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.TH "JAAA" 1 "2021-11-29" "0.9.2" "SlackBuilds.org"
jaaa \- JACK and ALSA Audio Analyser
.\" RST source for jaaa(1) man page. Convert with:
.\" rst2man.py jaaa.rst > jaaa.1
.\" rst2man.py comes from the SBo development/docutils package.
jaaa \fB\-J\fP [\fB\-name\fP \fIname\fP ] [\fB\-s\fP \fIserver\fP]
jaaa \fB\-A\fP [\fB\-name\fP \fIname\fP ] [\fB\-d\fP \fIdevice\fP] [\fB\-C\fP \fIdevice\fP ] [\fB\-P\fP \fIdevice\fP ] [\fB\-r\fP \fIrate\fP] [\fB\-p\fP \fIperiod\fP] [\fB\-n\fP \fInfrags\fP]
jaaa is a graphical (X11) audio signal generator and spectrum analyser
designed to make accurate measurements. For more information see
In JACK mode (\fB\-J\fP), jaaa creates 8 input ports (for spectrum
analysis) and 8 output ports (for signal generation), named
\fIjaaa:in_<N>\fP and \fIjaaa:out_<N>\fP (where \fI<N>\fP ranges 1 to 8). By default,
these aren\(aqt connected to anything; use e.g. \fBqjackctl\fP(1) or
\fBjack_connect\fP(1) to connect to other JACK clients.
In ALSA mode, the inputs and outputs are connected directly to the
ALSA device, meaning e.g. there will be 2 inputs and 2 outputs for a
typical stereo audio card. If you get "Can\(aqt connect to ALSA", try a
different device (use \fBalsamixer\fP(1) or \fBaplay\fP(1) to get a list
of them).
Either \fB\-J\fP or \fB\-A\fP is required.
.B \fB\-h\fP
Show built\-in help message.
.B \fB\-name\fP \fIname\fP
Set X11 client name (and JACK client name, with \fB\-J\fP).
.B \fB\-J\fP
Use JACK for audio. This option is available in JACK mode:
.B \fB\-s\fP \fIserver\fP
Connect to a specific JACK server. Default is \(aqdefault\(aq or
\fB$JACK_DEFAULT_SERVER\fP environment variable.
.B \fB\-A\fP
Use ALSA for audio. These options are available in ALSA mode:
.B \fB\-d\fP \fIdevice\fP
ALSA device for capture and playback. This option sets the
playback and capture devices to the same device. For separate
capture and playback, use the \fB\-C\fP and \fB\-P\fP options.
Default: \fBhw:0\fP unless \fB\-C\fP or \fB\-P\fP is used.
.B \fB\-C\fP \fIdevice\fP
ALSA device for capture. Default: not used.
.B \fB\-P\fP \fIdevice\fP
ALSA device for playback. Default: not used.
.B \fB\-r\fP \fIrate\fP
Sample frequency. Default: 48000.
.B \fB\-p\fP \fIperiod\fP
Period size. Default: 1024.
.B \fB\-n\fP \fInfrags\fP
Number of fragments. Default: 2.
See the file /usr/doc/jaaa\-0.9.2/COPYING for license information.
jaaa was written by Fons Adriaensen <\fI\%fons@kokkinizita.net\fP>.
This man page written for the SlackBuilds.org project
by B. Watson, and is licensed under the WTFPL.
\fBjackd\fP(1), \fBjapa\fP(1)
.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.