kForth is an implementation of the Forth programming language
and environment. The user may write Forth programs with an editor,
load these program files from kForth, and run them.

kForth provides a large subset of the Forth-2012 specification for 
the Forth language. It also provides some extensions and non-standard
features which its authors have found to be useful.
Experienced Forth users should consult the Technical Information 
section of the User’s Guide for specific information on the 
differences between kForth and Forth-2012.

You may specify a specific directory in which kforth will search
for .4th files not found in the current directory. The environment
variable KFORTH_DIR must be set to this directory.
For example, add the following lines to your .bash_profile file:

    export KFORTH_DIR

if you want to override the default location on 

kForth-32 is designed to be installed on a 32-bit linux operating
It will not install on 64-bit Slackware unless multilib support is