Fusion Icon is a simple system tray applet for starting and controlling
Compiz Fusion. Upon launch, it will attempt to start Compiz Fusion
automatically. You may need to select a window decorator if one does not

PLEASE read the README.Slackware file BEFORE you install any of the
compiz packages.  The install order is listed below but there are
some important notes you need to be aware of before you install/use

For correct installation, build in this order:
 1. compiz (not available at SBo, see the README.Slackware file)
 2. compiz-bcop
 3. protobuf (optional but recommended)
 4. libcompizconfig
 5. compiz (optional, see the README.Slackware file)
 6. compizconfig-python
 7. ccsm
 8. compiz-plugins-main
 9. compiz-plugins-extra (optional)
10. compiz-plugins-experimental (optional)
11. emerald (optional)
12. emerald-themes (optional)
13. fusion-icon (optional)