jollygood (the Jolly Good Emulation API and Reference Frontend)

Jolly Good Emulation is an education and preservation oriented
emulation project. As a side effect, it offers emulation technology
that extreme minimalists may find tolerable.

This package includes "jg" (the API headers) and "jgrf". jgrf is the
simplest possible frontend for The Jolly Good API. The executable and
man page are called "jollygood".

After installing jollygood, you'll want to install "cores" (plugins)
for the systems you want to emulate. Search for "jgemu" to find them
on SBo. Also, if you want to install all the cores at once, use sbopkg
or sbotools and either "jollygood-all-cores.sqf" (for 64-bit) or
"jollygood-all-cores-32bit.sqf" from the SlackBuild directory.

Ideally, once a core is installed, you can run games for that system
with "jollygood <filename>", where <filename> is either a ROM or disk
image, or a .zip file containing the image. This only works if the
filename extension is known to jollygood. If you get "Cannot detect
default core", you'll have to use the -c option to tell it what core
to use. See also the jollygood(6) man page.

If you're considering submitting a SlackBuild for a jollygood core,
please read GUIDELINES.txt.