# pod source for colem man page. convert with:
# pod2man --stderr -s6 -r5.4 -cSlackBuilds.org colem.pod > colem.6


=head1 NAME

colem - Emulator for ColecoVision and Coleco Adam consoles


colem [-option1 [-option2...]] [filename]


ColEm is a portable emulator of the old ColecoVision videogame console. It should run most ColecoVision games and supports Coleco's SuperAction controllers with spin wheels.

You can always get the latest ColEm binaries, source code, and support files from

=head1 OPTIONS

Name of the file to load as a cartridge [default: CART.ROM]

This program will transparently uncompress singular GZIPped files.

=over 4

=item -verbose <level>

Select debugging messages [bitmask, default: 5]

=over 4

=item Z<>0


=item Z<>1

Startup messages

=item Z<>2


=item Z<>4

Illegal Z80 ops

=item Z<>16


=item Z<>32


=item Z<>64


=item Z<>128



=item -pal, -ntsc

Video system to use [default: -ntsc]

=item -skip <percent>

Percentage of frames to skip [default: 25]

=item -help 

Print this help page

=item -home <dirname>

Set directory with system ROM files [default: see FILES, below]

=item -adam, -cv

Run in Adam/ColecoVision mode [default: -cv]

=item -allspr

Show all sprites [off]

=item -autoa, -noautoa

Autofire/No autofire for FIRE-R button [default: -noautoa]

=item -autob, -noautob

Autofire/No autofire for FIRE-L button [default: -noautob]

=item -spin1x, -spin1y

Mouse X/Y position as SuperAction spinner 1 [default: off]

=item -spin2x, -spin2y

Mouse X/Y position as SuperAction spinner 2 [default: off]

=item -drums, -nodrums

Hit/Don't hit MIDI drums on noise [default: -nodrums]

=item -logsnd <filename>

Write soundtrack to a MIDI file [default: LOG.MID]

=item -palette <number>

Use given color palette [default: 0]

=over 4

=item Z<>0

Scaled VDP colors

=item Z<>1

Original VDP colors

=item Z<>2

Faded NTSC colors


=item -sound [<quality>]

Sound emulation quality [default: 22050]

=item -nosound

Don't emulate sound [default: emulate sound]

=item -trap <address>

Trap execution when PC reaches address [default: FFFFh]

=item -sync <frequency>

Sync screen updates to <frequency> [default: 60]

=item -nosync

Do not sync screen updates [default: -nosync]

=item -linear

Scale display with linear interpolation [default: off]

=item -soft

Scale display with 2xSaI [default: off]

=item -eagle

Scale display with EAGLE [default: off]

=item -epx

Scale display with EPX [default: off]

=item -scale2x

Scale display with Scale2X [default: off]

=item -cmy

Simulate CMY pixel raster [default: off]

=item -rgb

Simulate RGB pixel raster [default: off]

=item -mono

Simulate monochrome CRT [default: off]

=item -sepia

Simulate sepia CRT [default: off]

=item -green

Simulate green CRT [default: off]

=item -amber

Simulate amber CRT [default: off]

=item -saver, -nosaver

Save/don't save CPU when inactive [default: -saver]

=item -shm, -noshm

Use/don't use MIT SHM extensions for X [default: -shm]

=item -scale <factor>

Scale window by <factor> [default: 2]

=item -4x3

Force 4:3 television screen ratio [default: off]

=item -sgm, -nosgm

Enable Super Game Module extension [default: off]

=item -24c08, -24c256

Enable serial EEPROM emulation [default: off]

=item -sram

Enable battery-backed SRAM emulation [default: off]

=item -tv, -lcd, -raster

Simulate TV scanlines or LCD raster [default: off]

=item -printer

Redirect Adam printer output to file [default: stdout]

=item -diska, -diskb, -diskc, -diskd

Set disk images used for Adam drives A: - D: [default: none]

=item -tapea, -tapeb, -tapec, -taped

Set tape images used for Adam drives A: - D: [default: none]



[ALT] Hold to switch to the second controller

=over 4

=item [SPACE]

FIRE-R button (also: [SHIFT],A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L)

=item [CONTROL]

FIRE-L button (also: Z,X,C,V,B,N,M)

=item [Q] 

SuperAction PURPLE button (also: E,T,U,O)

=item [W] 

SuperAction BLUE button (also: R,Y,I,P)

=item [0]-[9]

Digit buttons

=item [-] 

[*] button

=item [=] 

[#] button

=item [PGUP]

Fast-forward emulation (also: [F9])

=item [ESC]

Quit emulation (also: [F12])

=item [F1] 

Go into the built-in debugger

=item [F2] 

Turn soundtrack log on/off

=item [F3] 

Toggle FIRE-R autofire on/off

=item [F4] 

Toggle FIRE-L autofire on/off

=item [F5] 

Invoke configuration menu

=item [F6] 

Load emulation state

=item [F7] 

Save emulation state

=item [F8] 

Turn scanline simulation on/off

=item [ALT]+[F8]

Toggle screen softening on/off

=item [F9] 

Fast-forward emulation (also: [PGUP])

=item [F11]

Reset hardware

=item [F12]

Quit emulation (also: [ESC])

=item [ALT]+[PGUP]

Increase audio volume

=item [ALT]+[PGDOWN]

Decrease audio volume


=head1 FILES

=over 4

=item coleco.rom

ColecoVision BIOS ROM image (8192 bytes). This is the only ROM required for playing ColecoVision games.

=item writer.rom

SmartWriter ROM (32768 bytes), only required for emulating the Coleco ADAM system.

=item eos.rom

Extended OS ROM (8192 bytes), only required for emulating the Coleco ADAM system.


The above ROM images may be named in all-lowercase or all-uppercase, and are searched for in:

1. The directory specified by -home, or the current directory if -home not given.

2. /usr/share/colem/

3. ~/.colem/

The coleco.rom file will occasionally be found on websites with the names "os7.rom" or "ColecoVision BIOS (1982).col". Its md5sum is one of:

 2c66f5911e5b42b8ebe113403548eee7 (original version)
 00fd13b66d39c69706aa48eb84a78411 (hacked version, different font)
 47f7180592a00b9631c97a12ff0fdd3c (hacked version, no title screen delay)

ColEm works with any of the above ROM images.

=head1 AUTHOR

ColEm is by Marat Fayzullin, (C)FMS 1994-2020

This man page is by B. Watson, for the SlackBuilds.org project (but may be used by anyone for any