bashish (theme enviroment for text terminals).

Bashish is a theme enviroment for text terminals. It can change colors, font,
transparency and background image on a per-application basis. Additionally
Bashish supports prompt changing on common shells such as bash, zsh and tcsh.

Bashish runs on most terminal emulators available.

Bashish is great for people who:

* Want a good looking prompt.
* Want to configure the apperance of the terminal.
* Want informative titles based on the command arguments.
* Need different fonts for different applications - eg. Chinese, Japanese, 
OEM Terminal fonts.
* While many of these features would be simple to implement as aliases or shell 
scripts, the tricky part where Bashish excels is that it does not affect the 
enviroment noticeably.

As an example, Bashish provides themes even if the themed application is run 
in a pipe, this without affecting the pipe at all.

Additionally there is no need to rewrite your aliases or functions since Bashish 
provides theming through shell script wrappers.

To enable Bashish, simply run " bashish ", press ENTER key and hit Ctrl+C to quit.

To choose another theme, see the theme list with: " bashish list " and to enable new theme simply run " bashish theme_name ".