ncspot (TUI Spotify client) ncspot is a cross-platform ncurses Spotify client written in Rust using librespot. It is heavily inspired by ncurses MPD clients, such as ncmpc. A premium Spotify account is needed to use the application; users will be prompted to log in to Spotify when running for the first time. Spotify credentials are stored separately for each user at ~/.config/ncspot/credentials.toml. This file, as well as the ~/.config/ncspot directory, is created automatically after logging in to Spotify through ncspot. ncspot can be configured using ~/.config/ncspot/config.toml on a per- user basis. See in the doc directory for details. A list of active keybindings can be accessed in-application with: :help ueberzug is an optional dependency for displaying album covers; use COVERS=yes ./ncspot.SlackBuild to compile the feature in. Please note that upstream does not consider album cover display to be essential functionality, and it may not work in some terminal emulators and/or window managers.