// Generated by Odasrv 0.6.0

// --- Console variables ---

set configver "60"

// Experimental: Does not progress the game when there are no players
set sv_emptyfreeze "0"

// Clients can vote a new timelimit.
set sv_callvote_timelimit "0"

// Clients can vote a new scorelimit.
set sv_callvote_scorelimit "0"

// Clients can vote a new fraglimit.
set sv_callvote_fraglimit "0"

// Clients can vote to reload the current map.
set sv_callvote_restart "0"

// Clients can vote to force the server to pick a certian number of players from the pool of ingame players and force-spectate everyone else.
set sv_callvote_randpickup "0"

// Clients can vote to force the server to pick two players from the pool of ingame players and force-spectate everyone else.
set sv_callvote_randcaps "0"

// Clients can vote to switch to a random map from the server's maplist.
set sv_callvote_randmap "0"

// Clients can vote on progressing to the next map.
set sv_callvote_nextmap "0"

// Clients can vote to switch to a specific map from the server's maplist.
set sv_callvote_map "0"

// Clients can vote to force a player to spectate.
set sv_callvote_forcespec "0"

// Clients can votekick other players.
set sv_callvote_kick "0"

// Clients can flip a coin.
set sv_callvote_coinflip "0"

// Timeout between votes in seconds.
set sv_vote_timeout "60"

// Amount of time a vote takes in seconds.
set sv_vote_timelimit "30"

// Ratio of yes votes needed for vote to pass.
set sv_vote_majority "0.5"

// Buffer controller input from players experiencing sudden latency spikes for smoother movement
set sv_ticbuffer "1"

// Time for a dropped flag to be returned automatically to its home base
set ctf_flagtimeout "10"

// Team flag must be at home pedestal for any captures of an enemy flag returned to said pedestal to count as a point
set ctf_flagathometoscore "1"

// Flags dropped must be returned manually
set ctf_manualreturn "0"

// Teams that are enabled
set sv_teamsinplay "2"

// Router-side description of port mapping
set sv_upnp_description "Odasrv ("

// UPnP Router discovery timeout
set sv_upnp_discovertimeout "2000"

// UPnP support
set sv_upnp "1"

// Forces clients to be on or below this rate
set sv_maxrate "200"

// Flood protection time
set sv_flooddelay "1.5"

// NAT firewall workaround, this is a port number
set sv_natport "0"

// Network compression
set sv_networkcompression "1"

// Randomly shuffle the maplist
set sv_shufflemaplist "0"

// Determines whether Doom 1 episodes carry over
set sv_loopepisode "0"

// Script to run at start of each map (e.g. to override cvars)
set sv_startmapscript ""

// Script to run at end of each map (e.g. to choose next map)
set sv_endmapscript ""

// Advertise on master servers
set sv_usemasters "1"

// Remote console password
set rcon_password ""

set spectate_password ""

// Clients can connect if they have this password
set join_password ""

// Maximum players that can join the game, the rest are spectators
set sv_maxplayers "4"

// Maximum clients that can connect to a server
set sv_maxclients "4"

// Experimental anti-wallkhack code
set sv_antiwallhack "0"

// Maximum corpses to appear on map
set sv_maxcorpses "200"

// Players can see spectator chat
set sv_globalspectatorchat "1"

// Reloads the current map when all players leave
set sv_emptyreset "0"

// Cap wad file downloading to a specific rate
set sv_waddownloadcap "200"

// Allow downloading of WAD files from this server
set sv_waddownload "0"

// Server or Admin website
set sv_website "http://odamex.net/"

// Administrator email address
set sv_email "email@domain.com"

// Message Of The Day
set sv_motd "Welcome to Odamex"

// Extended timestamp info (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)
set log_fulltimestamps "0"

// Experimental anti-speedhack code
set sv_speedhackfix "0"

// Server name to appear on masters, clients and launchers
set sv_hostname "Untitled Odamex Server"

// Allow custom WAD directories to be specified
set waddirs ""

// Allows players to walk through other players
set sv_unblockplayers "0"

// Rocket explosion thrust effect?
set sv_splashfactor "1.0"

// How much control the player has in the air
set sv_aircontrol "0.00390625"

// Gravity of the environment
set sv_gravity "800"

// Force a player to respawn after a set amount of time
set sv_forcerespawntime "30"

// Force a player to respawn.
set sv_forcerespawn "0"

// Rocket trails on/off (currently unused)
set cl_rockettrails "0"

// Predict weapon pickups
set cl_predictpickup "1"

// Dead player's view follows the actor who killed them
set cl_deathcam "1"

// Turns off the west-facing silent spawns vanilla bug
set co_nosilentspawns "0"

// Use ZDoom's sound curve instead of vanilla Doom's
set co_zdoomsoundcurve "0"

// Play the switch resetting sound at map location (0,0) like the vanilla bug
set co_zdoomswitches "0"

// Enable/disable zdoom-based gravity and physics interactions
set co_zdoomphys "0"

// Enable/disable the "level 8 full sound at far distances" feature
set co_level8soundfeature "0"

// additional checks are made on two-sided lines, allows additional silent bfg tricks, and the player will "oof" on two-sided lines
set co_boomlinecheck "0"

// When enabled, activate correct impact of projectiles and bullets on surfaces (spawning puffs,explosions)
set co_fixweaponimpacts "0"

// When enabled, monsters can get pushed or thrusted off of ledges, like in boom
set co_allowdropoff "0"

// Enable/Disable infinitely tall actors
set co_realactorheight "0"

// Allow clients to set their preferences for automatic weapon swithching
set sv_allowpwo "0"

// Allow clients to adjust amount of red pain screen intensity
set sv_allowredscreen "0"

// Allow weapon & view bob changing
set sv_allowmovebob "0"

// Allow reconciliation for players on lagged connections
set sv_unlag "1"

// Weapons stay after pickup
set sv_weaponstay "1"

// Sets the time limit for the intermission to end, 0 disables (defaults to 10 seconds)
set sv_intermissionlimit "10"

// Sets the time limit for the game to end, must be greater than 1
set sv_timelimit "0"

// Sets the skill level, values are:
// 0 - No things mode
// 1 - I'm Too Young To Die
// 2 - Hey, Not Too Rough
// 3 - Hurt Me Plenty
// 4 - Ultra-Violence
// 5 - Nightmare
set sv_skill "3"

// No monsters will be present
set sv_nomonsters "0"

// Monsters will respawn after a period of time
set sv_monstersrespawn "0"

// If sv_itemsrespawn is set, items will respawn after this time (in seconds)
set sv_itemrespawntime "30"

// Items will respawn after a fixed period, see sv_itemrespawntime
set sv_itemsrespawn "0"

// Infinite ammo for all players
set sv_infiniteammo "0"

// Allow exit switches to become usable on fraglimit hit
set sv_fragexitswitch "0"

// Monsters are at nightmare speed
set sv_fastmonsters "0"

// Sets the amount of frags a player can accumulate before the game ends
set sv_fraglimit "0"

// When set, names of players appear in the FOV
set sv_allowtargetnames "0"

// Allow Looking up and down
set sv_freelook "0"

// Makes water more realistic (boom maps at the moment)
set sv_forcewater "0"

// Give double ammo regardless of difficulty
set sv_doubleammo "0"

// Allows players to jump when set in all game modes
set sv_allowjump "0"

// Allow use of Exit switch/teleports in all game modes
set sv_allowexit "1"

// Allow usage of cheats in all game modes
set sv_allowcheats "0"

// When disabled, treat team spawns like normal deathmatch spawns in Teamplay/CTF
set sv_teamspawns "1"

// Game ends when team score is reached in Teamplay/CTF
set sv_scorelimit "5"

// When set, players can injure others on the same team, it is ignored in deathmatch
set sv_friendlyfire "1"

// Sets the game mode, values are:
// 0 = Cooperative
// 1 = Deathmatch
// 2 = Team Deathmatch
// 3 = Capture The Flag
set sv_gametype "0"

set language "0"

// --- Aliases ---

alias "?" "help"
alias "changemap" "map"
alias "idclev" "map"