variables: FF_DISABLE_UMASK_FOR_DOCKER_EXECUTOR: "true" # renovate: datasource=gitlab-releases depName=gitlab-org/cli GLAB_VERSION: 1.36.0 # renovate: datasource=docker depName=aclemons/sbo-maintainer-tools versioning=docker SBO_MAINTAINER_TOOLS_IMAGE: aclemons/sbo-maintainer-tools:0.9.0-15.0@sha256:a857eeb783622430a77ffdc0e9be0fa7d38b4d30696f362454eb990614a5ade8 workflow: rules: - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event' default: image: docker:25.0.2@sha256:c5353bc15e6746f7dec07a61346e9bbd2a19291d1e4306d15b745cb343dd84b5 services: - docker:25.0.2-dind@sha256:c5353bc15e6746f7dec07a61346e9bbd2a19291d1e4306d15b745cb343dd84b5 pr-checks: script: | set -e set -o pipefail apk add git wget --quiet "$GLAB_VERSION/downloads/glab_""$GLAB_VERSION""_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz" tar -xf "glab_""$GLAB_VERSION""_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz" bin/glab chmod 0755 bin/glab mv bin/glab /usr/local/bin rm -rf bin docker pull "$SBO_MAINTAINER_TOOLS_IMAGE" git diff-tree --name-only --diff-filter=d --no-commit-id -r $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA $CI_COMMIT_SHA | sed '/^\./d' | sed -n '/[^\/][^\/]*\/[^\/][^\/]*\//p' | xargs -I xx dirname xx | sort -u | while read -r project ; do mkfifo pipe tee sbolint-output < pipe & exec 3>pipe set +e docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/work" -w /work "$SBO_MAINTAINER_TOOLS_IMAGE" sbolint "$project" >&3 2>&1 sbolint_status="$?" set -e exec 3>&- rm pipe { if [[ "$sbolint_status" -eq 0 ]] ; then printf '#### ✅ sbolint - %s\n\n' "$project ✅" else printf '#### ⛔️ sbolint - %s\n\n' "$project ⛔️" fi printf '```\n' cat sbolint-output rm sbolint-output printf '```\n' } > comment-output if [ -z "$MR_AUTOMATION_TOKEN" ] ; then printf 'No token available for MR comments\n' cat comment-output else # $CI_PROJECT_PATH points to the fork GITLAB_TOKEN="$MR_AUTOMATION_TOKEN" glab mr --repo "" comment $(echo "$CI_OPEN_MERGE_REQUESTS" | cut -d '!' -f2) --unique=true --message "$(cat comment-output)" fi done