If you're going to submit a SlackBuild for a Jolly Good Emulation
core, please consider following this set of guidelines, for
consistency's sake:

- The SlackBuild name should be the name of the core (the actual
  whatever.so file), all lowercase, with "jg-" prefixed to it.
  Use this for PRGNAM. The actual tarballs tend to be named after the
  git repo name (e.g. "mednafen"), so use SRCNAM in the SlackBuild for
  this. The reason for this is partly to make them easy to find in
  a search or directory listing, and partly because some of the cores
  have the same name as the standalone emulators they were ported from
  (again, "mednafen" is an example: SBo already has a mednafen build).

- The .info file should have "jollygood" in REQUIRES, along with whatever
  else it happens to need.

- Use either jg-jollycv or jg-mednafen for a template. For cores that
  have a jg.c in their top-level directory, use jolly-cv. For those
  that have a "jollygood/jg.c", use jg-mednafen.

- The README should include the note at the bottom ("By default,
  no controls are mapped..."). If the core requires ROM images such
  as a system BIOS, the README should give the location where the core
  will look (e.g. jg-jollycv has ~/.local/share/jollygood/bios/coleco.rom)

- The README should also list the filename extensions jgrf will recognize
  as being ROMs for that core. Currently, the list is hard-coded in
  src/jgrf.c in the jgrf source directory. If the core isn't automatically
  used, mention that fact in the README (example: jg-sameboy).

- The top line of the README and slack-desc should read:
  jg-<whatever> (<system> emulation core for for Jolly Good Emulation)
  If the system name is too long (e.g. Super Nintendo Entertainment
  System), abbreviate it.

- The next bit of the README should be copy/pasted from the README or
  jollygood/README from the source.

- When you submit the build, include the keywords "jollygood,jgemu", plus
  the name(s) of the system(s) your core emulates. Example:

- As always, use sbolint and sbopkglint on your build and package before
  submitting the build. Install system/sbo-maintainer-tools to get them.