Features • Installation • Contributors • License
Linux port developed by @thepbone (Telegram)
JamesDSP was initially published as an audio effects processor
for Android devices and is written by James Fung (@james34602).
Feel free to join our Telegram group for support and updates
## Features * Automatic bass boost * Frequency-detecting bass-boost. Automatically sets its own parameters, such as gain, bandwidth, and cut-off frequency, by analyzing the incoming audio stream * Automatic dynamic range compressor * A highly automated multiband dynamic range adjusting effect * Complex reverberation IIR network (Progenitor 2) * Interpolated FIR equalizer with flexible bands * Arbitrary response equalizer (also known as GraphicEQ from EqualizerAPO) * AutoEQ database integration (requires network connection) * Partitioned convolver (Auto segmenting convolution) * Supports mono, stereo, full/true stereo (LL, LR, RL, RR) impulse response * Crossfeed * Realistic surround effects * Soundstage wideness * A multiband stereo wideness controller * ViPER-DDC * Perform parametric equalization on audio * Create VDC input files using [thepbone/DDCToolbox](https://github.com/thepbone/DDCToolbox) * Analog modeling * An aliasing-free even harmonic generator * Output limiter * **Scripting engine: Live programmable DSP** * Write your own audio effects using the [EEL2 scripting language](https://github.com/james34602/EEL_CLI) * Auto-generate a basic user interface for your script to modify specific parameters/constants without editing the actual code * The scripting language has been extended using many DSP-related functions for easy access, for example, spectral processing, constant Q transform, multi-purpose FIR filter designer IIR sub-bands transformation, etc... * **This app also includes a custom minimal scripting IDE**: * Syntax highlighting * Basic code completion * Dynamic code outline window * Console output support * Detailed error messages with inline code highlighting ## PipeWire vs PulseAudio **Designed for use with PipeWire. PulseAudio is only supported for backward compatibility.** PipeWire has a much lower latency compared to PulseAudio when injecting audio effects processors into the audio graph. Unfortunately, PipeWire is not yet completely stable and does not work correctly on virtual machines. If you cannot get any audio output when using PipeWire, consider switching to PulseAudio until proper hardware support is available. I'm currently not planning to add more advanced support for Pulseaudio clients. Features such as selective app exclusion, changing the target audio device, and similar features will only be available to PipeWire clients. *Important: This application can be either compiled with PulseAudio or PipeWire support. Please make sure you choose the correct flavor for your Linux setup before installing!* *Note: PipeWire's compatibility mode for PulseAudio apps does not work with the PulseAudio flavor of this app. Use the version for PipeWire instead.* ### Which one am I using? Follow the instructions below if you don't know which one your Linux distribution is using. If you already know, skip to the 'Install dependencies' section. ##### Step 1: Is PipeWire installed and active? Run `pw-cli dump short core` in your terminal. Does the terminal output look similar to the pattern below after executing the command? ``` 0: u="USER" h="HOSTNAME" v="0.3.35" n="pipewire-0" ``` * **YES**: You're using PipeWire. Skip ahead, and follow the instructions to install JamesDSP with PipeWire support. * **NO**: If the command `pw-cli` is not found or it returned an error, you're probably not using PipeWire. Continue to step 2 to find out if PulseAudio is available on your system. ##### Step 2: Is PulseAudio installed and active? Run `LC_ALL=C pactl info | grep "Server Name:"` in your terminal. Does the terminal output look like this after executing the command? ``` Server Name: pulseaudio ``` * **YES**: You're using PulseAudio. Skip ahead, and follow the instructions to install JamesDSP with PulseAudio support. * **NO**: If the command `pactl` is not found or it returned an error, either your PA installation is broken or you are using another audio framework like Jack. Consider switching to PipeWire in this case. **IMPORTANT:** If the output mentions PipeWire (`Server Name: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.35)`), you are using PulseAudio via PipeWire's compatibility mode. You need to install JamesDSP with PipeWire support in this case! ## Installation **Decide whether you need to install the PipeWire or PulseAudio version of this app!** If you don't know which version fits your Linux setup, go to the [PipeWire vs PulseAudio section](#which-one-am-i-using) above. * [Debian/Ubuntu (PPA)](#debianubuntu) * [Arch Linux (AUR)](#arch) * [Fedora/openSUSE](#fedoraopensuse) * [Build from sources](#build-from-sources) ### Debian/Ubuntu Minimum system requirements: * Distro based on Debian 11 or later **OR** * Distro based on Ubuntu 20.04 or later Add PPA Repo ```bash sudo apt install -y curl curl -s --compressed "https://thepbone.github.io/PPA-Repository/KEY.gpg" | sudo apt-key add - sudo curl -s --compressed -o /etc/apt/sources.list.d/thepbone_ppa.list "https://thepbone.github.io/PPA-Repository/thepbone_ppa.list" sudo apt update ``` Install from PPA For **PipeWire clients** only: ```bash sudo apt install jamesdsp-pipewire ``` For **PulseAudio clients** only: ```bash sudo apt install jamesdsp-pulse ``` [View PPA on GitHub](https://github.com/ThePBone/PPA-Repository) ### Arch [AUR packages](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?O=0&K=jamesdsp) are available: For **PipeWire clients** only: * Stable version ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/version/jamesdsp) ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/votes/jamesdsp) ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/maintainer/jamesdsp) ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/last-modified/jamesdsp) ``` yay -S jamesdsp ``` * Development version ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/version/jamesdsp-git) ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/votes/jamesdsp-git) ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/maintainer/jamesdsp-git) ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/last-modified/jamesdsp-git) ``` yay -S jamesdsp-git ``` For **PulseAudio clients** only: * Stable version ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/version/jamesdsp-pulse) ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/votes/jamesdsp-pulse) ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/maintainer/jamesdsp-pulse) ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/last-modified/jamesdsp-pulse) ``` yay -S jamesdsp-pulse ``` * Development version ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/version/jamesdsp-pulse-git) ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/votes/jamesdsp-pulse-git) ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/maintainer/jamesdsp-pulse-git) ![AUR version](https://img.shields.io/aur/last-modified/jamesdsp-pulse-git) ``` yay -S jamesdsp-pulse-git ``` ### Fedora/openSUSE Package maintained by [@theAeon](https://github.com/theAeon) on [Fedora COPR](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/arrobbins/JDSP4Linux/). Built for Fedora 34/35/Rawhide and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. For **PipeWire clients** only: ``` yum copr enable arrobbins/JDSP4Linux && yum update && yum install jamesdsp ``` If you are still using PulseAudio with your Fedora/openSUSE installation, refer to the '[Build from sources](#build-from-sources)' section below instead. ### Build from sources #### Install dependencies *NOTE:* Only execute the line that applies to your system configuration. If your distro is not included here, you need to research which packages to install by yourself. **Debian/Ubuntu-based distros** Debian/Ubuntu + **PipeWire** clients only: ```bash sudo apt install build-essential libarchive-dev qtbase5-private-dev qtbase5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libglibmm-2.4-dev libglib2.0-dev libpipewire-0.3-dev ``` NOTE: Pipewire version 0.3 or later required. Unfortunately, this version is only in the official Ubuntu repository for Ubuntu 20.10 or later. If you use Ubuntu 20.04 or earlier, you need to compile this dependency yourself or use PulseAudio instead. Debian/Ubuntu + **PulseAudio** clients only: ```bash sudo apt install build-essential libarchive-dev qtbase5-private-dev qtbase5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libglibmm-2.4-dev libglib2.0-dev libpulse-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-good1.0-dev ``` **Fedora** Fedora 34 + **PipeWire** clients only: ```bash sudo dnf install libarchive-devel qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtbase-private-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel glibmm24-devel glib2-devel pipewire-devel ``` Fedora 34 + **PulseAudio** clients only: ```bash sudo dnf install libarchive-devel qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtbase-private-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel glibmm24-devel glib2-devel pulseaudio-libs-devel gstreamer1-devel gstreamer1-plugins-good-devel ``` **Arch Linux** Arch Linux + **PipeWire** clients only: ```bash sudo pacman -S libarchive qt5-base qt5-svg glib2 glibmm pipewire ``` Arch Linux + **PulseAudio** clients only: ``` sudo pacman -S libarchive qt5-base qt5-svg glib2 glibmm libpulse gst-plugins-good gstreamer ``` #### Build application Clone git repositories and submodules: ```bash git clone --recursive https://github.com/Audio4Linux/JDSP4Linux ``` Prepare build environment ```bash cd JDSP4Linux mkdir build cd build ``` Compile application - **PipeWire** clients only: ```bash qmake ../JDSP4Linux.pro make ``` Compile application - **PulseAudio** clients only: ```bash qmake ../JDSP4Linux.pro "CONFIG += USE_PULSEAUDIO" make ``` Execute compiled binary ```bash ./src/jamesdsp ``` #### Optional: Manual installation + menu entry Copy binary to /usr/local/bin and set permissions ```bash sudo cp src/jamesdsp /usr/local/bin sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/jamesdsp ``` Create a menu entry ```bash sudo cat <