to the slackbuild the environment variable OPENCL=no ./qgis.SlackBuild It has reported that QGIS shows runtime warnings about 'osgeo' unless the Python GDAL library is installed. If you encounter this issue you can solve by installing via pip the Python GDAL library as simple user (not root!) as following $ pip install GDAL Other issues not noticed may be encountered depending on various system settings. If you found any problem please contact the maintainer.