jfsw (source port of Shadow Warrior first-person shooter game)

The aim of this port is to present Shadow Warrior as closely as possible
to the original game while adding optional features to expand the
possibilities of the game.

To play the game, you will need at least one ".grp" game data file.
Choices are:

- jfsw_demo_data, the Demo/Shareware version. Only 4 levels.
- jfsw_registered_data, the Full/Registered version. Complete game,
  including the 4 levels from the demo.
- jfsw_wanton_destruction, the Wanton Destruction expansion pack.
  Includes 12 new levels, plus the 4 levels from the demo.
- jfsw_twin_dragon, the Twin Dragon expansion pack. Includes 14 new
  levels, plus the 4 levels from the demo.

Any or all of the game data packages can be installed at the same time
without conflict.

If you install the full version of the game, you may also want to
install jfsw_hires_pack for some graphic enhancements. Don't bother
trying if all you have is the shareware sw.grp: it segfaults on

To get the in-game music to play, see README_music.txt.

Note: If you run into an issue turning left or right with the mouse,
edit the config file (~/.jfsw/sw.cfg) and change MouseAnalogAxes0 to
"analog_turning" and MouseAnalogAxes1 to "analog_moving". The digital
axes should have "" values.

Note: I've had zero luck trying to run game mods with jfsw. If you get
any mods working, I'd love to hear from you (email address in .info
file), let me know how you did it.