gmusicbrowser (open-source jukebox for large collections)

Customizable open-source jukebox for large collections.

Optional dependencies:

 * gst-plugins-bad:  mpc support for the gstreamer backend;
 * gst-plugins-ugly: mp3 support for the gstreamer backend;
 * gst0-plugins-ugly: mp3 support for the gstreamer0.10 backend;
 * perl-Glib-Object-Introspection: enables the gstreamer backend;
 * perl-gstreamer: enables the old gstreamer0.10 backend;
 * perl-Gtk2-Notify: show notifications using libnotify;
 * perl-trayicon: tray icon support;
 * perl-html-parser: support for accented characters in lyrics plugin;
 * mpv: enables the mpv backend;
 * flac123: flac support for the ALSA backend.