#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.16.0; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Test::More; use Capture::Tiny qw/ capture_merged /; use FindBin '$RealBin'; use lib $RealBin; use Test::Sbotools qw/ set_pkg_dir make_slackbuilds_txt set_lo sboconfig sboinstall sboupgrade restore_perf_dummy /; use File::Temp 'tempdir'; if ($ENV{TEST_INSTALL}) { plan tests => 10; } else { plan skip_all => 'Only run these tests if TEST_INSTALL=1'; } $ENV{TEST_ONLINE} //= 0; sub cleanup { capture_merged { system(qw!/sbin/removepkg nonexistentslackbuild!); system(qw!/sbin/removepkg nonexistentslackbuild4!); system(qw!/sbin/removepkg nonexistentslackbuild5!); unlink "$RealBin/LO/nonexistentslackbuild/perf.dummy"; unlink "$RealBin/LO2/nonexistentslackbuild/perf.dummy"; unlink "$RealBin/LO2/nonexistentslackbuild4/perf.dummy"; unlink "$RealBin/LO2/nonexistentslackbuild5/perf.dummy"; system(qw!rm -rf /tmp/SBo/nonexistentslackbuild-1.0!); system(qw!rm -rf /tmp/SBo/nonexistentslackbuild-1.1!); system(qw!rm -rf /tmp/SBo/nonexistentslackbuild4-1.1!); system(qw!rm -rf /tmp/SBo/nonexistentslackbuild5-1.1!); system(qw!rm -rf /tmp/package-nonexistentslackbuild!); system(qw!rm -rf /tmp/package-nonexistentslackbuild4!); system(qw!rm -rf /tmp/package-nonexistentslackbuild5!); }; } cleanup(); make_slackbuilds_txt(); set_lo("$RealBin/LO"); my $pkgdir = tempdir(CLEANUP => 1); set_pkg_dir($pkgdir); restore_perf_dummy(); # 1-2: install creates package in PKG_DIR sboinstall 'nonexistentslackbuild', { input => "y\ny", expected => qr!\Qnonexistentslackbuild-1.0-noarch-1_SBo.tgz stored in $pkgdir! }; ok (-f "$pkgdir/nonexistentslackbuild-1.0-noarch-1_SBo.tgz", 'nonexistentslackbuild-1.0-noarch-1_SBo.tgz is in PKG_DIR'); # 3-4: upgrading also creates package in PKG_DIR set_lo("$RealBin/LO2"); sboupgrade 'nonexistentslackbuild', { input => "y\ny", expected => qr!\Qnonexistentslackbuild-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz stored in $pkgdir! }; ok (-f "$pkgdir/nonexistentslackbuild-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz", 'nonexistentslackbuild-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz is in PKG_DIR'); # 5-7: installing with deps also creates packages in PKG_DIR sboinstall 'nonexistentslackbuild4', { input => "y\ny\ny", expected => sub { /\Qnonexistentslackbuild4-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz stored in $pkgdir/ and /\Qnonexistentslackbuild5-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz stored in $pkgdir/ } }; ok (-f "$pkgdir/nonexistentslackbuild4-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz", 'nonexistentslackbuild4-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz is in PKG_DIR'); ok (-f "$pkgdir/nonexistentslackbuild5-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz", 'nonexistentslackbuild5-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz is in PKG_DIR'); capture_merged { system(qw/ rm -rf /, $pkgdir); system(qw! /sbin/removepkg nonexistentslackbuild !); }; # 8-9: make sure PKG_DIR gets recreated sboinstall 'nonexistentslackbuild', { input => "y\ny", expected => qr!\Qnonexistentslackbuild-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz stored in $pkgdir! }; ok (-f "$pkgdir/nonexistentslackbuild-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz", 'nonexistentslackbuild-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz is in PKG_DIR'); capture_merged { system(qw/ rm -rf /, $pkgdir ); system(qw! /sbin/removepkg nonexistentslackbuild !); system('touch', $pkgdir); }; # 10: creating PKG_DIR should fail properly sboinstall 'nonexistentslackbuild', { input => "y\ny", expected => sub { /\QUnable to create $pkgdir/ and /\Qnonexistentslackbuild-1.1-noarch-1_SBo.tgz left in / } }; capture_merged { system('rm', $pkgdir); }; # Cleanup END { cleanup(); }