From 81927c36c58825e15ce3bb20f7c434be2da30d93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Petar Petrov Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2022 16:54:07 +0100 Subject: academic/ugene: Updated for version 44.0. Signed-off-by: Dave Woodfall --- academic/ugene/README | 14 ++++---------- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) (limited to 'academic/ugene/README') diff --git a/academic/ugene/README b/academic/ugene/README index b0a0c8064c3d2..6ef0504bd45cb 100644 --- a/academic/ugene/README +++ b/academic/ugene/README @@ -38,22 +38,16 @@ program. All of them are available at - bowtie2 (A tool for aligning sequencing reads) - bwa (Burrows-Wheeler Aligner) - cap3 (CAP3: A DNA sequence assembly program) -- cistrome-CEAS (CEAS: Cis-regulatory Element Annotation System) -- cistrome-conductGO (Find the top-n highest expressed TFs) -- cistrome-extra (Cistrome Applications Harvard extra apps) -- cistrome-MACS (MACS: Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq) -- cistrome-mdseqpos (Cistrome Applications Harvard mdseqpos) -- clark-ugene (Ugene's forked CLAssifier based on Reduced K-mers) - clustalo (Clustal Omega) - clustalw (Multiple Sequence Alignment) - cufflinks (A reference-guided assembler for RNA-Seq experiments) - cutadapt (Trim adapters from high-throughput sequencing reads) -- diamond (A sequence aligner for protein and translated DNA) - fastqc (A quality control tool for high throughput sequence data) - HMMER (Biosequence analysis using profile hidden Markov models) -- kraken (Assign taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences) -- MetaPhlAn (Metagenomic Phylogenetic Analysis) -- ncbi-blast (BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) +- iqtree (Efficient and versatile phylogenomic software by ML) +- MetaPhlAn2 (Metagenomic Phylogenetic Analysis) +- mafft (A multiple sequence alignment program) +- mrbayes (MrBayes: Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny) - ncbi-blast+ (BLAST+ Command Line Applications) - PhyML (Phylogenetic estimation using Maximum Likelihood) - samtools-legacy (Sequence Alignment/Map Tools) -- cgit v1.2.3