jPicEdt is a software aimed at alleviating the burden of using
PSTricks, eepic or LaTeX's picture environment macros in a LaTeX
file. It allows the user to draw graphical objects using graphic
primitives (e.g. splines, arcs, polygons,...), position them easily
with the mouse, and add text using LaTeX/PSTricks box commands
(e.g. dashbox, psframebox,...).

This is a repackaging of the JPicEdt distribution jar archive.

There is a required pstricks-add.{sty,tex} available in
add-ons/Tex-macros of the source.  The versions supplied with
Slackware's tetex package are newer and seem to work fine by default;
however, if you encounter any problems with it, you might try using the
files supplied with JPicEdt.