TreeGraph (2): A feature rich and easy to use phylogenetic tree editor

TreeGraph (2) is a is graphical editor for phylogenetic trees, which
allows to apply various of graphical formats and edit operations and
supports several (visible or invisible) annotations attached to nodes
or branches. Data can be imported from many tree formats, tables and
BayesTraits output.

A key feature is the interactive comparison and combination of
alternative topologies from different analyses.

Key features
- Read trees in Newick, Nexus format (including annotations in hot
  comments), NeXML or PhyloXML
- Import annotations from text files or combine information from
  different phylogenetic analyses
- An unlimited number of numerical or textual annotations on every
- Export trees to various vector and (anti-aliased) pixel graphic
  formats (e.g. PDF, SVG, EMF or PNG)
- Many global and element specific formats like line width or color
  and text formats
- Versatile editing and formatting options, such as automatically
  setting branch widths or colors according to the value of any
  attached data
- Editing operations like rerooting, ladderizing or moving and
  collapsing nodes or copying or manually creating whole clades
- Generate commands and import data for ancestral state reconstruction

TreeGraph 2 has been published in BMC Bioinformatics:
Stöver BC, Müller KF: TreeGraph 2: Combining and visualizing evidence
from different phylogenetic analyses. BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11:7
DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-11-7


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and click the download link.