#!/usr/bin/perl -w # maelstrom_addon_package.pl - create a Slackware tgz # package from a Maelstrom addon zip file, for use with # the SlackBuilds.org maelstrom package. # Beware: only *one* addon may be installed at a time! # This script is meant to work on a stock Slackware system, so it # doesn't use any CPAN modules (which makes the code a bit awkward). # Author: B. Watson (urchlay@slackware.uk) # This program is released into the public domain; do as ye list wi' her. # Author not responsible for any damages resulting from the use of this # program. use strict; use File::Find; # core Perl module, not CPAN our $GAMEDIR = "/usr/share/games/Maelstrom"; chomp(our $pkgver = `date +%Y%m%d`); our $pkgname; our $spritefile; our $soundfile; our @text_files; sub usage() { warn <$package_dir/install/slack-desc"; print $f "$pkgname: Maelstrom add-on sprites/sound package\n"; print $f "$pkgname:\n" for (1..10); close $f; } sub copy_files($) { my $package_dir = shift; system("mkdir -p $package_dir/usr/share/games/Maelstrom"); system("mkdir -p $package_dir/usr/doc/$pkgname-$pkgver"); system("cp \"$_\" $package_dir/usr/doc/$pkgname-$pkgver") for @text_files; if($spritefile) { system("cp \"$spritefile\" " . "$package_dir/usr/share/games/Maelstrom/\%Maelstrom_Sprites"); } if($soundfile) { system("cp \"$soundfile\" " . "$package_dir/usr/share/games/Maelstrom/\%Maelstrom_Sounds"); } } sub wanted { my $file = $File::Find::fullname; if(/\.txt$/i) { warn "Found text file: $file\n"; push @text_files, $file; } elsif(/\%?maelstrom.sounds(?:\..*)?$/i) { warn "Found sounds: $file\n"; warn "warning: Duplicate sounds file $file\n" if $soundfile; $soundfile = $file; } elsif(/\%?maelstrom.sprites(?:\..*)?$/i) { warn "Found sprites: $file\n"; warn "warning: Duplicate sprites file $file\n" if $spritefile; $spritefile = $file; } } # main() my $archive = shift || usage(); usage() if $archive =~ /^--?(?:\?|h(?:elp)?)/i; die "You must run this script as root\n" if $> != 0; $pkgname = shift || $archive; for($pkgname) { s/.*\///; s/\..*//; s/-/_/g; s/\W//g; y/A-Z/a-z/; } die "Invalid package name\n" unless $pkgname; $pkgname =~ s/^/maelstrom_addon_/; if($archive =~ /^(?:ht|f)tps?:\/\//) { system("wget -O /tmp/$pkgname.zip \"$archive\""); $archive = "/tmp/$pkgname.zip"; } my $unzip_dir = make_temp_dir(); extract($unzip_dir, $archive); find({ wanted => \&wanted, follow => 1 }, $unzip_dir); unless($spritefile or $soundfile) { die "Can't find any sprites or sounds, aborting\n"; } my $package_dir = make_temp_dir(); copy_files($package_dir); make_slack_desc($package_dir); chdir($package_dir) or die $!; system("/sbin/makepkg -l y -c y /tmp/$pkgname-$pkgver-noarch-1_mael.tgz"); chdir("/"); cleanup($package_dir, $unzip_dir);