#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.16.0; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Test::More; use Capture::Tiny qw/ capture_merged /; use FindBin '$RealBin'; use lib $RealBin; use Test::Sbotools qw/ set_repo sbosnap /; if ($ENV{TEST_INSTALL}) { plan tests => 5; } else { plan skip_all => 'Only run these tests if TEST_INSTALL=1'; } sub cleanup { capture_merged { system(qw!rm -rf !, "$RealBin/gitrepo"); if (defined $ENV{TRAVIS} and $ENV{TRAVIS} eq 'true') { system(qw!userdel test!); system(qw!groupdel test!); } }; } sub slurp { my $file = shift; local $/; open my $fh, '<', $file or return undef; my $contents = <$fh>; return $contents; } cleanup(); # initialise repo capture_merged { system(<<"END"); }; cd "$RealBin"; rm -rf gitrepo; mkdir gitrepo; cd gitrepo; git init; echo "echo Hello" > test; git add test; git commit -m 'initial'; git checkout -b b1; echo 'echo "Hello World."' > test; git commit -am 'branch commit'; git checkout master; echo 'echo "Hello World"' > test; git commit -am 'master commit'; END if (defined $ENV{TRAVIS} and $ENV{TRAVIS} eq 'true') { capture_merged { system(<<"END"); }; groupadd -g 199 test useradd -u 199 -g 199 -d /tmp test chown -R 199:199 $RealBin/gitrepo END } set_repo("$RealBin/gitrepo/"); # 1: sbosnap get initial repo sbosnap 'fetch', { expected => qr!Pulling SlackBuilds tree.*Cloning into '/usr/sbo/repo'!s }; # 2-3: check ownership of repodir if under TRAVIS SKIP: { skip "Only run under Travis CI", 2 unless defined $ENV{TRAVIS} and $ENV{TRAVIS} eq 'true'; my @fnames = glob "$RealBin/gitrepo/.git/objects/*/*"; my @stat = stat shift @fnames; is ($stat[4], 199, "Correct owner uid for $RealBin/gitrepo"); is ($stat[5], 199, "Correct owner gid for $RealBin/gitrepo"); } # make a conflict capture_merged { system(<<"END"); }; cd "$RealBin"; cd gitrepo; git reset --hard b1 END # 4: sbosnap update through merge conflict sbosnap 'update', { expected => qr!Updating SlackBuilds tree.*master.*->.*origin/master.*forced update.*HEAD is now at!s }; # 5: make sure test repo is merged correctly is (slurp('/usr/sbo/repo/test'), <<"END", 'repo test file updated correctly'); echo "Hello World." END # Cleanup END { cleanup(); }